Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Your area is exactly that, your area. Not an exact representation of the entire country and African American population. I see people of all colors and races that are both successful and ones that are just getting by in life. What you don't comprehend is that the journey to become successful in this country for a minority is much, much harder than it is for someone who is white. Whites have so many more opportunities afforded them just because of their skin color. But I see just as many lazy spoiled white Americans in my area as any other race. The difference you see is more of an "American problem" than just an African-American problem.

One thing I CAN comprehend even though my intelligence level is far inferior to what you perceive as your superior intellect, is that people can sit around til hell freezes over making excuses as to why they can't get a job. Or they can wait for a check, or WIC or food stamps to take care of them.

Personally, I would rather work than make excuses. At one point I had FOUR part time jobs at the same time because I refused to depend on welfare. Last school year I had to get reduced lunch for my child so she could eat lunch, because I was trying to make a business succeed and was flat friggin broke. Business went bust, back to FT work I went. Now I pay for her lunch because it's my responsibility. I don't make excuses..... I work!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
One thing I CAN comprehend even though my intelligence level is far inferior to what you perceive as your superior intellect, is that people can sit around til hell freezes over making excuses as to why they can't get a job. Or they can wait for a check, or WIC or food stamps to take care of them.

Personally, I would rather work than make excuses. At one point I had FOUR part time jobs at the same time because I refused to depend on welfare. Last school year I had to get reduced lunch for my child so she could eat lunch, because I was trying to make a business succeed and was flat friggin broke. Business went bust, back to FT work I went. Now I pay for her lunch because it's my responsibility. I don't make excuses..... I work!

And one more thing, if one is in an area where you can't get ahead or get by, MOVE.

Oops. Didn't mean to quote myself. Lol.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Right. And if blacks are disproportionately poor, it is because they lack your superior work ethic and are lazy. That's why I took your previous statement as a "yes".
People on welfare are lazy, and last time Iooked those people come in a lot of colors.


That’s Craptacular
More excuses. Plenty of people, myself included, have done it.
I had to move one time a few years ago..completely unexpectedly. So, all I could find was an overpriced apt, but I had to live somewhere so I scraped together the cash. Found myself in a situation where even working 7 days a week...I was barely covering the rent and bills....I would literally not have a nickel to spare between paychecks.

I remember one week I had pink eye, and had to shell out a $10 copay to go to the dr, which came out of my grocery money. So, by Wednesday of that week, I can remember sitting in my car after work, rolling a big bag full of pennies (which at the time was litterally all the money I had in the world) to buy a friggin loaf of bread, because I was starving and all I had left at home was pb and jelly...and needed something to put it on. Now I have a house and a brand new car and a 401k....You live, you learn.


Staff member
I have a question for you. If Black people can come here from Africa and the Caribbean with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and become successful, what is holding back Black Americans?
Really? 2014 and this is a real and honest question? How obvious that we haven't come far at all.


Staff member
So let me get this right. YOU, one of the quickest on this site to pull the race card and call someone racist, is telling me that I shouldn't judge other people. Hmmmm.
You aren't a racist. You're self-righteous with an inflated ego. But it's easier to turn your wrath on the "lesser", the poor, the WIC recipients, and the disability crowd and feel "accomplished", that you've "arrived" than it is to see how manipulated and trapped you are within the same system. For all your pride and toil, you remain one of the 99%, an "operational need". They don't even have to tell you how you're different in order for them to "divide and conquer"; you do that for them. You believe in a corrupt economic system of "too big to fail" and an unjust legal system that's "up for sale" not because you see it work for others, but because you are convinced it has worked for you. That such things have happened in your life can only mean that they must be possible in all. That opportunity is everywhere for the taking. You are living in a fairytale of self delusion, a matrix of corporate fantasy that drains you of empathy and clarity.
You aren't a racist. You're self-righteous with an inflated ego. But it's easier to turn your wrath on the "lesser", the poor, the WIC recipients, and the disability crowd and feel "accomplished", that you've "arrived" than it is to see how manipulated and trapped you are within the same system. For all your pride and toil, you remain one of the 99%, an "operational need". They don't even have to tell you how you're different in order for them to "divide and conquer"; you do that for them. You believe in a corrupt economic system of "too big to fail" and an unjust legal system that's "up for sale" not because you see it work for others, but because you are convinced it has worked for you. That such things have happened in your life can only mean that they must be possible in all. That opportunity is everywhere for the taking. You are living in a fairytale of self delusion, a matrix of corporate fantasy that drains you of empathy and clarity.
That was pretty mean,DWAG!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
You aren't a racist. You're self-righteous with an inflated ego. But it's easier to turn your wrath on the "lesser", the poor, the WIC recipients, and the disability crowd and feel "accomplished", that you've "arrived" than it is to see how manipulated and trapped you are within the same system. For all your pride and toil, you remain one of the 99%, an "operational need". They don't even have to tell you how you're different in order for them to "divide and conquer"; you do that for them. You believe in a corrupt economic system of "too big to fail" and an unjust legal system that's "up for sale" not because you see it work for others, but because you are convinced it has worked for you. That such things have happened in your life can only mean that they must be possible in all. That opportunity is everywhere for the taking. You are living in a fairytale of self delusion, a matrix of corporate fantasy that drains you of empathy and clarity.

RFLMAO!! Golly gee bbsam, you just have me all figured out. LMAO!
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Well-Known Member


This would be of interest if it were true, which it isn't.