Operational needs
Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Your area is exactly that, your area. Not an exact representation of the entire country and African American population. I see people of all colors and races that are both successful and ones that are just getting by in life. What you don't comprehend is that the journey to become successful in this country for a minority is much, much harder than it is for someone who is white. Whites have so many more opportunities afforded them just because of their skin color. But I see just as many lazy spoiled white Americans in my area as any other race. The difference you see is more of an "American problem" than just an African-American problem.
One thing I CAN comprehend even though my intelligence level is far inferior to what you perceive as your superior intellect, is that people can sit around til hell freezes over making excuses as to why they can't get a job. Or they can wait for a check, or WIC or food stamps to take care of them.
Personally, I would rather work than make excuses. At one point I had FOUR part time jobs at the same time because I refused to depend on welfare. Last school year I had to get reduced lunch for my child so she could eat lunch, because I was trying to make a business succeed and was flat friggin broke. Business went bust, back to FT work I went. Now I pay for her lunch because it's my responsibility. I don't make excuses..... I work!