Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
Or you just wanting to believe 1 side of the story, and throw away the rest of the testimonies.
Too bad you chose to throw away the police officer's testimony and believe the criminals and welfare queens.
Not at all. Thats what courts are for.


Staff member
Or you just wanting to believe 1 side of the story, and throw away the rest of the testimonies.
Too bad you chose to throw away the police officer's testimony and believe the criminals and welfare queens.
What makes them "criminals and welfare queens "?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Too bad you choose to throw away the testimony of civilians and believe the government officer who has everything to lose.
All the evidence says the police officer's story is plausible, and the pro-Mike Brown crowd's stories are just that.
STORIES. MADE UP STORIES because they hate cops and they hate white people, but the especially hate white cops.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What makes them "criminals and welfare queens "?
Mike Brown and his pal just robbed a store. That makes them criminals.
All the supposed eye-witnesses were out in the street, and protested for days.
I couldn't do that. I have a job. Those ADULTS obviously didn't. Hence the welfare queen title.
You really needed this explained to you?
Not a deep thinker?
Typical of lazy Democrats.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mike Brown and his pal just robbed a store. That makes them criminals.


Wrong again.

It makes them "SUSPECTS". Convictions makes them criminals. Mike Brown never was charged, tried or convicted of anything.

Maybe you forgot the presumption of innocence in this country?

Oh wait, FOX news told you he was guilty, so throw out his fundamental rights.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Mike Brown went to his grave an INNOCENT man under the law, unless of course, you dont believe the constitution and the law doesnt apply to him because he was black?

He attacked a cop, so no.
I think he gave up rights when he robbed a store, then attacked a cop.
And I don't care if he was black, green or orange with blue pokadots, he was still a criminal.


Staff member
He attacked a cop, so no.
I think he gave up rights when he robbed a store, then attacked a cop.
And I don't care if he was black, green or orange with blue pokadots, he was still a criminal.
I bet you saw Waco and Ruby Ridge far differently.


Well-Known Troll
I bet you saw Waco and Ruby Ridge far differently.

The schmucks in Waco deserved what they got, especially the "leader" who raped kids and said he was Jesus.

I don't know enough about Ruby Ridge to comment on that one, maybe I'll read up on it and get back to you.

If I was put in a situation where I felt I needed to use deadly force, the last thing I'm going to consider is skin color. To use that argument is incorrect and stupid


Staff member
The schmucks in Waco deserved what they got, especially the "leader" who raped kids and said he was Jesus.

I don't know enough about Ruby Ridge to comment on that one, maybe I'll read up on it and get back to you.

If I was put in a situation where I felt I needed to use deadly force, the last thing I'm going to consider is skin color. To use that argument is incorrect and stupid
Actually, you're wrong about Waco and the government was forced to admit as much. Same at Ruby Ridge. I think they will end up doing the same in Ferguson.