Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
Well, then it is factually inaccurate and as such I'm not going to waste my time reading it
Well it's a pretty big part of our nation's history with consequences in Oklahoma City. But it's a free country and choosing to remain in the dark about history isn't against the law.


swollen member
spill your evil side and how you loved the consequences in Oklahoma city... you can't wait...

it's totally unrelated but you can't help but bring it up, over and over again.... le reddit would love you as a member


Staff member
spill your evil side and how you loved the consequences in Oklahoma city... you can't wait...

it's totally unrelated but you can't help but bring it up, over and over again.... le reddit would love you as a member
I still have no idea where you come up with that.


Staff member
you keep talking...simple
Yes, well check it out if you like. The United States has a history of abusive law enforcement tactics. In the cases I have mentioned (Waco and Ruby Ridge) there have been court challenges that have changed the rules of engagement for the government in the use of deadly force by law enforcement. Ferguson is yet another example where it come into question whether or not law enforcement exceeded their authority. Not too difficult to follow along. QED.


Well-Known Troll
Well it's a pretty big part of our nation's history with consequences in Oklahoma City. But it's a free country and choosing to remain in the dark about history isn't against the law.

I meant the article. Tens of thousands of people watched WACO get blown the hell up, and they didn't bomb a building full of federal workers and children.

He blew up the building because a child rapist was killed?


Staff member
I meant the article. Tens of thousands of people watched WACO get blown the hell up, and they didn't bomb a building full of federal workers and children.

He blew up the building because a child rapist was killed?
Nobody is defending McVeigh. He blew up the building because he was a terrorist.

Nobody is defending the looters and rioters. They are breaking the law.

But we do need to look very closely at law enforcement in Ferguson both in this specific case and possibly in general and if there was an abuse of power and an illegal killing, those responsible need to be dealt with. I don't see anythinges radical about that position give the history of law enforcement in this country and I thank God it's a country that won't allow such governmental action to be swept away without challenge.


Well-Known Troll
But we do need to look very closely at law enforcement in Ferguson both in this specific case and possibly in general and if there was an abuse of power and an illegal killing, those responsible need to be dealt with. I don't see anythinges radical about that position give the history of law enforcement in this country and I thank God it's a country that won't allow such governmental action to be swept away without challenge.

Agree to disagree. I firmly stand by my position, that if you are told by the police to do something minor/routine, then just shutup and do it, and lessen your chances of getting shot.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Nobody is defending McVeigh. He blew up the building because he was a terrorist.

Nobody is defending the looters and rioters. They are breaking the law.

But we do need to look very closely at law enforcement in Ferguson both in this specific case and possibly in general and if there was an abuse of power and an illegal killing, those responsible need to be dealt with. I don't see anythinges radical about that position give the history of law enforcement in this country and I thank God it's a country that won't allow such governmental action to be swept away without challenge.
I agree that law enforcement needs to be held accountable but it is factually inaccurate to compare what happened in Ferguson to what happened at Ruby Ridge, or in Waco.

In Ferguson, officer Wilson had split seconds to react to being physically assaulted by a person we have on tape committing a violent felony. At Ruby Ridge and Waco, overzealous federal law enforcement agencies had months to plan out how they were going to serve warrants on charges that, at Ruby Ridge at least, were basically bogus.

In Ferguson, officer Wilson fired his handgun at a man who was or had just assaulted him and was feet away. At Ruby Ridge, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi used a scoped, high-powered rifle to murder an unarmed woman who was 200 yards away and holding a baby in her arms. Horiuchi was ultimately indicted on murder charges by a Boundary County grand jury but the charges were dismissed based upon the Sovereign Immunity of the Federal government.


Staff member
I agree that law enforcement needs to be held accountable but it is factually inaccurate to compare what happened in Ferguson to what happened at Ruby Ridge, or in Waco.

In Ferguson, officer Wilson had split seconds to react to being physically assaulted by a person we have on tape committing a violent felony. At Ruby Ridge and Waco, overzealous federal law enforcement agencies had months to plan out how they were going to serve warrants on charges that, at Ruby Ridge at least, were basically bogus.

In Ferguson, officer Wilson fired his handgun at a man who was or had just assaulted him and was feet away. At Ruby Ridge, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi used a scoped, high-powered rifle to murder an unarmed woman who was 200 yards away and holding a baby in her arms. Horiuchi was ultimately indicted on murder charges by a Boundary County grand jury but the charges were dismissed based upon the Sovereign Immunity of the Federal government.
I think that what happened in Ferguson is still a relatively unknown. It may have been exactly as you say, that he had virtually no choice in defending himself.

It may, however, be quite different. You often paint Wilson as human, as in a position forced to defend himself with deadly force. It's at least as plausible that rage rather than fear was the motivating feeling. Wilson, a law enforcement agent, had just gotten the crap beaten out of himself by a punk kid (if the stories are true). Brown had moved away. Had disrespected the officer, refused to obey and moved away. Think about that. It is entirely possible that Wilson was pissed, had a bruised ego to go along with a smashed face and rather than wait for backup decided to continue on. Split seconds? At some point Brown was 20 to 30 feet from the car.

No matter which story you favor, there are more questions right now than answers. That's what the courts are for and whether it's a cold sniper from 200 yards or an enraged officer at 30 feet, the citizens of the US deserve the truth and deserve to know that the government cannot use deadly force with impunity.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
You guys still can't wait for the full story?
Im perfectly willing to wait for the full (and truthful) story, as long as it determined by an impartial jury and with the presumption of innocence on Wilsons part....which is a lot more than can be said for some of the protesters who have already made up their minds that he is guilty of racially motivated murder.


Staff member
Im perfectly willing to wait for the full (and truthful) story, as long as it determined by an impartial jury and with the presumption of innocence on Wilsons part....which is a lot more than can be said for some of the protesters who have already made up their minds that he is guilty of racially motivated murder.
As long as "presumption of innocense" isn't synonymous with "some witnesses agree with Wilson so charges can't be brought", then I think we are in agreement. I think we can agree that there are an awful lot of people ready to "let him walk" and "hang him high" without hearing all the evidence. You and I probably aren't 100% innocent in that respect either.


golden ticket member
"Witnesses" don't agree with one side or the other....they are suppose to just tell what they saw happen.
Juries will decide what jives with what.