Nobody is defending McVeigh. He blew up the building because he was a terrorist.
Nobody is defending the looters and rioters. They are breaking the law.
But we do need to look very closely at law enforcement in Ferguson both in this specific case and possibly in general and if there was an abuse of power and an illegal killing, those responsible need to be dealt with. I don't see anythinges radical about that position give the history of law enforcement in this country and I thank God it's a country that won't allow such governmental action to be swept away without challenge.
I agree that law enforcement needs to be held accountable but it is factually inaccurate to compare what happened in Ferguson to what happened at Ruby Ridge, or in Waco.
In Ferguson, officer Wilson had split seconds to react to being physically assaulted by a person we have on tape committing a violent felony. At Ruby Ridge and Waco, overzealous federal law enforcement agencies had
months to plan out how they were going to serve warrants on charges that, at Ruby Ridge at least, were basically bogus.
In Ferguson, officer Wilson fired his handgun at a man who was or had just assaulted him and was
feet away. At Ruby Ridge, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi used a scoped, high-powered rifle to murder an unarmed woman who was
200 yards away and holding a baby in her arms. Horiuchi was ultimately indicted on murder charges by a Boundary County grand jury but the charges were dismissed based upon the Sovereign Immunity of the Federal government.