Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
easy??? anyone can troll

you wanna bet a pizza on the outcome??
The funny thing is that I don't even have to dispute the limited evidence to come to the conclusion you think impossible. And rather than disprove anything I've posted you are reduced to name calling. Brilliant of you.


Staff member
Still refusing to face reality?
How so? (I don't really believe you will be able to answer that. The best you seem to do is use the "disagree" icon. No real debate or rationale to your disagreeing. Almost like you've been told what to believe and that's the end of it.)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
How so? (I don't really believe you will be able to answer that. The best you seem to do is use the "disagree" icon. No real debate or rationale to your disagreeing. Almost like you've been told what to believe and that's the end of it.)
I am saying the police officer is 100% innocent.
Mike Brown caused the events that lead to his death.
Nobody told me this. I figured it out based upon the evidence that had slowly been leaked.
And I use the disagree button just because I disagee with what you posted. That is what it is there for.


swollen member
The funny thing is that I don't even have to dispute the limited evidence to come to the conclusion you think impossible. And rather than disprove anything I've posted you are reduced to name calling. Brilliant of you.

you think that's name calling???? hahaahaaa
I'm a truck driver, I know some name calling!


Staff member
I am saying the police officer is 100% innocent.
Mike Brown caused the events that lead to his death.
Nobody told me this. I figured it out based upon the evidence that had slowly been leaked.
And I use the disagree button just because I disagee with what you posted. That is what it is there for.
You can't figure it out based on the leaked evidence because the evidence is inconclusive.


swollen member
it's not textbook, it's real life

MB tries for you gun, shots fired, gets away, then turns around to further escalate another attack... bang, bang you are dead...

Go up and ask any LEO about that scenario?
come back with some real replies
I'm sure you are out and about and run into them occasionally right?


Staff member
it's not textbook, it's real life

MB tries for you gun, shots fired, gets away, then turns around to further escalate another attack... bang, bang you are dead...

Go up and ask any LEO about that scenario?
come back with some real replies
I'm sure you are out and about and run into them occasionally right?
But that's not the scenario. You are conveniently leaving out what I have suggested a prosecutor would put forth if charges are brought...evidence from Wilson's own admission. Same evidence presented different ways.


Staff member
His admission was that backup had been called. That he had been seriously injured and nearly passed out. That he still had his weapon. That the assailant had attempted to flee. That he chose to pursue. I seem to remember all this being part of Wilson's testimony. Is there a reason you are ignoring it?


Inordinately Right
his admission was that the suspect turned around and ran back
And witnesses have stated he was shot from behind while running away....
Who's account do you trust more?
If he wasn't a cop, who would you believe, the shooter or the witnesses?
If witness accounts contradict each other, which ones are more credible?

We don't have all the information, yet the conclusion of most on this thread is that he's a criminal, so it doesn't matter because he "got what he deserved". You guys love the death penalty so much you're willing to give that power directly to police officers.