Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
Just wondering how you and the rest of the TROLL PATROL will react when the officer is exonerated.
He won't be. There won't be any criminal charges and he'll have his life shredded in civil proceedings in which the town, the police department, and Wilson are named as co-defendants. I'm sure being exonerated will absolutely suck for him but you'll get your "hero".


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He won't be. There won't be any criminal charges and he'll have his life shredded in civil proceedings in which the town, the police department, and Wilson are named as co-defendants. I'm sure being exonerated will absolutely suck for him but you'll get your "hero".
They'll get NOTHING.


nowhere special
He won't be. There won't be any criminal charges and he'll have his life shredded in civil proceedings in which the town, the police department, and Wilson are named as co-defendants. I'm sure being exonerated will absolutely suck for him but you'll get your "hero".

I don't think Wilson will get charged but I agree with you that a civil suit has a much better chance of succeeding. Brown's family will probably sue the city who will settle out of court and pay hush money to have everything go away.


Well-Known Member
The "evidence", or at least the portions your link claim to know from secret grand jury proceedings support the possible conclusion that I have put forth. By his own admission, Wilson sustained substantial injury to his face and head. By his own testimony, Wilson had radioed for backup. By his own testimony, Wilson nearly blacked out and yet by his own testimony Wilson chose in his state to continue pursuit.

Yep, Yep, and Yep.

Brown had not disarmed Wilson, was not suddenly posing a deadly threat to the community.

Someone aggressive enough to physically assault a police officer and attempt to take that officer's gun poses a very deadly threat to the community. That level of audacity means that anyone is a potential victim for this animal, and the officer was in the right continue to pursue if not infact obligated to do so.

Breaking off pursuit for the safety of the officer, suspect, and the community is not unheard of.

Probably not, but I imagine that in the world of law enforcement this is left up to the officers discretion as to whether continue pursuit or not. Doing so or not doing so does not equal murderous intent but perhaps concern for the public's safety as a whole.

Brown posed far less threat after that initial confrontation than a high speed chase on a highway.

He has already robbed a business, assaulted a police officer, and if he had been able to take the officers gun from him would have murdered said police officer. I think that puts him in the category of very dangerous.

Now was Wilson just acting on impulse full of adrenaline? Or was he enraged at the audacity of Brown? Does that really matter?

If Wilson wasn't running on adenaline at this point I doubt you could consider him a human. To answer your last question is No, it doesn't matter. His duty to the public is that he stop this animal using any and all means at his disposal.

Hell, Brown has been called a "thug" an "animal". "He had it coming," people here are likely to say. Now of people here on BC are of that opinion, how much more likely is it that Wilson, having just taken a beating, also had that view? Wilson wasn't acting to protect and serve. He was getting payback.
Am I sure of that? Of course not. But the "evidence" thus far is far from definitive as you would like to portray. So much for your softball theory.

Most of this last part of your post is irrelevant. Bottom line for the grand jury is did Officer Wilson murder Michael Brown in cold blood as he was surrendering. If the answer was a clear yes then I would support Officer Wilson's prosecution. Being that the evidence and eye witness accounts are coming increasingly clear the answer is no then its time to pack up the tent because this circus is about over.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's going to happen this way:

#1. No charges will be brought against the officer.

#2. Found NOT LIABLE in th he wrongful death lawsuit brought by MB's family.

#3. Found innocent in the Federal Civil Rights Violation charges.

#4. Officer will settle out of court for any back-pay and benefits owed to him and will be PAID OFF for future earnings since he will be unable to work his job because of racist black people in Ferguson.


Staff member
Yep, Yep, and Yep.

Someone aggressive enough to physically assault a police officer and attempt to take that officer's gun poses a very deadly threat to the community. That level of audacity means that anyone is a potential victim for this animal, and the officer was in the right continue to pursue if not infact obligated to do so.

Probably not, but I imagine that in the world of law enforcement this is left up to the officers discretion as to whether continue pursuit or not. Doing so or not doing so does not equal murderous intent but perhaps concern for the public's safety as a whole.

He has already robbed a business, assaulted a police officer, and if he had been able to take the officers gun from him would have murdered said police officer. I think that puts him in the category of very dangerous.

If Wilson wasn't running on adenaline at this point I doubt you could consider him a human. To answer your last question is No, it doesn't matter. His duty to the public is that he stop this animal using any and all means at his disposal.

Most of this last part of your post is irrelevant. Bottom line for the grand jury is did Officer Wilson murder Michael Brown in cold blood as he was surrendering. If the answer was a clear yes then I would support Officer Wilson's prosecution. Being that the evidence and eye witness accounts are coming increasingly clear the answer is no then its time to pack up the tent because this circus is about over.
Look. You posted our British legal analyst. All I did was take the "evidence" he presented and arranged it in a way that a prosecutor could use the same evidense to charge Wilson. The very same evidence that you believe exonerates Wilson can be used to convince the other way. Neither one is horribly improbable and if this were all the evidence available and a prosecution was forthcoming, conviction or acquittal could boil down to something as subjective jury selection.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I think Wilson will be charged, in the interest of political correctness. Enough reasonable doubt exists that he will be accquitted of any criminal wrongdoing. His family will file a civil suit, and the city will settle out of court for an undisclosed amount. Wilson will resign from the Ferguson police department and pursue a law enforcement career in northern Idaho or Montana.


Inordinately Right
Wilson will resign from the Ferguson police department and pursue a law enforcement career in northern Idaho or Montana.
Fired from first police department in Jennings, Mo because of racial issues..... same thing in Ferguson.... and you think he'll now pursue law enforcement somewhere else? Third times the charm?

Maybe he should find a new line of work.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Fired from first police department in Jennings, Mo because of racial issues..... same thing in Ferguson.... and you think he'll now pursue law enforcement somewhere else? Third times the charm?

Maybe he should find a new line of work.
They fired the whole police force in Jennings. Not just Wilson.
Most of those officers found work at other nearby police depts.
Hardly a knock on Wilson, who was in his rookie year when it happened.


Well-Known Troll
Fired from first police department in Jennings, Mo because of racial issues..... same thing in Ferguson.... and you think he'll now pursue law enforcement somewhere else? Third times the charm?

Maybe he should find a new line of work.

By you guys continuing to play the race card, it only shows that you have nothing else to argue.

"The facts and testimony of a police officer are hard to dispute so let's just call everybody racist!"

Under this president race relations have really gone down the crapper, but hey, you guys got your "historic first black president"


Staff member
By you guys continuing to play the race card, it only shows that you have nothing else to argue.

"The facts and testimony of a police officer are hard to dispute so let's just call everybody racist!"

Under this president race relations have really gone down the crapper, but hey, you guys got your "historic first black president"
So you believe that after all this there will be a a law enforcement agency willing to hire Wilson? How does that police chief answer those obvious questions?


Well-Known Troll
So you believe that after all this there will be a a law enforcement agency willing to hire Wilson? How does that police chief answer those obvious questions?

I never said that. He won't be fired, so it doesn't matter. Any honest police force not afraid of the citizens of its town would hire him, he didn't snap and kill 15 preschoolers in a black neighborhood, he defended himself against a lowlife thug so there shouldn't be any issues.

People making this about a black kid and a horrible white officer are the ones fueling this whole story. They keep rioting and protesting and DEMANDING "justice". What the hell happened to innocent til proven guilty? Oh, once Al and Jesse get aroused, there's no stopping them.

Let them riot and kill each other and burn down their cities, nobody will really care. They won't riot when they kill each other, only when a white POLICE OFFICER shoots a thug who thinks he's better than they are.