Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
His admission was that backup had been called. That he had been seriously injured and nearly passed out. That he still had his weapon. That the assailant had attempted to flee. That he chose to pursue. I seem to remember all this being part of Wilson's testimony. Is there a reason you are ignoring it?
What is your problem with him attempting to pursue?
I mean, it is his job to do that.


Inordinately Right
Or shot whIle he was falling forward?
Equally plausible?
Or shot whIle struggling for the officer's gun.
Take your pick.
I agree.
That's why I'm against someone saying that the coroner's report backs Wilson's testimony. This evidence was leaked with the sole purpose of influencing public opinion. Almost every story was about how the autopsy confirms Wilson's account and you see people here repeating the same presumptuous arguments as fact in this thread.

Let's see what the forensic pathologist who's analysis is being used by the media to claim the autopsy supports Wilson's testimony thinks about it all:

“You cannot interpret autopsy reports in a vacuum. You need to do it in the context of the scene, the investigation and the witness statements,” Dr. Judy Melinek said. “Sometimes when you take things out of context they can be more inflammatory.”


Staff member
What is your problem with him attempting to pursue?
I mean, it is his job to do that.
He's in no condition to do so. And I wonder about his state of mind. Backup is on the way. Michael Brown is not going to get away. Wilson is beaten, nearly unconscious at one point. When he exits the car, gun drawn, what is going through his mind? Pursue and apprehend the suspect or kill the SOB. You see, placed in this context, the exact same evidence that you and our British "expert" are so certain support the officer's account can be used to throw doubt to his story. Nothing is certain at this point. The same "evidence " points in whatever direction the defense or prosecutionot suggests it points in.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He's in no condition to do so. And I wonder about his state of mind. Backup is on the way. Michael Brown is not going to get away. Wilson is beaten, nearly unconscious at one point. When he exits the car, gun drawn, what is going through his mind? Pursue and apprehend the suspect or kill the SOB. You see, placed in this context, the exact same evidence that you and our British "expert" are so certain support the officer's account can be used to throw doubt to his story. Nothing is certain at this point. The same "evidence " points in whatever direction the defense or prosecutionot suggests it points in.
Not fact, your opinion means less than nothing.
Whether he was in condition to pursue is left up to the officer's best judgement.


Staff member
Not fact, your opinion means less than nothing.
Whether he was in condition to pursue is left up to the officer's best judgement.
Incorrect. An officer's best judgement is subject to review and if his judgement is found to be lacking in an unlawful manner he can be subject to criminal proceedings. The "evidence" leaked thus far could be used to exonerate or convict.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I didn't. But if it's this easy for me, just think what a prosecutor will do if given the chance.
And the defense attorney will simply point out the biological fact that fear, adrenaline and injury all impair judgement. Browns assault upon Wilson was the cause of that fear, adrenaline and injury. Hindsight about what Wildon "should" have done while sitting comfortably behind a computer monitor...or in a jury not a fair way to judge the split second, life-or-death decisions made by a man who was in fear for his life and had been violently assaulted.


Staff member
And the defense attorney will simply point out the biological fact that fear, adrenaline and injury all impair judgement. Browns assault upon Wilson was the cause of that fear, adrenaline and injury. Hindsight about what Wildon "should" have done while sitting comfortably behind a computer monitor...or in a jury not a fair way to judge the split second, life-or-death decisions made by a man who was in fear for his life and had been violently assaulted.
Fear and rage remain debatable motivators. Police are held to a different standard, rightly or wrongly.


nowhere special
Fear and rage remain debatable motivators. Police are held to a different standard, rightly or wrongly.

Police ARE held to a different standard but if someone attacks a police officer then the situation gets ratcheted up where the police is reasonably allowed to use more force. Deadly force if he thought his life was in danger.


Staff member
Police ARE held to a different standard but if someone attacks a police officer then the situation gets ratcheted up where the police is reasonably allowed to use more force. Deadly force if he thought his life was in danger.
Depends upon who ratcheted it up. It is possible and could be supported by testimony that is not in dispute that Wilson was negligent in perusing Brown in his condition when he knew backup was on the way. Brown was not going to get away.

That's the point. The evidenice so far is inconclusive.


nowhere special
Depends upon who ratcheted it up. It is possible and could be supported by testimony that is not in dispute that Wilson was negligent in perusing Brown in his condition when he knew backup was on the way. Brown was not going to get away.

That's the point. The evidenice so far is inconclusive.

Read what I said again. if someone attacks a police officer.


Well-Known Troll
Read what I said again. if someone attacks a police officer.

These Michael Brown advocates don't care that MB was the aggressor, the Officer (beaten) should have just politely asked Mr Brown to stop and wait cause his backup was on the way. LMAO. The instant you reach for a cops service weapon, he is in the right to blow you away. Don't want to gey killed by a cop? Don't touch his service weapon


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And witnesses have stated he was shot from behind while running away....
Who's account do you trust more?
If he wasn't a cop, who would you believe, the shooter or the witnesses?
If witness accounts contradict each other, which ones are more credible?

We don't have all the information, yet the conclusion of most on this thread is that he's a criminal, so it doesn't matter because he "got what he deserved". You guys love the death penalty so much you're willing to give that power directly to police officers.
What witnesses say he was shot whIle running away?


Staff member
These Michael Brown advocates don't care that MB was the aggressor, the Officer (beaten) should have just politely asked Mr Brown to stop and wait cause his backup was on the way. LMAO. The instant you reach for a cops service weapon, he is in the right to blow you away. Don't want to gey killed by a cop? Don't touch his service weapon
You got your law degree from where again?


Well-Known Troll
You got your law degree from where again?

One doesn't need a law degree to see the gaping holes in the reports of the brown lover clan. Gun residue on the hands of an "UNARMED Black boy" as they keep saying. Where does that residue come from then?? The instant that "little kid" (what, 6'+ 200 something pounds) went for his gun he brought that death penalty on himself. If officer Wilson is brought to trial (I don't think he will be), then the legal system will have failed him.

This is not vigilante justice here, we're talking about a 6 year veteran with NO complaints ever, but one day he just decided to go shoot a black kid in the back? If that's the case, why didn't he shoot the "eyewitness" friend who was an accomplice to robbery? Surely he had enough bullets, and if both their backs were to him, it would have been simple. Shoot the skinny guy first, the fat kid isn't going to be so quick to run away.


Staff member
One doesn't need a law degree to see the gaping holes in the reports of the brown lover clan. Gun residue on the hands of an "UNARMED Black boy" as they keep saying. Where does that residue come from then?? The instant that "little kid" (what, 6'+ 200 something pounds) went for his gun he brought that death penalty on himself. If officer Wilson is brought to trial (I don't think he will be), then the legal system will have failed him.

This is not vigilante justice here, we're talking about a 6 year veteran with NO complaints ever, but one day he just decided to go shoot a black kid in the back? If that's the case, why didn't he shoot the "eyewitness" friend who was an accomplice to robbery? Surely he had enough bullets, and if both their backs were to him, it would have been simple. Shoot the skinny guy first, the fat kid isn't going to be so quick to run away.
See? Now you're asking questions that we don't have the answers to. Maybe those get leaked this weekend. Until then, we don't know if, how, or when a prosecution takes place.