Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


nowhere special
Wilson's career as a street cop in Ferguson is obviously finished. I think he will be stuck in some dead end desk job until he gets fed up and quits.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
For the record, I disagree with anyone who says that bbsam is a "troll."

He brings a different perspective to the debate than I do, but he makes plausible points.

A human being was shot and killed, and another human being is facing potential criminal charges for his actions. All possibilites need to be examined and all viewpoints need to be heard.

I happen to believe...based upon the evidence revealed so far...that Wilson's actions were justified under the law. But if there is sufficient evidence to the contrary, then he should be held accountable. I am willing to keep an open mind and trust that the system will deliver justice. I hope others do the same.


Staff member
For the record, I disagree with anyone who says that bbsam is a "troll."

He brings a different perspective to the debate than I do, but he makes plausible points.

A human being was shot and killed, and another human being is facing potential criminal charges for his actions. All possibilites need to be examined and all viewpoints need to be heard.

I happen to believe...based upon the evidence revealed so far...that Wilson's actions were justified under the law. But if there is sufficient evidence to the contrary, then he should be held accountable. I am willing to keep an open mind and trust that the system will deliver justice. I hope others do the same.
No troll to me. Part orc, a little draconian, but mostly black and swede.


Well-Known Member
Look. You posted our British legal analyst. All I did was take the "evidence" he presented and arranged it in a way that a prosecutor could use the same evidense to charge Wilson. The very same evidence that you believe exonerates Wilson can be used to convince the other way. Neither one is horribly improbable and if this were all the evidence available and a prosecution was forthcoming, conviction or acquittal could boil down to something as subjective jury selection.

That prosecutor would have to be either very desperate or stupid to arrange the facts in the manner you stated. That is not a very high hurdle to overcome in terms of debate. If your point was the prosecutor could try to ignore basic principles and duties of law enforcement and put forth an argument that would almost certainly be a loser in an actual trial not withstanding surviving a grand jury scrutiny then I suppose you have something there, but its not much to go on.

What I find truly sad about your continued support for this Officer's prosecution is the fact that you are trying to make a case out of nothing, and when that happens often enough it starts to overshadow true cases of racism. Instead of taking a case where race had nothing to do with the outcome and trying to make it sound like it did, you save your outrage for cases where it could most definitely apply. Like the trooper in SC that shot a black man at a gas station trying to retrieve his license. I found that completely outrageous. In fact youtube is chock full of police behaving badly videos that would bring anyone's blood pressure up. Why this case where race had exactly 0% connection to the final outcome do you have to put all your energy into trying to convince the world otherwise?


Staff member
That prosecutor would have to be either very desperate or stupid to arrange the facts in the manner you stated. That is not a very high hurdle to overcome in terms of debate. If your point was the prosecutor could try to ignore basic principles and duties of law enforcement and put forth an argument that would almost certainly be a loser in an actual trial not withstanding surviving a grand jury scrutiny then I suppose you have something there, but its not much to go on.

What I find truly sad about your continued support for this Officer's prosecution is the fact that you are trying to make a case out of nothing, and when that happens often enough it starts to overshadow true cases of racism. Instead of taking a case where race had nothing to do with the outcome and trying to make it sound like it did, you save your outrage for cases where it could most definitely apply. Like the trooper in SC that shot a black man at a gas station trying to retrieve his license. I found that completely outrageous. In fact youtube is chock full of police behaving badly videos that would bring anyone's blood pressure up. Why this case where race had exactly 0% connection to the final outcome do you have to put all your energy into trying to convince the world otherwise?
Your problem is that you continue to be certain there won't be a procecution based on very limited "evidence". We don't have all the facts. The ones we do have could point either way. I don't care if there's a prosecution or not as long as the complete process with a fair grand jury is completed. I've been very consistent with this stance.