Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The justice system in Florida is stuck in the 1950's. Just about anywhere else he would've been found guilty. Sooner or later karma will catch up to him. I'm guessing he will eventually run into someone who is armed and " fears for their life".
Sour grapes or sore loser?
Can't wait to see your post after the officer is vindicated.


Staff member
Why should we cheerleaders or use him as our poster boy?
Justice was served. Now we move on.
We want justice in Ferguson. No lynch mobs, but a careful review of the facts, and interviews of all the witnesses.
If those things happen, justice will be served in Ferguson too.
They shouldnt beause Z is running around being the thug he's always been. He's not a hero and never has been.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
No. He was found "not guilty" by the justice system. But where are his cheerleaders now? He's pretty much left to "karma" now. Will be interested to see where he ends up 10 years from now.
He was charged with the wrong crime for political reasons. The evidence was not there for a murder conviction, but I think they could have got him on negligent homicide or 2nd degree manslaughter.


Well-Known Member
This situation is one example...there are thousands of other examples.

Regardless of the race of the po-po and the race of the citizen that the po-po shot dead, there is a real disconnect between the well-armed police force and the citizens for whom the police are mandated to 'serve and protect'.

I think there needs to be a nation-wide re-think within the police ranks about when/if deadly force is necessary/warranted.

With regard to the Mike Brown case, if he was in fact trying to wrest a police officers' gun away, ask yourself, if you were the cop, what would you do?

With regard to the Mike Brown case, if Brown was in fact trying to evade the cops' illegitimate handling of his personal freedoms, what would you do?

There are just too many documented examples of unwarranted deadly force being employed by cops.

It's a pickle...


Well-Known Troll
I bet some people could say the same for you.;)

Wow.....I'm shocked you'd say something like that...oh, no I'm not.

I don't give a rats fat hairy behind what people think about me. People who know me better have probably said worse from time to time.

At least I'm not 6 feet under in a box.

Screw michael brown, screw his mama's crying. You raise a thug and then are pissed when he's shot by a cop while being a thug? That's what you get, "lady"
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Well-Known Member
Wow.....I'm shocked you'd say something like that...oh, no I'm not.

I don't give a rats fat hairy behind what people think about me. People who know me better have probably said worse from time to time.

At least I'm not 6 feet under in a box.

Screw michael brown, screw his mama's crying. You raise a thug and then are pissed when he's shot by a cop while being a thug? That's what you get, "lady"
You sound like a wannabe thug to me. I hope you don't have the same fate as Michael Brown.


nowhere special
Ferguson protest leaders seek heads-up on decision
"After the verdict, no matter what it is, people are going to pour into the street — either in celebration or in rage," said Montague Simmons, chairman of the Organization for Black Struggle.

Does anyone believe there will be white people dancing in the streets celebrating (and rioting, burning, and looting) if the grand jury decides to not charge Wilson? Or is it more likely there will be rioting in rage by black people if Wilson isn't charged? So much for people letting the evidence decide.


The Nim
Why do police departments hold such security over this information? Why are they so afraid of letting people know what they know?

The best answer I can give is so they don't potentially taint a jury pool releasing information as it comes out which can later be found as wrong as they find more out. The most accurate information they can provide is usually only given when it goes to court. I know there's crooked areas out there, but as an investigation is conducted, they often have to rethink and refocus, the media distributions of every little piece of information will only cause confusion and tainted opinions as we all know the general populous does not fully research and have open opinions. They tend to latch on to the first bit they agree with and it's a struggle to change it. Not the best thing in a court of law where someone is innocent until proven guilty.