Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Well-Known Troll
Does anyone believe there will be white people dancing in the streets celebrating (and rioting, burning, and looting) if the grand jury decides to not charge Wilson? Or is it more likely there will be rioting in rage by black people if Wilson isn't charged? So much for people letting the evidence decide.

The latter. They love to riot when sports teams win, so the odds of them rioting here WHEN Officer Wilson is not brought up on charges are 100%.

Close up your businesses really tight, owners!


Strength through joy
Best if the city just fenced off whole sections of their city and let the "protesters " have their way .
No one will be allowed to leave until after all the fires have died out .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Looks like the county's coroner's office just released the results of their autopsy and it mostly collaborates officer Wilson's account of what happened.
The TROLL PATROL was wrong on this as well as Tuesday's election results.
Is there anything the TROLL PATROL is right about?


golden ticket member
Travelled all the way to Switzerland to complain to the UN.
Wouldn't it totally tick them off if we didn't let them back in ??

Who paid for 10 of them to go to Switzerland. ???

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Best if the city just fenced off whole sections of their city and let the "protesters " have their way .
No one will be allowed to leave until after all the fires have died out .
Don't let them leave at all. Even after the fires have burned out. Demolishing the ghetto only ruins the surrounding areas when they infest them because they burned down their hood.


Retired 23 years
They need to send in a bunch of Korean's. Them guys didn't screw around during the Rodney King Riots in LA.

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Well-Known Member
1st video: Darren Wilson, his union lawyer Greg Kloeppel, and two police officers leave the Ferguson police station for the hospital at 2:08 p.m. on Aug. 9, the day Wilson shot Michael Brown Jr.

2nd video: Darren Wilson, his union lawyer Greg Kloeppel, and two police officers return to the Ferguson police station from the hospital at 4:30 p.m. on Aug. 9, the day Wilson shot Michael Brown Jr.



golden ticket member