Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Engorged Member
Police typically wear Tasers in weak-side thigh holsters, on the opposite side of the body from where their gun is worn. This is to prevent them from accidentally drawing their gun when they mean to use a Taser, and vice versa.

Assuming that Wilson is right handed, this means that his Taser...had he worn one...would have been in a holster on his left thigh, wedged up against the door of his car and accessible only with his left hand. Its pretty tough to deploy a Taser thru the driver side window with your left hand when you are seated in a patrol car.

Brown deserved what he got. Wilson acted properly and reacted with deadly force to actions on the part of Mr. Brown that were about to snuff-out Wilson. Do I think Blacks get a raw deal with the cops sometimes? Sure. But the evidence in this case is overwhelmingly in favor of the police officer.

He did what he needed to do.


Well-Known Member
Brown Army,

We can discuss all types of problems in America with all the different races -no problem.

Last time I turned my Boob tube on --I again see Stores being looted and burnt to the ground --not by meth heads (maybe a few) or poor inbred Appalachia people.

The crime numbers are staggering and shocking to most people that do dig a little deeper.

If you take the 13% of the Black population in America --take out the good hard working Fathers and Mothers and remove the very young and the very old ----these extremely high crime numbers across all of America fall into a very small Percent --possible 3% of the Black Population.

My point is twofold ---The majority of Blacks are suffering because of the huge crime numbers by a very few.
If the rich --such as Jay z and other Black rappers did not push and sell thug rap music --celebrating and glorifying the "gangsta life" and we did not have eight of ten Black children born to single mothers --giving them a very slim chance of succeeding --a major problem across all of America --could be dealt with--- by concentrating all of our efforts on a very few --start at the root cause ---My Brothers keeper !

The problem with discussing this serious problem rationally--is the consistent White vs Black scenario.

If we had a Martian population of 13% to total population -with only 3% of that number--causing 75% of the crimes --together we would find and implement solutions.

As to the numbers you quote, you do have a point but let's think into this further.

This is just one small source among many and many more but the fact is that both crimes against person and crimes against property are on the decline to the point they are reaching historic lows. Yet, own prison population has exploded to the point that the US now leads the world with the largest prison population. We've even exceeded the Soviet Union's old gulag system but done so while crimes against person and property have fallen to historic lows. How can that be if the purpose of police is to "protect and serve" the public in their person and property?

Thus it raises the question as to just what the crimes are that the people in prison are there for and if no person or property was involved, who and where is the victim of the crime?

If one has fear of these "criminals" in our prison system and if no person or property was affected in their so-called "commission of a crime" of what are you really afraid of in the first place? And just "WHO" was the "CRIME" committed against?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This explanation is about as lame as anything I have ever heard. EVERY department uses tasers effectively everyday.

Otherwise, there would be dozens of shootings of unarmed people, like in the "old" days. Tactics have changed over the last 20 years, and the use of non lethal force devices has been a success.

For ammosexuals like yourself, the thought of shooting somebody to death just sounds justifyable in your "scary" world.

Honestly, Darren Wilson was the classic "wimp" in light of his position. He was a small dude with an even smaller sack.

He panicked with Michael Brown and made a bad decision. It wasnt an illegal decision, just a bad one.

I am not clearly Michael Brown of anything either. His part is clear, but this officer needed to leave the department with his tail between his legs and the luck that he didnt get charged with a crime.

He wasnt qualified to be a police officer given the way he handled Michael Brown.

For you to assume that any non lethal device would most likely NOT work is laughable at best.

Just TROLLING on this glorious Sunday?
Republicans take full control of congress. Officer Wilson will not be indicted. The thugs of Ferguson burnt their own city down. Definitely has not been a good year for TROLLS.


Well-Known Member
Nice of you to assume incorrectly. I did read his testimony, how else did I know that he didnt have a taser or pepper spray or rubber bullets or a sand bag shotgun?

I did read his words. I did evaluate what he said.

And what he said was that he "Wasnt prepared".

Like a frightened child, as Sober is, he used his gun to solve his problem at the moment. It was a bad decision.

If he wasnt such a wimp, he could have handled Michael Brown with his hands and training. Instead, he panicked and simply shot him to death.

He did the right thing in RESIGNING.

He will NEVER be a part of law enforcement ANYWHERE in this country, and thats a GOOD thing.

Hopefully he dissapears into obscurity.


Nice try. Had you read Wilson's testimony where the issue of the taser was discussed and that Wilson alone made the choice to not have the taser on him, which he made very clear, you would never have made the following statement:

Regardless, a bad decision to not have a taser, whether his or the departments. A failure to give an officer options always leads to bad decision making.

Read more:

Once again you try and move the goalposts when it suits you.


Retired 23 years


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Schools have little power to control their students now. Political correctness run amok. Peer pressure is the primary negative influence at schools but it all starts with values learned from home environments.

Peer pressure has ALWAYS been a part of schools. What do you define as political correctness?

Sounds a little borderline Racist... just sayin.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Nice try. Had you read Wilson's testimony where the issue of the taser was discussed and that Wilson alone made the choice to not have the taser on him, which he made very clear, you would never have made the following statement:

Once again you try and move the goalposts when it suits you.

Not true. The FACT that WILSON CHOSE not to have a taser is his OWN FAULT. Had he actually had a taser and the proper training and placement, he could have avoided taking the life of Brown.

It matters no longer however, the argument is moot as WILSON appropriately RESIGNED as he should have.

I applaud his decision to resign.

He was a coward and didnt deserve to be a policeman.

He may have been cleared by a grand jury, but the higher court, that of public opinion, he has been convicted.



Well-Known Member
Not true. The FACT that WILSON CHOSE not to have a taser is his OWN FAULT. Had he actually had a taser and the proper training and placement, he could have avoided taking the life of Brown.

It matters no longer however, the argument is moot as WILSON appropriately RESIGNED as he should have.

I applaud his decision to resign.

He was a coward and didnt deserve to be a policeman.

He may have been cleared by a grand jury, but the higher court, that of public opinion, he has been convicted.


In fact, very creative.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Nice of you to assume incorrectly. I did read his testimony, how else did I know that he didnt have a taser or pepper spray or rubber bullets or a sand bag shotgun?....If he wasnt such a wimp, he could have handled Michael Brown with his hands and training. Instead, he panicked and simply shot him to death.

How do you expect an officer to use a Taser or pepper spray when he is on his back inside a patrol car with a 300 lb man on top of him and beating him down?

How do you expect an officer to (a) empty the buckshot rounds out of the magazine his shotgun (b) reload the magazine with beanbag rounds, and then (c) hit a charging suspect with one in a matter of seconds? Do you even know what a shotgun is, or how it works, or how ineffective beanbag rounds actually are?

I've got a newsflash for you. If a 300 lb crazy man is charging at you and you shoot him with a 12 gauge beanbag round from your shotgun, he is going to take that shotgun away from you and either beat you to death with it or shove it 3 feet up your ass. You will be dead or maimed; he will have a welt on his body where the beanbag hit.

Non-lethal devices such as Tasers, pepper spray and beanbag rounds have a specific and limited purpose. They are to be used only when an officer has armed backup in case they fail to work. Wilson was alone. He couldn't take the chance that the Taser darts wouldn't stick or that the spray would get into his own eyes or that he would be physically overpowered by a man who was 50 lbs heavier than him.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How do you expect an officer to use a Taser or pepper spray when he is on his back inside a patrol car with a 300 lb man on top of him and beating him down?

How do you expect an officer to (a) empty the buckshot rounds out of the magazine his shotgun (b) reload the magazine with beanbag rounds, and then (c) hit a charging suspect with one in a matter of seconds? Do you even know what a shotgun is, or how it works, or how ineffective beanbag rounds actually are?

I've got a newsflash for you. If a 300 lb crazy man is charging at you and you shoot him with a 12 gauge beanbag round from your shotgun, he is going to take that shotgun away from you and either beat you to death with it or shove it 3 feet up your ass. You will be dead or maimed; he will have a welt on his body where the beanbag hit.

Non-lethal devices such as Tasers, pepper spray and beanbag rounds have a specific and limited purpose. They are to be used only when an officer has armed backup in case they fail to work. Wilson was alone. He couldn't take the chance that the Taser darts wouldn't stick or that the spray would get into his own eyes or that he would be physically overpowered by a man who was 50 lbs heavier than him.


The guy resigned.

He wasnt cut out for the job.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
His resignation had nothing to do with his ability to do the job. He knew that he had become a liability and distraction.

Again, not CUT OUT for the job. If you bring "HEAT" to your department because of poor judgement, you are NOT cut out for the job.

Yes, he killed an unarmed man. Yes, he had alternatives but didnt use them. Yes, he was cleared of "criminal" wrongdoing by a grand jury, but that doesnt mean he is qualified for the job.

He will never work as a law enforcement officer anywhere, anyplace again.

That pretty much insures that he is NOT CUT OUT FOR THE JOB.
