Isn't the $214 the total contribution we get for both the pension AND the medical? If so, your numbers are flawed. I could very well be the one who is wrong here, I'm not sure.
Folks, I did some investigating. I called both the Joint council 83 pension plan and the CS pension plan. First, I hope you all are seated. Ok, Red one thing about the MEP is that it requires tons and tons of members to make it work. Now, if you don't have the membership what do you do. Force people to become members?
Krash and Upsdude are my fellow UPSers in the Teamsters Joint council 83 health and pension plan of Virginia. Please feel free to call the fund to verify my findings. Hang on folks, because here it goes. I called "83" first. I asked how much does UPS contribute to our pension on a weekly bases alone.
$273.60 a week for our pension ALONE. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$222.10 a week for our health ins. ALONE. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Total the both up and it is a whopping $495.70 a week,folks $2,000 a month. GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPS is partly to blame for the fund being "Underfunded". YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!! I don't want to hear that bull from Jon again. Second thought why can't I have the freedom of choice and UPS cut me the check for both and I will do my own retirement(of course), plus I would like to get my own Insurance(family). Remember, my choice others might not want too and I respect that. I have Veterans health bennies and my wife works at the hospital and our 16 year old son can be put on her ins.
Let me tell you this CS ers when I called 83 of va. I tried to kill two birds with one stone. So I asked do they know how much UPS pays weekly to the CS fund. She said she didn't know,but said they are a bit more reserved in giving out that PUBLIC info. No Joke, they did say that. Remember, CSers the Teamsters work for you. It is you that provide their PAYCHECK. Don't you ever forget that. I than asked her for the phone number and she gladly obliged.
Now, for the CS phone call. I called and got the automated answering service. Only 3 options. 1) For new members 2) Existing members 3) providers that was it. Hmmmmm, I hit "O" for operator thinking that would get me thru and it did. I asked the lady for the weekly UPS contributions to the CS fund and she said she didn't know and that she would have to check.(yeah right, LOL). The Lady put me on hold. I waited for about 15 minutes and had enough and hung up. Maybe someone here that is a CS member can try and get this PUBLIC info. I'm sure someone knows. The funny thing is that Joint 83 had pretty much open boarders as to where CS was closed boarders(fort knox).
In closing, I assume the UPS weekly contributions to the CS pension plan is the same or maybe a little less than the Joint 83. So, I will have you do the math. Don't forget to combine your 401k with your roth IRA or just plan IRA. It could very well add up to a million dollars in a 25 or 30 year period with strong earnings attached to it. Oh and one other thing there has been a long standing rumor about why CS is in the state its end. Here in Va. the top driver pay is $28.17 per hour. If the CS driver top pay is more than that than I will divulge the rumor. I need to know the top pay for a CS driver. I am not a fan of rumors, but I believe this rumor could be true if the top Pay in CS is greater than the top pay of a Joint 83 driver. It could get interesting. Side not for those that don't know Va. borders N.C. N.C. is one of the states that are in the CS plan. That is where the APWA was started.