Parler Conservative site.


Staff member
Those troops have nothing to do about democrats.

Wait they do. They are going to arrest a lot of them.
And when that doesn’t happen?


Staff member
If we had a Republican administration and Congress they wouldn't have dared try to shut down Parler. That could have gotten them broken up as monopolies with unfair business competition practices. But now they're wielding power.
The republicans still hold the Senate and presidency and have installed thousands of conservative judges. TTKU.


Staff member
To use the term swamp, the Trump swamp is 75 million voters, you don't drain us.

Go back to your fantasy world.

Game on if your side does not stand down.

That's the way it rolls.
75 million of 330 million.

and you think you get to call the shots? No wonder y’all don’t understand elections.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. I hated Trump and wanted him impeached. I listened to NPR every morning waiting gleefully “Ooh looks like they’ve got him. They’ll have him out of office soon”.
But the more I heard, the less it made sense. They had nothing on the guy. I still strongly disliked Trump.
Then I noticed how the news was calling him a racist president. They were calling his supporters white supremacists. He did seem like a big jerk and full of himself but could he really be racist? I looked into that. It seems to be mostly or completely false. Then, of all the Trump supporters I know personally, none are the slightest bit racist. I wondered why the media is going with the racist president angle. I still hated Trump.
Then, COVID-19. The media told us we have to stay home. Then the George Floyd protests happened and it was OK to be in crowds. Ok, maybe it’s not that dangerous after all! Except church is still not OK. Wow, they don’t seem to be making logical sense here.

Then, suddenly masks are helpful and vitally important. The cases went up far higher than the deaths, making the infection fatality ratio much lower than initially thought. We learned that the majority of those who succumb to Covid are elderly and young people are at low risk. None of this good news is talked about on the news. Instead, they like to talk about the few cases of young people who did die, or one of the few cases where it takes a long time to get better. Nobody in the mainstream media is reporting on the high amount of false positive tests due to too high of calibration of PCR tests. I get the idea they are trying to hide all these truths(?) to keep us scared. That’s just my opinion.

So I still hate Trump but the media isn’t being fair. Biden and Kamala just regurgitate the MSM’s talking points and that bothers me. They like to say that Trump killed the people who died of Covid. Ludicrous. It seems they want to take away my right not to wear a mask. So I voted for Trump.

I don’t know one way or another if there was widespread election fraud. Since they couldn’t prove it in court, I accept a Joe Biden presidency (or shall I say Kamala Harris presidency). But you are all saying that you’re sure the election was legit. You think you know, but you could be wrong. We’ll have to wait and see.
Anyway, I came to these conclusions, not from extreme right wing fringe media, but from my own observations.
Lol you are very strange, you say you hate trump, but don’t believe the numerous stories about his incompetence, immoral behavior, racist behavior or corruption because the media is out to get trump, and you think the media is in on the COVID conspiracy, and it was the media telling you to stay home, and then during the summer protests about anti black police violence, that was all thrown out the window by the media, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are puppets of the media pushing their false narrative, the election may have been rigged against trump, and you voted for trump, so why do you hate trump? It seems like you agree with trump on a lot of trump’s media and election fraud conspiracies.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
So, do you actually think Trump, or someone in his inner circle is actually Q? I would think the Democrats would have been all over that. Instead they focus on the qanon people instead. Seems like they already know who and what Q really is and approve.
This man believes in qanon. Like seriously, this conspiracy is insane. they believe trump, a man who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself, was selected by those in the government to run or he was chosen by god to fight this secret cabal of democrats, Hollywood elites, big tech ceo’s who secretly run the world, and that this cabal drinks the blood of babies and runs a massive child sex ring. I’m not being hyperbolic that’s really the qanon conspiracy in a nut shell. It’s objectively insane.


Just a dog
This man believes in qanon. Like seriously, this conspiracy is insane. they believe trump, a man who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself, was selected by those in the government to run or he was chosen by god to fight this secret cabal of democrats, Hollywood elites, big tech ceo’s who secretly run the world, and that this cabal drinks the blood of babies and runs a massive child sex ring. I’m not being hyperbolic that’s really the qanon conspiracy in a nut shell. It’s objectively insane.
I don't believe in Q conspiracies, but it has became painfully obvious that Big Tech runs this country.


Well-Known Member
This man believes in qanon. Like seriously, this conspiracy is insane. they believe trump, a man who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself, was selected by those in the government to run or he was chosen by god to fight this secret cabal of democrats, Hollywood elites, big tech ceo’s who secretly run the world, and that this cabal drinks the blood of babies and runs a massive child sex ring. I’m not being hyperbolic that’s really the qanon conspiracy in a nut shell. It’s objectively insane.
Exactly. His followers and these conspiracy theorists are just weak minded uneducated individuals and looking for anything to latch on. Only idiots would be on some stupid parler site and taking time off from work to storm the Capital and “take back the country.” The election is over and the people have spoken.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in Q conspiracies, but it has became painfully obvious that Big Tech runs this country.
No they don’t. Stop playing yourselves. Look at the world man, there’s no way a person can look at the world and believe tech CEO’s run it. And that’s not me defending tech CEO’s who run companies that regularly break our laws. They just don’t have the kind of power that Republican elected officials are now pretending they have and which Republican media is now telling conspiracy minded Republican voters they have.


Staff member
They wouldn't get a law passed affecting social media without the House and especially not in the coming weeks. TTKU
Ah. So if you don’t have complete control over every facet of government, you can’t further your agenda? That’s some pretty friend’d up thinking.


Just a dog
If only they had thought about these issues over the last 4 years.
We did. Not enough control to make needed changes. I find it funny that the Democrat party releases a 450 pg anti trust report and now Big Tech is lock step with them. Politics is
No they don’t. Stop playing yourselves. Look at the world man, there’s no way a person can look at the world and believe tech CEO’s run it. And that’s not me defending tech CEO’s who run companies that regularly break our laws. They just don’t have the kind of power that Republican elected officials are now pretending they have and which Republican media is now telling conspiracy minded Republican voters they have.
Apple, Google and Amazon just teamed up to kill a private company. That is as un-American as it gets.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Shows what you know about communism . Twitter is a publicly traded company . Under a communistic system you have one government media and it's content is tightly controlled.
You can’t see that’s what is essentially happening to our media?


Just a dog
Nah. They are part of it. Big money runs this country. That’s been fact for decades. Since the country’s founding in fact.
The Government has also checked many companies since 1911. Standard oil, At&t, American tobacco, etc were all forced to breakup. We need a new round of antitrust breakups and it should target big tech.