Parler Conservative site.


Staff member
Kinda like why would antifa assault the capitol dressed like Trump supporters to overthrow an election their guy won, right?

Or... It would only be pro-Trump if the stuff about satanic democrats were true. Is that what you are suggesting?
So Trump was spouting his love for Antifa members?


Well-Known Member
Notice the bias. The people involved in the Capitol riot are always tagged as "Trump Supporters" in an attempt to firmly connect their actions to the President, even though we know non supporters were also involved.

You never heard those involved in the Blm-antifa riots being called Democrat supporters.
the trump election fraud rioters did it specifically for trump, they were invited to come to DC by trump, they were dressed in trump gear, they specifically rioted to overturn an election trump lost, so trump would remain potus. trumpā€™s words incited them to riot. In other words, the reason they rioted is directly connected to their political affiliation with trump.

Blm protesters are protesting police violence against black Americans. They arenā€™t decked out in Democratic Party gear, they arenā€™t claiming to be democrats while they are protesting, they arenā€™t identifying their protest with any democratic politician. So, why would the Blm protest movement be identified with the Democratic Party?


Well-Known Member
Plenty of times alt-right or far right thrown out there with the complete absence of mentioning anything left.
This bothsiderism is a problem, look we should try to reflect objective reality. If trump supporters invited to DC by trump, decked out in trump gear, angry about and believing trumpā€™s election fraud lies, riot to keep trump as potus, there is no requirement to try to find some ā€œleftā€ equivalent for balance. Thatā€™s not how reality works.


nowhere special
This bothsiderism is a problem, look we should try to reflect objective reality. If trump supporters invited to DC by trump, decked out in trump gear, angry about and believing trumpā€™s election fraud lies, riot to keep trump as potus, there is no requirement to try to find some ā€œleftā€ equivalent for balance. Thatā€™s not how reality works.
You just can't stand it when the double standards are pointed out.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
the trump election fraud rioters did it specifically for trump, they were invited to come to DC by trump, they were dressed in trump gear, they specifically rioted to overturn an election trump lost, so trump would remain potus. trumpā€™s words incited them to riot. In other words, the reason they rioted is directly connected to their political affiliation with trump.

Blm protesters are protesting police violence against black Americans. They arenā€™t decked out in Democratic Party gear, they arenā€™t claiming to be democrats while they are protesting, they arenā€™t identifying their protest with any democratic politician. So, why would the Blm protest movement be identified with the Democratic Party?
Proof please. I recall the President using language such as "peacefully"? If you are suffering from TDS and as such invent things that aren't there, that's all on you.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Lol again republicans are in fantasyland. they believe that mass violence in America wouldnā€™t be covered by the media. The media rushes to report violent events.
Covered fairly. Not with their slant to the left. They used to get away with it, but can't any more.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Lol again republicans are in fantasyland. they believe that mass violence in America wouldnā€™t be covered by the media. The media rushes to report violent events.
And yet no condemnation by a lot of the media on those violent events. ā€œPeaceful protestsā€ as buildings were burned and police attacked and killed.