Parler Conservative site.


Well-Known Member
And yet no condemnation by a lot of the media on those violent events. “Peaceful protests” as buildings were burned and police attacked and killed.
I rarely watch the news. Shouldn’t the media provide facts and context on why people are rioting, on why there’s violence? The facts and context is that people who rioted were there for trump, and self identified as trump supporters and were angry because they believed trump’s election fraud lies. The facts and context of anti police violence riots is that they were in response to unpunished police violence and not for any single democratic politician or the Democratic Party You all are upset because they media won’t lie and say these are “left wing” riots by democrats. Lol. Because they can’t say that because being against police violence doesn’t require you to be on the left or vote for democrats unless the rioters identify themselves that way.


Well-Known Member
Proof please. I recall the President using language such as "peacefully"? If you are suffering from TDS and as such invent things that aren't there, that's all on you.
The speech is the proof. trump told them to fight, fight, fight, show strength, that republicans were weak and too nice, that all their legal options to stop this stealing of the presidency and been tried, that it all came down to pence(that is why the some in crowd Were yelling kill mike pence because trump primed them with his rhetoric to be angry at pence). And of course he told them to go to the capital building, and all of this directly caused what occurred in his name to keep him as potus because they believed his election fraud lies.
And remember they are doing all of this lying and pretending and fighting for a person like trump. Wtf is wrong with republican voters?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The months long riots were directly incited by Democrats who pushed conspiracy theories about a secret system of racists targeting innocent black people.
That was pretty bad. When do you think they’ll be massing for an attack on the US Capitol and a joint session of Congress?


Inordinately Right
That was pretty bad. When do you think they’ll be massing for an attack on the US Capitol and a joint session of Congress?
Democraps don't care about private citizens and their businesses being destroyed, but trespassing in a government building is the end of the world.

The reason for that twisted double standard, is that liberalism is their religion, you people worship big government.


Well-Known Member
The months long riots were directly incited by Democrats who pushed conspiracy theories about a secret system of racists targeting innocent black people.
But of course none of that happened. Like quote any rioter saying I am rioting because this democratic politician said..... like I can pull up direct quotes from the trump election fraud rioters that say we are rioting because trump told us the election was stolen from him. Again remember Republican voters are doing all of this illogical thinking for trump.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I rarely watch the news. Shouldn’t the media provide facts and context on why people are rioting, on why there’s violence? The facts and context is that people who rioted were there for trump, and self identified as trump supporters and were angry because they believed trump’s election fraud lies. The facts and context of anti police violence riots is that they were in response to unpunished police violence and not for any single democratic politician or the Democratic Party You all are upset because they media won’t lie and say these are “left wing” riots by democrats. Lol. Because they can’t say that because being against police violence doesn’t require you to be on the left or vote for democrats unless the rioters identify themselves that way.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m upset that as buildings were burning, stores looted and police being attacked and some killed, much of the media was calling those actions “peaceful protests”. I’m all for calling a spade a spade. The “peaceful protests” stopped as soon as the peaceful protestors went home and the looters and rioters threw the first brick.


Well-Known Member
Democraps don't care about private citizens and their businesses being destroyed, but trespassing in a government building is the end of the world.

The reason for that twisted double standard, is that liberalism is their religion, you people worship big government.
All of this lying denying objective reality for trump.
President-elect Joe Biden condemned the violence as an "assault on the rule of law."

"To storm the Capitol, to smash windows, to occupy offices, the floor of the United States Senate, rummaging through desks, on the Capitol, on the House of Representatives, threatening the safety of duly elected officials – it's not protest, it's insurrection," he said from Wilmington, Delaware, according to WBUR-FM in Boston.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the “violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after violence led to arrests at Bay Area protests, in the strongest criticism of left-wing protesters that any Democratic leader has made.
“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Tuesday. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on Tuesday condemned recent violence in Oregon and Washington, where Americans’ tensions over whether police departments should be defunded or supported have boiled over and turned deadly at protests stemming from officers’ high-profile shootings and killings of unarmed Black people.

In a conversation with The Texas Tribune CEO Evan Smith during the 2020 Texas Tribune Festival, Rice also distanced herself and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden from the “defund the police” movement. She also accused President Donald Trump of “encouraging” violence and worsening the coronavirus


Well-Known Member
When republicans say democrats didn’t condemn,n the riots in the summer, they are lying. Just a small sampling of many more examples

Former President Barack Obama on Monday condemned violence amid protests over the death of George Floyd and police brutality and called for political solutions to address protesters' grievances about criminal justice.
The message from Obama, who previously decried Floyd's death last week when he said the killings of black men at the hands of police "shouldn't be 'normal' in 2020 America," follows a weekend that saw an escalation in protests nationwide.
"Let's not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves," Obama wrote in an essay on Medium.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan held a news conference Sunday and deplored the violence and destruction in downtown Seattle on Saturday night.

She said those responsible for the damage were mostly privileged whites who hijacked and ruined a peaceful demonstration organized by minorities that was meant to promote racial equity after the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police.

Ted Wheeler mayor of Portland, said the actions of the people that continue to engage in criminal activity late at night in downtown Portland are "an affront to the values of this community."
"These acts are obscene," Wheeler said. He said it was "deeply troubling" to see the group attack the Oregon Historical Society, which he said has "gone out of its way to reflect the truth of Oregon history and educate the public about all aspects of Oregon history, the good, the bad and the ugly."

Denver Officials, Democrat Mayor, Denounce BLM Riots,Violence Against Police, Making Room in Jails Suspending COVID-19 Inmate Cap

DC Mayor Bowser condemns ‘highly inappropriate’ behavior of Black Lives Matter protesters berating diners

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has released a new statement following the violence that broke out overnight during a protest over the death in Minnesota of George Floyd.

In the statement, Bottoms condemned the actions of protestors and looters who smashed windows, destroyed businesses, and threw bottles, rocks, and knives at law enforcement, saying that what she saw "was not a protest" and "not Atlanta."



Well-Known Member
Yes yes, the blm riots never happened.
And if they did it was disguised Republicans.

Cool conspiracy theory.
No anti-police violence riots happened, what didn’t happen is any rioter saying they were rioting based on what some democratic politician said. The trump election fraud rioters, told us they rioted based on what trump told them about election fraud.


nowhere special
When republicans say democrats didn’t condemn,n the riots in the summer, they are lying. Just a small sampling of many more examples

Former President Barack Obama on Monday condemned violence amid protests over the death of George Floyd and police brutality and called for political solutions to address protesters' grievances about criminal justice.
The message from Obama, who previously decried Floyd's death last week when he said the killings of black men at the hands of police "shouldn't be 'normal' in 2020 America," follows a weekend that saw an escalation in protests nationwide.
"Let's not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves," Obama wrote in an essay on Medium.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan held a news conference Sunday and deplored the violence and destruction in downtown Seattle on Saturday night.

She said those responsible for the damage were mostly privileged whites who hijacked and ruined a peaceful demonstration organized by minorities that was meant to promote racial equity after the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police.

Ted Wheeler mayor of Portland, said the actions of the people that continue to engage in criminal activity late at night in downtown Portland are "an affront to the values of this community."
"These acts are obscene," Wheeler said. He said it was "deeply troubling" to see the group attack the Oregon Historical Society, which he said has "gone out of its way to reflect the truth of Oregon history and educate the public about all aspects of Oregon history, the good, the bad and the ugly."

Denver Officials, Democrat Mayor, Denounce BLM Riots,Violence Against Police, Making Room in Jails Suspending COVID-19 Inmate Cap

DC Mayor Bowser condemns ‘highly inappropriate’ behavior of Black Lives Matter protesters berating diners

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has released a new statement following the violence that broke out overnight during a protest over the death in Minnesota of George Floyd.

In the statement, Bottoms condemned the actions of protestors and looters who smashed windows, destroyed businesses, and threw bottles, rocks, and knives at law enforcement, saying that what she saw "was not a protest" and "not Atlanta."
They started condemning much later when they saw how the public was reacting. Just before the election.

And the Seattle/Portland mayors blaming whites after they allowed Antifa/BLM to occupy the cities for months.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m upset that as buildings were burning, stores looted and police being attacked and some killed, much of the media was calling those actions “peaceful protests”. I’m all for calling a spade a spade. The “peaceful protests” stopped as soon as the peaceful protestors went home and the looters and rioters threw the first brick.
What you are talking about? this conspiracy that the corporate dominated media were pro blm rioting is fiction.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The speech is the proof. trump told them to fight, fight, fight, show strength, that republicans were weak and too nice, that all their legal options to stop this stealing of the presidency and been tried, that it all came down to pence(that is why the some in crowd Were yelling kill mike pence because trump primed them with his rhetoric to be angry at pence). And of course he told them to go to the capital building, and all of this directly caused what occurred in his name to keep him as potus because they believed his election fraud lies.
And remember they are doing all of this lying and pretending and fighting for a person like trump. Wtf is wrong with republican voters?
Lol. So with you logic we now can't say to speak up.

Better hope the next time someone resists arrest and gets themselves shot no Democrat says anything .