Parler Conservative site.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Dude it's like a demoralization campaign by the media, they're giddy to plaster pictures of troops sleeping on the ground fully clothed in our Capitol building, like our country is falling apart, and our military can't even afford a mother *ing blanket or pillow for soldiers.

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi does the most ignorant boomer thing ever and brings them freaking pizza, because apparently she thinks our soldiers are 3rd graders and all they really want is a pizza party!

What a dumb bitch.
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This has to be the dumbest thing you have ever posted. It is obvious you have never served and most likely never knew anyone that has served. Try to stick to something that you actually know something about. Whatever that could be.


Inordinately Right
Stay classy, @DriveInDriveOut .

Let your freak flag fly.


Inordinately Right
This has to be the dumbest thing you have ever posted. It is obvious you have never served and most likely never knew anyone that has served. Try to stick to something that you actually know something about. Whatever that could be.
None of that has anything to do with my post.

Why don't you stick to pumping gas part timer, this conversation is clearly over your little head.


Well-Known Member
There’s the real problem. You despise democracy. Let me clue you in.

If socialists were to win national elections and pass socialist laws and administer laws in a socialist manner, then that’s what it is. And if people like it, then they get re-elected. If not, they are voted out.

It’s what makes us the greatest country ever founded. And you can’t stand it. SMH.
When you have socialist types on camera talking about taking kids from parents to reeducate them, shut down their Twitter accounts, cancel Republicans so that they can never hold a job again, that sort of thing, and you're saying that's Democracy, well stop and let me off of that train. Rigging things so only one party has power going forward isn't democracy and you're right, I can't stand it.
You don’t understand the First Amendment. Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc are private businesses. They have the First Amendment right to allow someone to use or not use their site. You also have the right to not use their site, or follow their rules to use the site. Or you can start your own website with your own rules. You right wingers who want the government involved with social media are pro bigger government.


Staff member
When you have socialist types on camera talking about taking kids from parents to reeducate them, shut down their Twitter accounts, cancel Republicans so that they can never hold a job again, that sort of thing, and you're saying that's Democracy, well stop and let me off of that train. Rigging things so only one party has power going forward isn't democracy and you're right, I can't stand it.
Storming the capitol is acceptable and winning elections isn’t?


nowhere special
Who said it was acceptable? Most of the crowd didn't so safe to say most of them didn't find it acceptable either. Frankly I hope Pelosi peed her pants.
What isn't acceptable is people being attacked and losing their jobs when they were there for the rally but committed no crimes. Only a small minority did anything wrong.