The golden rule doesnt mean ripping off ppl in markets or abusing your workers
What does this mean?
J"esus was crucified on a cross as an insurrectionist because he bore witness to the divine Truth that no one has to be defined by their circumstances. Liberation from oppression is God’s gift to the powerless in society. Freedom is Jesus’ gift to all who believe. And when one accepts this liberating Gospel and makes the decision to follow Jesus, you must be prepared to go to the cross in service to others—the least of these in society."
Three decades ago Chris Hedges sought to become a minister and report the war in El Salvador A church committee refused to see his work as a journalist as a valid call to the ministry On Oct 5 his ordination -- marked by addresses from James Cone (above) and Cornel West -- finally took place...
Did they not kill him for being a freedom fighter?