Tell you what. Next time you go to the supermarket and think these people.are demonic because they make a profit when you buy something, look around. Notice the employees who have jobs. Look at the different products on the shelves. They represent many companies that employ many people to make those products. They employ many truckers that move those products from their facilities to the supermarket warehouses. They pay the taxes from the fuel purchased that help maintain the roads that you enjoy. The supermarket makes it possible for you to purchase the food you eat instead of killing animals and plowing fields yourself. In other words they are providing the goods and services you need and providing jobs doing so. It doesn't just happen by accident. Takes a lot of planning and hard work. A lot of organization. You, as the consumer, are at the end if a long chain of people who want to be paid for their efforts. And it happens this way because most people these days live in cities. Not on farms. You want to demonize them for that? You're on a computer. Computers aren't grown on farms. You drive a car. They don't build them on farms. For most people the best they can hope for is to have a job in a large metro area where everything they need is within easy distance from their home. Is this satanic? Is it demonic? Are people making a profit off providing everything you need evil?
Capitalism has its flaws. It also makes it possible to feed, clothe, and house the most people and has more successfully done so than any other economic system. We have social programs to help those who fall through the cracks of the system. But the system is the priority, not putting everyone on a social program but putting people to work so at the end of the day they can eat and if they are industrious can have nice things of their own. Nice things that don't just happen, but represent people working hard to produce them, providing good jobs. Houses, cars and trucks, RV's, boats, private planes, musical instruments, sporting goods, and many other things that people strive to own. All provide good jobs. It's all interconnected.
But you want all that to come crashing down. You would have millions starving. When you try to control the means of production, when you force everyone to get paid the same, you take away the profit incentive. You take away the freedom to choose how you personally want your life to go. You must obey the state or be put into prison or executed. That's what happened on a large scale with communism. Jesus didn't die on the cross for that. And you are usurping Jesus's message to your own ends. So really, if your actions cause millions to starve, millions more to be desperately poor, just to satisfy your sense of social justice, that we are equally paid and have a say in everything our company does, and strike if we don't get our way, then who truly is evil and satanic and demonic? It's you Ricky and everyone who thinks like you. Go earn your degree and work hard and remember you're part of a great system that is enabling you to have a better life because you earned it, not because you're owed it.