i think jesus had bad in him too. but if you dont think so thats okayMLK said a lot of great things, and then ignored all of them in his personal life. Dude was a horn dog.
i think jesus had bad in him too. but if you dont think so thats okayMLK said a lot of great things, and then ignored all of them in his personal life. Dude was a horn dog.
i know a guy who was a childhood friend and he likes to be racist and i told him i just hate everyone, youre giving too much credit to the other races.Thanks for engaging. You’re hilarious.
@Thebrownblob Hello?So “the signs and warnings “ have nothing to do with the second coming of Jesus? ( Hint: that generation has been dead for 2000 years)
Hopefully, when all this is over and you and I are in heaven, we can discuss eschatology and compare and contrast where people got it wrong or right.@Thebrownblob Hello?
at least saddam hussein will keep me warmHopefully, when all this is over and you and I are in heaven, we can discuss eschatology and compare and contrast where people got it wrong or right.
While we’re making fun of @rickyb getting dry humped by Satan.
I hear ya.Hopefully, when all this is over and you and I are in heaven, we can discuss eschatology and compare and contrast where people got it wrong or right.
While we’re making fun of @rickyb getting dry humped by Satan.
True and false. The story is certainly about what happened at the temple but also what is going to happen in the future and to be ready at All times because you do not know when. The whole meaning of that chapter is a history lesson and a warning.I hear ya.
What saith the scripture?
Everything before verse 34 in Matthew 24, has nothing to do with the second coming of Christ. True or false.
Which part of "this generation will not be dead until all these things have been fulfilled is not registering?True and false. The story is certainly about what happened at the temple but also what is going to happen in the future and to be ready at All times because you do not know when. The whole meaning of that chapter is a history lesson and a warning.
Do you really believe that if you’re 100% right and I’m 100% wrong on this issue, one of us won’t go to heaven? I don’t , These things are not as important as you make them out to be. Although I agree they are interesting. Certainly they are put there for us to have be aware, which is also a sign. I’m grateful for that.Which part of "this generation will not be dead until all these things have been fulfilled is not registering?
Why are you deflecting? Why are going personal? Why are you bringing up a host of other topics and refusing to acknowledge the truth that you have obviously just seen( based on your previous comments)Do you really believe that if you’re 100% right and I’m 100% wrong on this issue, one of us won’t go to heaven? I don’t , These things are not as important as you make them out to be. Although I agree they are interesting. Certainly they are put there for us to have be aware, which is also a sign. I’m grateful for that.
As @tourists24 mentioned, end times doctrine has 1000 different beliefs. But it is not a main and plain item necessary for salvation. if it is a lot of people are not going to heaven.
Why are you deflecting? Why are going personal? Why are you bringing up a host of other topics and refusing to acknowledge the truth that you have obviously just seen( based on your previous comments)
Two things happen when an honest person is seeking truth and finds it. He stops seeking or he stops being honest.
I’m gonna go with your lack of admitting what is clearly obvious, is because this blows a big hole, as well as many other passages, in the false teachings of the premillennial doctrine that you believe.
But...but...Jesus...I....I... read wikipedia!? LOL!Premillennialism - Wikipedia
I don’t like seeing attacks or finger pointing at people for having the “wrong” beliefs. I think you’re all right in your own ways, and you have much more in common than you have differences from each other. Makes me a little sad to see some of the fighting and arguments here but I get it
To summarize: We all have different beliefs when it comes to God, Jesus, and the Bible. There is no right or wrong when it comes to these subjects because God loves everyone and will accept what anyone believes or offers to him. After all, who would think some 2000 year old book could be read and understood. A loving God would never expect us to understand and come to the unity of truth as Jesus prayed to his Father. (That is if you believe that part. But, no biggy.)I think an interesting take away from this thread is that one thing you all have in common is your love and belief in Christ.
Everyone here is obviously very well read and passionate about His teachings, but there is still arguments about certain details, and I don’t think disagreeing shows any of you are any less of a believer or “wrong”, it just shows how many different interpretations there can be, which is natural for a book thousands of years old written in many different languages
I don’t like seeing attacks or finger pointing at people for having the “wrong” beliefs. I think you’re all right in your own ways, and you have much more in common than you have differences from each other. Makes me a little sad to see some of the fighting and arguments here but I get it
And now we will return to our previously scheduled program, "Racist Memes for the Soul."To summarize: We all have different beliefs when it comes to God, Jesus, and the Bible. There is no right or wrong when it comes to these subjects because God loves everyone and will accept what anyone believes or offers to him. After all, who would think some 2000 year old book could be read and understood. A loving God would never expect us to understand and come to the unity of truth as Jesus prayed to his Father. (That is if you believe that part. But, no biggy.)
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 7:21
His will is found in the 66 books of the Bible. Evidently, we have a responsibility to know it and do it. If one doesn't, according to Jesus here, that one will not enter heaven.
But, don't fret about it. Especially, don't engage in discussion about what his will actually is. We don't want anyone to be wrong and sad. I mean, we're just talking about where one will spend eternity. God loves you! Do, live, and believe what you think is best! Your will!
And look at you! You've been on a roll(no pun intended) lately.And now we will return to posting racist memes.
Nice try. If you think that some of the memes you post are the truth, and that as a Christian you are ok doing so, then you may be in danger of being on the broad path you believe most are on.I see the meme as truth.
You seeing it as racist means you are.