Well-Known Member
I just didn’t think @Thebrownblob said anything wrong to get the response you gave him, and I didn’t take what he said as deflection or personal attacks.To summarize: We all have different beliefs when it comes to God, Jesus, and the Bible. There is no right or wrong when it comes to these subjects because God loves everyone and will accept what anyone believes or offers to him. After all, who would think some 2000 year old book could be read and understood. A loving God would never expect us to understand and come to the unity of truth as Jesus prayed to his Father. (That is if you believe that part. But, no biggy.)
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 7:21
His will is found in the 66 books of the Bible. Evidently, we have a responsibility to know it and do it. If one doesn't, according to Jesus here, that one will not enter heaven.
But, don't fret about it. Especially, don't engage in discussion about what his will actually is. We don't want anyone to be wrong and sad. I mean, we're just talking about where one will spend eternity. God loves you! Do, live, and believe what you think is best! Your will!
I like seeing the discussions, it was just interesting for me to see