Tentative Agreement is now Available

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
Guess the part time covers will never get the opportunity to be full time drivers. Instead I get to bid into a 22.4 and knock myself back into the warehouse with a pay and hour cut. Yippie. Strike strike strike.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So you can’t be discharged based on technology, but you can receive progressive discipline based upon it (verbal, warning letter) that could be used to build a file on you. Technology can be the sole reason for discipline after the verbal warning. (6.6)

4 year air progression is terrible.

Here’s my clearer interpretation of Section 6, Article 6:

Can’t get fired solely from telematics. Can get all discipline levels between verbal warning and suspension and paperwork stacked against you solely from telematics as long as you’ve been given a verbal warning about the same kind of offense first.


Well-Known Member
Here’s my clearer interpretation of Section 6, Article 6:

Can’t get fired solely from telematics. Can get all disclipline levels between verbal warning and suspension and paperwork stacked against you solely from telematics as long as you’ve been given a verbal warning about the same kind of offense first.

Damn but those kind of smarts you could easily be the head negotiator for the package division!


You will be working 3 days a week bc there will be no route for you on Monday and Tuesday. That volume will be ran on Saturday and Sunday by a second class citizen. Enjoy your raise. Oh wait. You just took a huge paycut.
You're still guaranteed 40hrs as a full time driver. But yeah I get what you're saying.


Well-Known Member

Guess the part time covers will never get the opportunity to be full time drivers. Instead I get to bid into a 22.4 and knock myself back into the warehouse with a pay and hour cut. Yippie. Strike strike strike.
They can be used to drive all day. Inside work not required.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Damn but those kind of smarts you could easily be the head negotiator for the package division!

I’d be too worried that the Company might try to film me beating off or something so they’ve got some blackmail material (“kompromat”, as the Russians call it) to hold over my head in order for me to agree to “negotiate” a sellout contract.

They’ve gotta have either have something on, or be paying something to JH and DT. Those guys have absolutely no shame in promoting this Contract, and it feels really gross to be slimed with it.


Well-Known Member
I’d be too worried that the Company might try to film me beating off or something so they’ve got some blackmail material (“kompromat”, as the Russians call it) to hold over my head in order for me to agree to “negotiate” a sellout contract.

They’ve gotta have either have something on, or be paying something to JH and DT. Those guys have absolutely no shame in promoting this Contract, and it feels really gross to be slimed with it.

Don't worry man. Tony Q would have your back. He'd tell everyone you were beating off because the contract is so good it arouses you.

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
I hope there’s an independent group that monitors the voting system. I wouldn’t put it passed these ass hats to stuff the box with yes votes. Also just read that they indefinitely extended the contract negotiations so we’ll be working on the old contract past July 31st