Union is done

We have gone through the schedule of benefits and in almost every scenario we will pay more for our coverage. Why do you think so many people have been pissed off about this change in health care?

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It will be so funny when your scenarios end up being wrong. I guarantee you don't come on here and say you were wrong.


Bad Moon Risen'
I am a 30 plus year upser from one of the locals that is having their rights being taken away. The three big reasons we voted down the supplement were hourly wages (they do not keep up with cost of living/inflation) which means our paychecks will be of less value each of the next four years, full time jobs(we have people who are reg/temps for 14 years meaning they don't qualify for the pension), and being forced into teamcare. I understand that many upsers were already under teamcare. We sympathize with those brothers and sisters that have been forced to navigate their way through a healthcare that is run by the IBT. I believe we can all agree that the IBT is incompetent when it comes to running anything that involves money. The pension fund is a perfect example. Retirees (who don't have a vote) were paying $50 a month for healthcare under conditions of the previous contract. Now they have to pay $300 a month. That's $600 per year compared to $3600. Also, starting 2018, all upsers under teamcare have to pay the first $1000 per person, $2000 per family out of their pocket. What was $600 per family before is now $5600. That's very significant. Basically, that's $5000 per year that will be paid by their pension income, all while the company posted record profits of $4.5 billion last year and is projected to make record profits each of the next four years. The reason we rejected the master and the supplement was because we felt that we should not have to give back benefits that we EARNED. Lastly, UPS likes to say that their people are the best paid in the industry. We are also the lowest. How can that be? NO ONE does what we do. No one comes close. Not FedEx, the USPS...............nobody. My wife is a 15 year fedex express driver. She starts a 6 am, loads her own car until 8 am and finishes at around 2:30 pm with about 70-90 stops. That's a half days work at UPS. UPSers should never be compared to anyone else in the industry, and now we will make concessions for the next 4 plus years. It's shamefull.
A 30 year UPSer should have realized that continuing to vote no was not going to change the financials in the contract.
Your hourly wage and the move to TeamCare was set in stone when the master passed. You could vote no on your supplement till hell freezes over and those would not change.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It will be so funny when your scenarios end up being wrong. I guarantee you don't come on here and say you were wrong.

And if he is right, you still won't admit it.

In fact, you will still be telling him he has the best HC in the U.S.

Because that is just the way blind followers like you work.


Well-Known Member
So what. Do your job by the methods. It's their bed let them lie in it. Ups is a school yard bully. You can always out smart the bully by playing the game and at the last minute when he swings you duck and punch him in the throat. Then they move on too the next guy.
You could also reduce your 10.5 by opting onto the 9.5 list...that's an hour! And when they don't comply they pay handsomely for their mistakes!

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Well-Known Member
My wages are reduced by additional co-pays and deductibles. The wage increase will only help pay for these additional health care cost. In areas where the health care changed from U.P.S. to Teamcare. It will be like no wage increases at all if you have to go to the Dr.

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My Senior Picture
Here is a fact under the newly implemented national language the union has the right to grieve staffing levels. So if enough people file we can force them to add drivers.
If you have the facts they will or an arbitrator will make the decision. We have the tools we have to use them. The contract isn't perfect there isn't one that is but there is a lot of really good language we could all enforce if we stick together. In my opinion it is weak to blame the IBT if we don't force the company to abide the the contract.
Now tell them how long it will take to get the grievance heard locally?
Then after it is deadlocked and the mandatory company hold at the state panel 2-3 more months pass.
Then it is deadlocked to the regional JAC to be heard three months later, because no state panel will rule on such an important, possibly precedence setting issue.
Then the quarterly JAC hears the griavance and puts it on committee hold for 3 more months.
It's only at that subsequent JAC panel, that the matter is referred back to parties for final resolution, bringing the issue full circle and putting it right back on square one.
Of course if your fortunate enough to have it deadlocked again to the National level, it could be another 6 months, or even years if they decide to arbitrate.
Yea, it's a great system

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I am a 30 plus year upser from one of the locals that is having their rights being taken away. The three big reasons we voted down the supplement were hourly wages (they do not keep up with cost of living/inflation) which means our paychecks will be of less value each of the next four years, full time jobs(we have people who are reg/temps for 14 years meaning they don't qualify for the pension), and being forced into teamcare. I understand that many upsers were already under teamcare. We sympathize with those brothers and sisters that have been forced to navigate their way through a healthcare that is run by the IBT. I believe we can all agree that the IBT is incompetent when it comes to running anything that involves money. The pension fund is a perfect example. Retirees (who don't have a vote) were paying $50 a month for healthcare under conditions of the previous contract. Now they have to pay $300 a month. That's $600 per year compared to $3600. Also, starting 2018, all upsers under teamcare have to pay the first $1000 per person, $2000 per family out of their pocket. What was $600 per family before is now $5600. That's very significant. Basically, that's $5000 per year that will be paid by their pension income, all while the company posted record profits of $4.5 billion last year and is projected to make record profits each of the next four years. The reason we rejected the master and the supplement was because we felt that we should not have to give back benefits that we EARNED. Lastly, UPS likes to say that their people are the best paid in the industry. We are also the lowest. How can that be? NO ONE does what we do. No one comes close. Not FedEx, the USPS...............nobody. My wife is a 15 year fedex express driver. She starts a 6 am, loads her own car until 8 am and finishes at around 2:30 pm with about 70-90 stops. That's a half days work at UPS. UPSers should never be compared to anyone else in the industry, and now we will make concessions for the next 4 plus years. It's shamefull.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member

Retirees (who don't have a vote) were paying $50 a month for healthcare under conditions of the previous contract. Now they have to pay $300 a month. That's $600 per year compared to $3600. Also, starting 2018, all upsers under teamcare have to pay the first $1000 per person, $2000 per family out of their pocket. What was $600 per family before is now $5600. That's very significant. Basically, that's $5000 per year that will be paid by their pension income, all while the company posted record profits of $4.5 billion last year and is projected to make record profits each of the next four years.

30 yrs.......You see the Truth behind UPS's plan for the future of it's current and retired empolyees, Why anyone would be happy about their future and be defending this contract is beyond me. Yes their are people out there that would love to have our problems the way the economy is today, but the problems out in our country today are for the most caused by Company GREED, Bloated salaries, cut costs to reward shareholders etc. If the company you work for exceeds yearly making GREAT profits then the ones who generate it for them should share some of the rewards. Ford recently gave a nice bonus ck to their workers, How do you think they feel today? Duh...like my efforts are appreciated..Hello!!! They take pride in their work and will be a happier group overall knowing that the Board recognizes their value to the bottom line..

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/threads/union-is-done.355939/page-13#ixzz30Cmv27zj

10 point

Well-Known Member
Now tell them how long it will take to get the grievance heard locally?
Then after it is deadlocked and the mandatory company hold at the state panel 2-3 more months pass.
Then it is deadlocked to the regional JAC to be heard three months later, because no state panel will rule on such an important, possibly precedence setting issue.
Then the quarterly JAC hears the griavance and puts it on committee hold for 3 more months.
It's only at that subsequent JAC panel, that the matter is referred back to parties for final resolution, bringing the issue full circle and putting it right back on square one.
Of course if your fortunate enough to have it deadlocked again to the National level, it could be another 6 months, or even years if they decide to arbitrate.
Yea, it's a great system
The BA's get paid no matter what. Make it performance based and watch what happens. Lol
Kleenexes please :nobrainzombis: