I am a 30 plus year upser from one of the locals that is having their rights being taken away. The three big reasons we voted down the supplement were hourly wages (they do not keep up with cost of living/inflation) which means our paychecks will be of less value each of the next four years, full time jobs(we have people who are reg/temps for 14 years meaning they don't qualify for the pension), and being forced into teamcare. I understand that many upsers were already under teamcare. We sympathize with those brothers and sisters that have been forced to navigate their way through a healthcare that is run by the IBT. I believe we can all agree that the IBT is incompetent when it comes to running anything that involves money. The pension fund is a perfect example. Retirees (who don't have a vote) were paying $50 a month for healthcare under conditions of the previous contract. Now they have to pay $300 a month. That's $600 per year compared to $3600. Also, starting 2018, all upsers under teamcare have to pay the first $1000 per person, $2000 per family out of their pocket. What was $600 per family before is now $5600. That's very significant. Basically, that's $5000 per year that will be paid by their pension income, all while the company posted record profits of $4.5 billion last year and is projected to make record profits each of the next four years. The reason we rejected the master and the supplement was because we felt that we should not have to give back benefits that we EARNED. Lastly, UPS likes to say that their people are the best paid in the industry. We are also the lowest. How can that be? NO ONE does what we do. No one comes close. Not FedEx, the USPS...............nobody. My wife is a 15 year fedex express driver. She starts a 6 am, loads her own car until 8 am and finishes at around 2:30 pm with about 70-90 stops. That's a half days work at UPS. UPSers should never be compared to anyone else in the industry, and now we will make concessions for the next 4 plus years. It's shamefull.