UPS laying off Technical hourly employees

celtics 2009

New Member
upstatenyupser you must be one the thousands fat managers collecting a paycheck
and pretending to manage someone or something, people like you should retire, and let some of the younger people have a chance........ how about them giants


Well-Known Member
upstatenyupser you must be one the thousands fat managers collecting a paycheck
and pretending to manage someone or something, people like you should retire, and let some of the younger people have a chance........ how about them giants

Dipstick, I was referring to the fact that Microsoft announced today that they are laying off 5000 employees. The rest of your post further exposes your lack of experience and immaturity.

celtics 2009

New Member
Big words from someone who has nothing better to do than read and write about his pathetic job you must be a manger, divorced and have no friends or life.........

And i know what you meant; by go work for microsoft, I been reading alot
of the bs you been writing, and i can tell you are one of them brainwashed
over paid mgr. you are the reason why the stock price is 42.00


Well-Known Member
Big words from someone who has nothing better to do than read and write about his pathetic job you must be a manger, divorced and have no friends or life.........

And i know what you meant; by go work for microsoft, I been reading alot
of the bs you been writing, and i can tell you are one of them brainwashed
over paid mgr. you are the reason why the stock price is 42.00

I am actually a driver with 11 years to go. I was simply commenting that your Microsoft comment was harsh because of their layoff announcement.

Now, as for the rest of your post, I couldn't care less what you think. I have more time in the rest room than you have on the job. Oh, and before you go down this road, I have 2 2yr and 1 4yr degree(s), but am earning more as a UPS driver than I would in my career field so don't think you can pull the "education" card on me. Perhaps you should dry off behind the ears before you come in here and play with the big boys, dipstick.
Wow, that was cold!

Yeah, that was pretty cold.

Can we get back on topic now?

I'm curious to find out what credible/quasi-official rumblings are out there. We all know that TSG is either fully or mostly doomed at some point. It would be most effective for us all to share what we are hearing, maybe we can stay ahead of the curve that way.
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Active Member
We are now three years into this slow downward spiral. Waiting and wondering will do nothing to help. Hoping that you're above the cut-off line is playing a game you don't know the rules to. You need to start making your own rules. Change is not easy but some of you will not have a choice.
You have to take control back and start making your own changes. If you really think you are above the line and are willing to continue in a diminished capacity, enjoying PMT, then do nothing. If you are not sure then it is time to make your own change. No one will do this for you. Start updating your skills, start learning new skills and start talking to people outside of TSG.

The outside IT world is far different than what a TSG tech normally sees. You have seen others write the same thing before and it is the real world. Don't get caught off-guard if you're shown the door.
The outside IT world is far different than what a TSG tech normally sees. You have seen others write the same thing before and it is the real world. Don't get caught off-guard if you're shown the door.
From what I have seen and heard, Skill have no meaning in UPS TSG. Years of Service is the key to staying in the department, so if you are not at the top or middle, start looking to the Outside IT World... :dissapointed:


New Member
So that is why I had forgotten about this site. It gives me a headache. These techs are bunch of spoiled brats at best. They complain, think they are better than everybody else, and deserve more money than others. Give me a break. We drivers get laid off everyday and we have a good old grand union. We do not have equal pay, and we see the real world outthere. Example, walked to a company on thursday this week and everyone was there. Walked in today "friday" 20 out of 63 people were walked out with no notice and compensation. UPS gives impacted people 3-6 month notice, Separation package and every opportunity to find people jobs if possible. Get a grip.. No one does that any more even the the golden boys like Microsoft, Yahoo, ATT, etc. GOD BLESS UPS...


So that is why I had forgotten about this site. It gives me a headache. These techs are bunch of spoiled brats at best. They complain, think they are better than everybody else, and deserve more money than others. Give me a break. We drivers get laid off everyday and we have a good old grand union. We do not have equal pay, and we see the real world outthere. Example, walked to a company on thursday this week and everyone was there. Walked in today "friday" 20 out of 63 people were walked out with no notice and compensation. UPS gives impacted people 3-6 month notice, Separation package and every opportunity to find people jobs if possible. Get a grip.. No one does that any more even the the golden boys like Microsoft, Yahoo, ATT, etc. GOD BLESS UPS...

It would actually be great if the definition of Layoff in TSG was you're moved to a different job within the company. Layoff is TSGLand are "don't let the door hit ya in ass on the way out!"
Oh and 3 mths notice would be great. Conf call on the 20th, let know who is effected by the 23rd. Packets received on the 28th. Need an answer on the 6th... 3 weeks... And eventhough the sep date is Apr 29th in the Packets, it's going to be sooner. You just know it.
Try to find techs jobs? You're funny. We're non-union, non management. We just get bent over w/o lube.

We are getting laid off by shift, not seniority here. Betrayal? Sure. When your years of service, work ethic and results account for jack****, it hurts like hell.


New Member
Wait a minute, if you are a District Technician who can be moved randomly from one building to another and be placed on any shift, how can they say you are laid off since your shift is illiminated? Other districts are going by seniority. I would take my packet to a labor lawyer.


Wait a minute, if you are a District Technician who can be moved randomly from one building to another and be placed on any shift, how can they say you are laid off since your shift is illiminated? Other districts are going by seniority. I would take my packet to a labor lawyer.

Ding! Thats what we are wondering. We've been told we don't work set shifts, yet that's how they selected the people who were eliminated...
So is that how they can get rid of who they want to get rid of (instead of going by seniority)? If they knew this in advance (which they probably did), then they can simply put the marked tech (aka one with high seniority and high pay) on a shift they plan to eliminate.


So is that how they can get rid of who they want to get rid of (instead of going by seniority)? If they knew this in advance (which they probably did), then they can simply put the marked tech (aka one with high seniority and high pay) on a shift they plan to eliminate.

Would have been nice, but according my mgt, they were blindsided and left out of the loop until all decisions were made.


Anyone know what's going on in PA? I heard the entire state may become one huge district, along with WV and parts of MD.
What do you smoke man? Or have you ever managed anything? PA, WV and MD. Your information is as good as the old Enron Stock... Your fantasy.. Ain't hapening... by the way, that is about 25,000 employees. UPS district size is about 8000 to 12000 max.


Well-Known Member
What do you smoke man? Or have you ever managed anything? PA, WV and MD. Your information is as good as the old Enron Stock... Your fantasy.. Ain't hapening... by the way, that is about 25,000 employees. UPS district size is about 8000 to 12000 max.
I guess the same could be said for Regions as well right? If that's true, where is the ECR now?


I guess the same could be said for Regions as well right? If that's true, where is the ECR now?
No, Regions are mainly for strategy and guidance setting. Districts are where the work take place. Consolidating districts is much tougher than regions. Regions typically have about 50-100 employees max.