I'm also a technician with TSG. I've been told they are laying off 130 TSG (on-site) technicians, and 180 TSC (helpdesk) technicians. We're the two groups who keep the computers, DIAD's, networks, scanners, printers, and customer pc's running and maintenanced.]
Don't know who told you this, but don't believe it. The TSC or Technicial Support Center is in LasVegas and is the first level of support. If an OMS calls with an issue on their Center PC this is the first desk they call. If they lost 130 people, they would not have many left.
ICS Internal Customer Support is the second level of support and is in Morristown, NJ. There are less than 100 people who work there and most are hourly employees. There have been no layoffs in ICS to my understanding.
There have been a limited number of layoff in Corporate IS, but it has been a small number compared to the over 4,000 people in Corporate IS. It is my understanding that there have been no layoff in local TSG around the country; however, as people leave they are not filling all positions.
There is less of a demand for local TSG. UPS has moved to mainly web based applications and any computer in UPS can have its software fixed remotely from anywhere in the world. TSG used to run around and fix the computers we gave to customers. We now give these computers to customers and let Dell, HP, etc fix the hardware. If there is a software problem we can remote in to fix a WorldShip issue. There is just simply less for TSG to do now.
If you know differently, I would like to hear it please.