And not the twisted form of "progress". A fake progress (truly a regression) whereby agitators try to divide us along any and every social line they can think of in order to rouse base vices of envy and resentment by using the impossible standard of perfection, which we can never achieve, to convict their perceived enemies. They do this in order to create chaos, through which they can further the cause of tyranny. It's the oldest trick in the book, and is so often very effective.
Overall I agree with you. A couple questions;
Why do you succumb to the “agitators” who try to divide us along any and every social line?
We all read you constantly insulting vaccinated individuals and making claims like “only totalitarians disagree with my ability to choose.” You say divisive stuff all the time. You feed into the chaos.
One more question:
I understand that you view the pandemic as an opportunity for the “ruling class” or financial elite or whatever; you view this as a conduit to their desire to “chain” us down.
Could it be, you know, that the virus just occurred naturally like other pandemics throughout human history? The bureaucratic tape is annoying for all of us. Even those of us who are vaccinated. I watch that talking head Fauci spew bs and just shake my head. I don’t make my decisions for them; I gather information and choose to take the vaccine because I believe that is in out of our best interests. I don’t care that you disagree. It’s ok.
What’s not ok; is playing th martyr all the time and acting as if you have access to this ultimate truth that we all just can’t comprehend. We are well aware of the fact that there is massive, worldwide corruption at every twist and turn.
This is not a reason to not take a vaccine. It’s not, man.
You need to pick your battles.
You can’t absolutely quantify your theories about the virus; the wuhan lab, it’s all speculative bs. Nothing has been proved.
Yet, you pitch your flag to this great cause; as if the future of our democracy depends on it.
It doesn’t.