Vaccine mandate


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

1 per 100,000 has a 50% chance of getting a real covid hospital admission.

That's your own state's official data. Can you read?


Well-Known Member
Wanting to do whatever it takes to be able to keep myself safe while seeing my kids is the #1 giveaway that I love my family.
Everyone will do whatever it takes to keep kids safe.

Your grandkids could kiss every patient on the covid unit every day and be at no risk. They're already safe.

I'm giving you great news. All of you can lighten up.


Well-Known Member
I brought D, zinc, a nebulizer, and quercitin to a family I know struggling with covid. My kids played inside with their kids while I visited, and my oldest played trivia games with the one who couldn't get out of bed.

You know what happened? Nothing. My friends got medicine they needed and life went on fine. My kids never sniffled. Covid is real. But not for kids. This is NORMAL.


Well-Known Member
Have fun pleasuring yourself to your Jimmy Hoffa Sr poster.
Slightly off topic but......

Tax time is upon us.
Is your desk, at your office, fully enclosed in plexiglass?
Do you wear a full hazmat suit?
Is your office a positive pressure environment? (medical term).

Aren't you "up to your ears" in tax return work?

Curiously helping.
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Well-Known Member
Within UPS? They would have the same mandates.

NYC instituted a vaccine mandate for all city employees and it was amazing how many previously unvaccinated tough guy firefighters and police officers caved in and got the shot(s), presumably at their spouses' insistence.
Great! You sound delighted that people were coerced into taking an injection that they didn't want. Which violates the Nuremburg code.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Great! You sound delighted that people were coerced into taking an injection that they didn't want. Which violates the Nuremburg code.
Always found it interesting that one of the arguments that the Germans presented was there was no violation because there was no law to violate.
Universal moral law. It has always been around. There somethings you just don't do. Wonder where that came from?


Well-Known Member
Slightly off topic but......

Tax time is upon us.
Is your desk, at your office, fully enclosed in plexiglass?
Do you wear a full hazmat suit?
Is your office a positive pressure environment? (medical term).

Aren't you "up to your ears" in tax return work?

Curiously helping.
Nope----gave up the tax gig when the UPS gig came alone----the pension fund frowns upon us working one job in retirement, I can only imagine their reaction if I told them I was working two.

I have decided to try to go without any W-2 income at all in 2022.


Well-Known Member
Fairly certain the Nuremburg code has nothing to do with this discussion.
OK if you're fairly certain it doesn't apply here, I strongly disagree, but let's try it from a different angle.

Should one have the right to choose what gets injected into their own body? If you get punished in ways that take away your ability to provide for your family, depending on how you choose, is that really a free choice?

When I deliver at the UPS store, I often overhear them as they notarize. Before they let them sign, they always say "Are you signing this of your own free-will and volition?"

Even when you go to get your shot, they make you sign that you are electing to receive the treatment.

Do you see how this is leading to a situation where we all lose our bodily autonomy? It's not just 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots. In my view, this doesn't end.


Well-Known Member
No, it's sad. It's sad that she puts herself above the welfare of her daughter and grandkids.

I got the initial shot on my first day of eligibility; in fact, I had to "cheat" the Walgreens website by lying about my age so that I would have an appointment scheduled the next day. I then got the second and the booster as prescribed. The only side effect was a sore arm which was more than offset by my being able to spend time with my family.

Call me a pusillanimous if you want but as a parent and grandparent you sometimes have to do things for your kids that you may not want to. Like sitting through a preschool graduation.
The children will pay for this nonsense, hudreds trillions of their future earnings handed to china ntm higher suicide rates and ptsd.. Anyone that didn't call bs on the theft of an entire generations future to save their own asses should be ashamed of themselves.