Vaccine mandate


Never said that it did; however, if I were to "catch it", I know that the symptoms and duration would both be much less severe than if I were unvaccinated.
Unvaccinated, had covid in the summer. Had mild sniffles and the occasional cough.

I've been sicker eating bad lettuce at Chipotle although getting vaccinated at your age is more understandable.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Never said that it did; however, if I were to "catch it", I know that the symptoms and duration would both be much less severe than if I were unvaccinated.
Completely wrong. Explain why there are more people visiting the hospital that took the shot. Compared to the ones that didn't...


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Well-Known Member
Then why has my 2.5 y/o grandchildren spent more time at home than at daycare the past year? It seems like almost every week either a kid or teacher is suspected of having Covid. Thank goodness my son and DIL have the flexibility to work from home.
And just how has that changed with a vaccine. It’s gotten worse actually there’s more disruption than ever.


Well-Known Member
Recent studies show flu vaccine can reduce the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well matched to the flu vaccine viruses.

In other words, no vaccine is 100% effective.
Sure that’s a great line is that what they told us this would do? And you know it every year they reformulate the flu shot to Try to catch the new strain this is the same shot for A virus that is two years old….. and no longer the dominant variant


Never bought my own handtruck
Sure that’s a great line is that what they told us this would do? And you know it every year they reformulate the flu shot to Try to catch the new strain this is the same shot for A virus that is two years old….. and no longer the dominant variant
This is mRNA not virus based so that doesn’t pertain.


Well-Known Member
Sure that’s a great line is that what they told us this would do? And you know it every year they reformulate the flu shot to Try to catch the new strain this is the same shot for A virus that is two years old….. and no longer the dominant variant
...and they will learn from the various Covid variants and "tweak" the formula for the vaccine accordingly...

I would be willing to bet that beginning this fall the flu and Covid vaccines will be administered at the same time, much like kids get the MMR when they are very young.


Well-Known Member
...and they will learn from the various Covid variants and "tweak" the formula for the vaccine accordingly...

I would be willing to bet that beginning this fall the flu and Covid vaccines will be administered at the same time, much like kids get the MMR when they are very young.
So what you’re telling us as you have no problem being lied to you I’m going back to the same people who lie to you to buy their products and services again? Sorry but that is a true corporate bootlicker you’re jumping through mental gymnastics to stick up for a multi billion dollar corporation that told you something would happen and did not

First we were told it had a 93% effectiveness

Then we were told masks would no longer be necessary

Then we were told life would return to normal

Then we were told vaccinated can’t transmit

Then we were told it’s just an occasional breakthrough infection

Then we were told only the unvaccinated go to the hospital

Then we were told only the unvaccinated die

It’s astounding how in about a year‘s time you’ve Accepted a corporate Giants lies to the point that you will stick up for them and not hold their feet to the fire

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I brought D, zinc, a nebulizer, and quercitin to a family I know struggling with covid. My kids played inside with their kids while I visited, and my oldest played trivia games with the one who couldn't get out of bed.

You know what happened? Nothing. My friends got medicine they needed and life went on fine. My kids never sniffled. Covid is real. But not for kids. This is NORMAL.
That was true charity. You should be thanked. I have assisted three people so far. A retired 60 year old upser. 94-year-old world war II veteran. 73-year-old lady. All three are still unvaxed and are healthy today.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Recent studies show flu vaccine can reduce the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well matched to the flu vaccine viruses.

In other words, no vaccine is 100% effective.
It’s not a vaccine if you have to keep getting boosters. No booster for mumps, measles, chicken pox etc. Even a tetanus shot lasts 10 years. Not only is this abomination no where near as effective as was originally touted, but it only lasts couple of months and is useless against the variants.
Other than that it’s good. Please.