Vaccine mandate


Inordinately Right
This guy, Michael Olsterholm, is the worlds foremost authority on infectious diseases and the head of the Center For Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), a man who has spent nearly the last 40 years as one of the worlds top epidemiologists.

We can listen to people like Michael Olsterholm, or we can gravitate to these anonymous YouTube data driven talking heads on social media, motivated by political rhetoric and agenda (which has zero to do with infectious diseases).

I'm going with guys like Olsterholm....every day and twice on Sunday.
"We can listen to people like Michael Olsterholm"

For what?
What the hell are you people trying to figure out at this point? This obsession with a flu is so bizarre. We've known what we needed to know for about a year and a half. The "experts" still are pushing crap that doesn't work and fear mongering. SMH.


I'm a star
I agree that "experts" have much more information & are infinitely smarter in their particular fields of study than common folk.
But I think that real world situations & experiences within a commoners life mean more to them than anyone trying to place information into their minds.
I don't personally know anyone who has passed from covid although there are a couple friends of friends that have. Virtually everyone I have talked to has had covid & only a couple went to the hospital for fluids.
Now if there had been 5-10 In my sphere who had passed with another 50 having been in the hospital then I'd be 1st in line for vax & as many boosters as needed, I'd even cheer lead for mandates for everyone. But this particular virus just isn't producing that level of panic.

There's problems that come with over-specialization.

And is panic really the best state of mind to be in while making decisions that you can't undo? If you don't understand an issue enough to make a decision on your own, how can you know that someone is indeed an expert in something, or that their opinion is correct?


I'm a star
"We can listen to people like Michael Olsterholm"

For what?
What the hell are you people trying to figure out at this point? This obsession with a flu is so bizarre. We've known what we needed to know for about a year and a half. The "experts" still are pushing crap that doesn't work and fear mongering. SMH.

I've been looking at his credentials. I don't see anything supporting the claim of "world's foremost authority". It seems more like the Biden administration shopped around until they found a guy at a public university that held the views they wanted to promote and decided he was "the guy". I found that he claimed hospitals would collapse, which didn't happen. He made predictions about delta that didn't actually come true. I'm guessing he's behind the White House's "Season of Death Greetings" message. Seriously, any other president would have been impeached over that panic inducing messaging. Osterholm is the guy predicting a viral blizzard, when South Africa has already made it through the omicron surge, and it was a giant nothing burger. We'll see what else this leading expert has to say, but he's not looking very good right now.


Well-Known Member
The constitution is gay, freedom of speech protects public blasphemers, freedom of the press protects the journalists who are the enemy of the people. It’s just no good. Second amendment is the only good thing to come out of that horse :censored2: document.


Well-Known Member
Founding fathers sucked and were all anti Christian because of their stupid belief in deism. Just :censored2: libs whose ideology has gotten us here and keeps marching further left.


Inordinately Right
The constitution is gay, freedom of speech protects public blasphemers, freedom of the press protects the journalists who are the enemy of the people. It’s just no good. Second amendment is the only good thing to come out of that horse :censored2: document.
Founding fathers sucked and were all anti Christian because of their stupid belief in deism. Just :censored2: libs whose ideology has gotten us here and keeps marching further left.
Not sure if you need a drink or if you've had too many.


I'm a star
The constitution is gay, freedom of speech protects public blasphemers, freedom of the press protects the journalists who are the enemy of the people. It’s just no good. Second amendment is the only good thing to come out of that horse :censored2: document.

People have to be free to blaspheme God, otherwise not blaspheming God is meaningless. A gift of obedience is not a gift when it is forced. Only people who freely choose to pursue the Truth can be truly free.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
@Netsua 3:16



My Senior Picture
I agree that "experts" have much more information & are infinitely smarter in their particular fields of study than common folk.
But I think that real world situations & experiences within a commoners life mean more to them than anyone trying to place information into their minds.
I don't personally know anyone who has passed from covid although there are a couple friends of friends that have. Virtually everyone I have talked to has had covid & only a couple went to the hospital for fluids.
Now if there had been 5-10 In my sphere who had passed with another 50 having been in the hospital then I'd be 1st in line for vax & as many boosters as needed, I'd even cheer lead for mandates for everyone. But this particular virus just isn't producing that level of panic.
You hit on it early in your post, and if you will indulge me with an analogy, I think I can illustrate my position on this subject.

I am a decent "backyard mechanic" and can perform many repairs and preventative maintenance measures on my vehicles, without the aid of a "certified mechanic".

But know for a fact, that when there is something I can't diagnose, a recall, or something I don't have the tools and knowledge to deal with, I absolutely yield to those who do have the tools and knowledge to make the repair.

While I don't believe this virus is catastrophic to any one specific group or individual of our population, I do believe we had enough lead time to know that if measures weren't taken, many would have ultimately been denied medical treatment that could save their lives while they were left to die.

Do you want to be the one to design the protocol to make these "God-like" decisions, or prefer to conveniently fall back to political arguments of constitutionality, ultimately saying "my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" is more important than my neighbor?

I prefer to say I made the minimal sacrifices I could and did everything I could to help my neighbor and myself.


Well-Known Member
People have to be free to blaspheme God, otherwise not blaspheming God is meaningless. A gift of obedience is not a gift when it is forced. Only people who freely choose to pursue the Truth can be truly free.

They can blaspheme all they want privately, but in the public sphere it harms the common good when people are allowed to publicly blaspheme God, but yeah man, you keep believing that, enjoy the state sanctioned butt sex in your kids school. If you don’t crush these people they crush you.


My Senior Picture
The constitution is gay, freedom of speech protects public blasphemers, freedom of the press protects the journalists who are the enemy of the people. It’s just no good. Second amendment is the only good thing to come out of that horse :censored2: document.
People have to be free to blaspheme God, otherwise not blaspheming God is meaningless. A gift of obedience is not a gift when it is forced. Only people who freely choose to pursue the Truth can be truly free.
....and I guess they need to be free to be homophobic or racist too?

Isn't this the same guy who testified to "vaccine shedding"???

.....the belief that you can somehow obtain side effects from someone who was vaccinated solely by virtue of "close contact"?

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Netsua 3:16

Lol, I got experts from Oxford (the ones who made the correct model), Harvard. Stanford,
Oxford recommending masks:
Harvard recommending masks:
Stanford recommending masks:
All three institutions require vaccination to attend in persons
Perhaps you should go to substack and post us one of your conservative think tank journals


My Senior Picture
They can blaspheme all they want privately, but in the public sphere it harms the common good when people are allowed to publicly blaspheme God, but yeah man, you keep believing that, enjoy the state sanctioned butt sex in your kids school. If you don’t crush these people they crush you.
You God is "gay".
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I'm a star
They can blaspheme all they want privately, but in the public sphere it harms the common good when people are allowed to publicly blaspheme God, but yeah man, you keep believing that, enjoy the state sanctioned butt sex in your kids school. If you don’t crush these people they crush you.

When they try, then I am morally justified in defending myself. You don't can't convert through force, and we aren't called to murder or vanquish people who disobey God. Vengeance belongs to the Lord.


I'm a star
....and I guess they need to be free to be homophobic or racist too?
Absolutely. Who are you to dictate morality? That's no different than the other guy saying people shouldn't be free to blaspheme God. It's the exact same argument, used to argue either side.

Isn't this the same guy who testified to "vaccine shedding"???
I don't know what you are talking about. Shedding spike proteins that your body generates, thanks to the mRNA in the vaccines, is a documented phenomenon.

.....the belief that you can somehow obtain side effects from someone who was vaccinated solely by virtue of "close contact"?
How do you think viruses work? Shedding toxic spike proteins is no different, it's just not the whole virus, and the effects are limited to what damage the spike protein can do by itself.


My Senior Picture
Absolutely. Who are you to dictate morality? That's no different than the other guy saying people shouldn't be free to blaspheme God. It's the exact same argument, used to argue either side.

I don't know what you are talking about. Shedding spike proteins that your body generates, thanks to the mRNA in the vaccines, is a documented phenomenon.

How do you think viruses work? Shedding toxic spike proteins is no different, it's just not the whole virus, and the effects are limited to what damage the spike protein can do by itself.
If that's true (which I highly doubt) wouldn't that suggest that the technology behind the vaccine is effective in replicating significant properties of the virus for the purpose of programing our immune systems?

I challenge you to an arm wrestling contest after I get my next booster shot, because I care about your health.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Overall I agree with you. A couple questions;
Why do you succumb to the “agitators” who try to divide us along any and every social line?
We all read you constantly insulting vaccinated individuals and making claims like “only totalitarians disagree with my ability to choose.” You say divisive stuff all the time. You feed into the chaos.
One more question:
I understand that you view the pandemic as an opportunity for the “ruling class” or financial elite or whatever; you view this as a conduit to their desire to “chain” us down.
Could it be, you know, that the virus just occurred naturally like other pandemics throughout human history? The bureaucratic tape is annoying for all of us. Even those of us who are vaccinated. I watch that talking head Fauci spew bs and just shake my head. I don’t make my decisions for them; I gather information and choose to take the vaccine because I believe that is in out of our best interests. I don’t care that you disagree. It’s ok.
What’s not ok; is playing th martyr all the time and acting as if you have access to this ultimate truth that we all just can’t comprehend. We are well aware of the fact that there is massive, worldwide corruption at every twist and turn.
This is not a reason to not take a vaccine. It’s not, man.
You need to pick your battles.
You can’t absolutely quantify your theories about the virus; the wuhan lab, it’s all speculative bs. Nothing has been proved.
Yet, you pitch your flag to this great cause; as if the future of our democracy depends on it.
It doesn’t.
Guy. Your shots dont work.


I'm a star
You hit on it early in your post, and if you will indulge me with an analogy, I think I can illustrate my position on this subject.

I am a decent "backyard mechanic" and can perform many repairs and preventative maintenance measures on my vehicles, without the aid of a "certified mechanic".
Austen 3:16 says that's false equivalency.

But know for a fact, that when there is something I can't diagnose, a recall, or something I don't have the tools and knowledge to deal with, I absolutely yield to those who do have the tools and knowledge to make the repair.

Let's say your mechanic says "I need two weeks to fix your problem, and It's going to cost you your entire salary for that two weeks." Then you show up and he says, "oh when I fixed the original problem, I found out there's this other problem, and you will have to put in a special filter, and make sure to stay off the roads anytime someone else is driving." Then you take the car home, and none of the problems have been fixed, a normal person says it's time to find a new mechanic. Some others will acquire the knowledge they need to fix the problem themselves. Others will ignore the problem and believe it's really been fixed because their mechanic said so, and they "know better" than to question their mechanic.

While I don't believe this virus is catastrophic to any one specific group or individual of our population, I do believe we had enough lead time to know that if measures weren't taken, many would have ultimately been denied medical treatment that could save their lives while they were left to die.

Do you want to be the one to design the protocol to make these "God-like" decisions, or prefer to conveniently fall back to political arguments of constitutionality, ultimately saying "my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" is more important than my neighbor?

This pandemic has never even approached the standard necessary to justify any trespass on individual liberty. The people who have been afraid should have been free to decide to lock themselves down, and suffer the consequences of their decisions, everyone else should have been free to go about their business and enjoyed their lives as they saw fit. This isn't rocket science, it's barely 8th grade level biology with a little civics mixed in.

I prefer to say I made the minimal sacrifices I could and did everything I could to help my neighbor and myself.

You should be free to decide to do just that, you should not be free to force what you think is right on others through your experts of choice by proxy.


Well-Known Member
You hit on it early in your post, and if you will indulge me with an analogy, I think I can illustrate my position on this subject.

I am a decent "backyard mechanic" and can perform many repairs and preventative maintenance measures on my vehicles, without the aid of a "certified mechanic".

But know for a fact, that when there is something I can't diagnose, a recall, or something I don't have the tools and knowledge to deal with, I absolutely yield to those who do have the tools and knowledge to make the repair.

While I don't believe this virus is catastrophic to any one specific group or individual of our population, I do believe we had enough lead time to know that if measures weren't taken, many would have ultimately been denied medical treatment that could save their lives while they were left to die.

Do you want to be the one to design the protocol to make these "God-like" decisions, or prefer to conveniently fall back to political arguments of constitutionality, ultimately saying "my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" is more important than my neighbor?

I prefer to say I made the minimal sacrifices I could and did everything I could to help my neighbor and myself.
So your the type of guy that, if the mechanic tells you that the oil needs changed every 500 miles, you will comply because "he's the expert." You will also comply to an official checking your car every 500 & impounding it if you don't.

*I'm speaking with a healthy person under 60 in mind


My Senior Picture
Austen 3:16 says that's false equivalency.
A big time wrestling reference, impressive.
Let's say your mechanic says "I need two weeks to fix your problem, and It's going to cost you your entire salary for that two weeks." Then you show up and he says, "oh when I fixed the original problem, I found out there's this other problem, and you will have to put in a special filter, and make sure to stay off the roads anytime someone else is driving." Then you take the car home, and none of the problems have been fixed, a normal person says it's time to find a new mechanic. Some others will acquire the knowledge they need to fix the problem themselves. Others will ignore the problem and believe it's really been fixed because their mechanic said so, and they "know better" than to question their mechanic.
Absolutely, but when 99 out of a hundred mechanics concur....then what?
This pandemic has never even approached the standard necessary to justify any trespass on individual liberty. The people who have been afraid should have been free to decide to lock themselves down, and suffer the consequences of their decisions, everyone else should have been free to go about their business and enjoyed their lives as they saw fit. This isn't rocket science, it's barely 8th grade level biology with a little civics mixed in.
This pandemic did not reach those levels here in the USA, I agree.

....but that's only because we had the foresight to see what happened in Asia and Europe in countries like China and Italy, where significant numbers of people were denied medical treatment due to the near instantaneous nature of infections associated with a "novel virus".

You're right, it wasn't "rocket science", it was basic math and the measures taken were designed to spread out the rate of infections.
You should be free to decide to do just that, you should not be free to force what you think is right on others through your experts of choice by proxy.
You look to the veterans of past wars for the "freedom" you desire, I look to my neighbors and their families and gladly comply to modern science.