Examples of harassment

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
The manager at our center used to crawl around under the shelves acting like he was looking for a parcel. When the drivers would look in the cargo area, he would try to unzip their pants.

He often had boot marks on his face.

His "work butties" are probably drunk with him right now, and plan to reenact the Human Centipede later tonight, with the District Manager (also a salad tosser.)

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
I’ve never really seen harassment against someone who didn’t deserve it, but to these youngsters everything is harassment and a hostile work environment. My personal experience is usually getting dogpiled on. Everyone seems to get their moment in the spotlight where they whack you with a couple things of the course of a week or so just to rile you up. Maybe you’re late one day then a couple days later you get a backing report then they don’t like your trace numbers. Get in your head a bit until you screw up. I always have an answer for everything and be completely honest.


Retired 23 years
We had a Center Manager who loved to watch the guys change clothes in the morning and night back when you couldn't wear the pants home. (yes-there was a time like that).
I thought there'd be more honestly. Been a driver for 16 years. Never had an issue..until 4months ago. Been accused of skipping pickups on my day off ..bitched at for not taking pictures of deliveries (we don't have the option yet) .. scolded for not fueling pkg car on my day off .. written up for not wearing a green vest while driving a pkg car. The latest was I was expected to be a witness to a warning to another driver..(I'm not a steward) .... trying to pit driver vs driver? This on car is crazy!


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Filing a 9.5 grievance and the supervisor takes a package off your car so you have a no scan and takes it there after driver does final pickup to said business. Then proceeding the following day to go back to business to find package after they processed it and end up digging in the dumpster for it and “finding it” and taking a picture of package
Seeing how the driver knew how mentally unstable said supervisor was, driver took picture of tracking number in board for missing package.
Supervisor the following day proceeds to try and discipline driver for no scan. Showing proof of “package” found by supervisor in the dumpster after business threw out the box.
Unfortunately for supervisor the package he took picture of was not the same package. He took a random photo of one because he couldn’t find it from the hundreds of other broken down boxes in dumpster.
Driver proceed to file harassment grievance on supervisor
Driver won harassment grievance at panel and got paid
Drivers wins

:censored2: you bitch tits


I have my fellow RPCDS trained around here, any management harassment results in a Thursday/Friday call off..

It’s a tradition around here 😎