Filing a 9.5 grievance and the supervisor takes a package off your car so you have a no scan and takes it there after driver does final pickup to said business. Then proceeding the following day to go back to business to find package after they processed it and end up digging in the dumpster for it and “finding it” and taking a picture of package
Seeing how the driver knew how mentally unstable said supervisor was, driver took picture of tracking number in board for missing package.
Supervisor the following day proceeds to try and discipline driver for no scan. Showing proof of “package” found by supervisor in the dumpster after business threw out the box.
Unfortunately for supervisor the package he took picture of was not the same package. He took a random photo of one because he couldn’t find it from the hundreds of other broken down boxes in dumpster.
Driver proceed to file harassment grievance on supervisor
Driver won harassment grievance at panel and got paid
Drivers wins

you bitch tits