Look at every innovation in our lifetimes that make our lives better, easier, more fun. At the heart of every innovation was a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes a group, who came up with the idea. Who worked hard to establish a business based on that idea, made it grow, hired a lot of people along the way and gave them a future. That man, woman, or group held the majority of stock in their company and as people realized the profits being made and the potential for much more they too wanted in, buying the stock. The stock value went way up and the company founder/founders became very wealthy from their stock. Sometimes extraordinarily wealthy.
So let's tax them to death and take away the incentive to innovate. Can you name all the great products that came out of the Soviet Union? No? What about China you ask? China was going nowhere until their leadership allowed capitalism to come in. Even then most of the innovation that they produce in their factories comes out of the U.S. and other capitalistic countries because of our long established entrepreneurial culture.
So people get wealthy from being smart. I'm 100% for safety nets to help people who get ill or lose their jobs. There's a large amount of people who don't pursue anything better in their lives. They just want their paycheck and focus on doing what makes them immediately happy. They often resent others that have more but they aren't willing to work that hard. And too often they make up for what they lack by getting drunk or getting high.
Life is hard. There are no easy answers. I think Christianity can be held up as a way to live that the wealthy can embrace. It is difficult to go to heaven as a rich man but I've known wealthy men who put their money where their mouth is by giving generously to their church and getting involved with programs helping the poor. Didn't dump their wives for a younger woman. Ricky wants to paint all the rich a certain way but many are decent people who did well for themselves because they are very capable. Our system works because of very capable people who work hard. Taxing them to the point that it's not worth the effort will destroy the system that makes our lives much easier. But if it's social justice to make everyone equal and most of us end up with very little, then let's make everyone miserable together.