Vaccine mandate


I'm a star
Now we’re getting somewhere. You’re a feeder driver.

Remember that Medical Certification exam you take every 2 years, or yearly, depending on how fat you are?

UPS has all that information, basically your entire health history. I don’t hear you crying civil rights violation over that. I thought you said nobody is entitled to your health information except you. It’s also up to a Doctor to allow you to keep working. But I thought you said Doctors don’t have your best interests in mind?
Ups does not have that information. Lol.

How many times you been drug tested? You bitching about that too.

So, you are allowing UPS to know your medical history by continuing to work for them. And you also allow yourself to be subject to random drug tests by remaining a feeder driver.

But that’s OK. You’re making a lot of money and you can put your principles aside and be bought.

Now you refuse to stick a cotton swab in your nose to make sure you aren’t spreading a deadly disease to your coworkers saying it violates your civil rights? You can put your principles aside for money, but not for the safety of your coworkers?

The word hypocrite is on my mind for some reason.

Because you're projecting.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Now we’re getting somewhere. You’re a feeder driver.

Remember that Medical Certification exam you take every 2 years, or yearly, depending on how fat you are?

UPS has all that information, basically your entire health history. I don’t hear you crying civil rights violation over that. I thought you said nobody is entitled to your health information except you. It’s also up to a Doctor to allow you to keep working. But I thought you said Doctors don’t have your best interests in mind?

How many times you been drug tested? You bitching about that too.

So, you are allowing UPS to know your medical history by continuing to work for them. And you also allow yourself to be subject to random drug tests by remaining a feeder driver.

But that’s OK. You’re making a lot of money and you can put your principles aside and be bought.

Now you refuse to stick a cotton swab in your nose to make sure you aren’t spreading a deadly disease to your coworkers saying it violates your civil rights? You can put your principles aside for money, but not for the safety of your coworkers?

The word hypocrite is on my mind for some reason.
Flu is a deadly disease also but we don’t need to be tested for that. AIDS is deadly too, we don’t get tested for that. Again, my dot card does not give my company anything except the fact I am healthy enough to drive a truck. If I have an ailment that does not allow me to drive a truck, then they are notified that I can’t drive a truck untill I’ve corrected my issue. THEY DO NOT KNOW MY HISTORY!! Do u understand that now? I am prepared to get fired for my 120000 job. I’ll go make 140000 somewhere else next year. I could care less. Nobody determines my health decisions but me!


Well-Known Member
So a coworker of mine just got back to work he took a 2 month leave of absence because he 49 year old sister died. I asked if she was recently vaccinated and he said yes he thinks that was the cause but obviously no proof. He said her death was sudden and i believe him when she said she was healthy. Another coworker young kid said a a friend died suddenly weeks after vaccine but he was in his 20s once again no proof. But definitely crazy. Im pro vax i just think im healthy enough to beat the wuhan red im waiting for more guinea pigs. I honestly want to thank the brave people for taking this experimental jab. My wife lymph nodes still swollen months after her 2nd jab. She never really got sick much buy has been sick twice since with something. It wasn't flu covid or strep.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
So a coworker of mine just got back to work he took a 2 month leave of absence because he 49 year old sister died. I asked if she was recently vaccinated and he said yes he thinks that was the cause but obviously no proof. He said her death was sudden and i believe him when she said she was healthy. Another coworker young kid said a a friend died suddenly weeks after vaccine but he was in his 20s once again no proof. But definitely crazy. Im pro vax i just think im healthy enough to beat the wuhan red im waiting for more guinea pigs. I honestly want to thank the brave people for taking this experimental jab. My wife lymph nodes still swollen months after her 2nd jab. She never really got sick much buy has been sick twice since with something. It wasn't flu covid or strep.
My kids have never had a vaccine and they are the healthiest kids I know. I don’t give them a lot of sugar(hardly at all) but in 8 years neither one has ever had an ear infection, strep, my one has had once. And came back a second time a week later because ,apparently, amoxicillin doesn’t work anymore because doctors over prescribed it, and now our bodies have become immune to it. Despite what our fearless, incredibly greedy medical leaders say, vaccines are not the end all be all of health.


My Senior Picture
So a coworker of mine just got back to work he took a 2 month leave of absence because he 49 year old sister died. I asked if she was recently vaccinated and he said yes he thinks that was the cause but obviously no proof. He said her death was sudden and i believe him when she said she was healthy. Another coworker young kid said a a friend died suddenly weeks after vaccine but he was in his 20s once again no proof. But definitely crazy. Im pro vax i just think im healthy enough to beat the wuhan red im waiting for more guinea pigs. I honestly want to thank the brave people for taking this experimental jab. My wife lymph nodes still swollen months after her 2nd jab. She never really got sick much buy has been sick twice since with something. It wasn't flu covid or strep.
So have you received the vaccine?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Now we’re getting somewhere. You’re a feeder driver.

Remember that Medical Certification exam you take every 2 years, or yearly, depending on how fat you are?

UPS has all that information, basically your entire health history. I don’t hear you crying civil rights violation over that. I thought you said nobody is entitled to your health information except you. It’s also up to a Doctor to allow you to keep working. But I thought you said Doctors don’t have your best interests in mind?

How many times you been drug tested? You bitching about that too.

So, you are allowing UPS to know your medical history by continuing to work for them. And you also allow yourself to be subject to random drug tests by remaining a feeder driver.

But that’s OK. You’re making a lot of money and you can put your principles aside and be bought.

Now you refuse to stick a cotton swab in your nose to make sure you aren’t spreading a deadly disease to your coworkers saying it violates your civil rights? You can put your principles aside for money, but not for the safety of your coworkers?

The word hypocrite is on my mind for some reason.
If my coworkers are vaccinated why are they worried? The word fools comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
Today my 9 year old son could of got the jab at school we declined. But most of his friends are getting it. Im worried i hear myocarditis happens in boys. Another question have we list anyone on here maybe someone hasn't posted in a long time


Well-Known Member
Just Google it and tons of articles pop up. I think in Germany a kid died now they are pausing it. Probably different vax but same idea. Im a 22.3 where u thunk i learned the word myocarditis


Well-Known Member
So Google it cdc article. Yale medicine its tons of articles linking the 2. Experts say mild symptoms and will recover of course they wont say some people have adverse reactions. I read a article yesterday about a diver who can hold his breath under water 10.5 min now he cant hold it 7 min and his heart rate is up all the time

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Just Google it and tons of articles pop up. I think in Germany a kid died now they are pausing it. Probably different vax but same idea. Im a 22.3 where u thunk i learned the word myocarditis
I wouldn’t do it. Kids don’t die from this. Unless he has some other issue. He has a much better chance getting the virus then an unknown vaccine that hasn’t been safety tested properly. The fastest we ever made a vaccine was the mumps vaccine in four years. You want to trust one made in a year? Not me.


My Senior Picture
Just Google it and tons of articles pop up. I think in Germany a kid died now they are pausing it. Probably different vax but same idea. Im a 22.3 where u thunk i learned the word myocarditis
I am a fairly capable backyard mechanic, who can change the oil, battery, break pads, belt driven components, etc.

....but when it comes to internal engine and transmission issues I don't hesitate to take my vehicle to a professional mechanic.

For the life of me (some pun intended), I don't understand how anybody gets sucked into this "weekend epidemiologist" mindset.

I hope everybody here finds a way to get out of their own heads, separate issues that shouldn't be partisan (hence the latest talking head on the issue calling themselves @Non liberal) and consults a medical professional they trust.


My Senior Picture
Just Google it and tons of articles pop up. I think in Germany a kid died now they are pausing it. Probably different vax but same idea. Im a 22.3 where u thunk i learned the word myocarditis
So Google it cdc article. Yale medicine its tons of articles linking the 2. Experts say mild symptoms and will recover of course they wont say some people have adverse reactions. I read a article yesterday about a diver who can hold his breath under water 10.5 min now he cant hold it 7 min and his heart rate is up all the time
You can find whatever you want to hear by doing a Google search.

Caucus the medical professionals you trust for the answers you need.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I wouldn’t do it. Kids don’t die from this. Unless he has some other issue. He has a much better chance getting the virus then an unknown vaccine that hasn’t been safety tested properly. The fastest we ever made a vaccine was the mumps vaccine in four years. You want to trust one made in a year? Not me.
He’s got a better chance of getting struck by lightning than dying of covid. Do not let your child get this shot.


Well-Known Member
I dont like any vaccine. True story bro. My wifes former coworker has a child that was fine when born but a few days after a routine vax the child was autistic. Way before covid. Vax effects everyone different. She swears up and down her child was fine before i believe her. Because she was blessed with a healthy child then it was gone