Vaccine mandate

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You a driver? You want to be a driver? You have insurance? If you think nobody but your doctor has your health information, you’re delusional.

Never said you have to get vaccinated. As a matter of fact, I actually said nobody should be forced to get vaccinated.

Try and pay attention. I know it’s difficult, but give it that old college try.
Then why would you disagree to my post? What’s your problem? And sorry, do u not understand why it’s important for your employer to not have your health info? Would you like to get fired right before retirement age because you come down with a health ailment? It’s nobodies business, period!

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Every drug or medicine has adverse side effects. Some mild, some more severe.

So should we stop taking medicine altogether?

Risk/reward. Do the benefits out way the risks? You make your choice, I’ll make mine.
Yeah, stop quoting your doctor. They have lost all respect during this whole plandemic. Doctors are for emergencies only. Vaccines are different because they are injected directly into your blood stream vs being swallowed and processed by the necessary checks and balances of your more then adequate immune system.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yeah, stop quoting your doctor. They have lost all respect during this whole plandemic. Doctors are for emergencies only. Vaccines are different because they are injected directly into your blood stream vs being swallowed and processed by the necessary checks and balances of your more then adequate immune system.
Possible irreversible damage from this pseudo-vaccine also

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Then why would you disagree to my post?

You said you were being forced to get vaccinated. I disagreed because you are totally wrong. Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated.

What’s your problem?

I don't have a problem. You posted misinformation. I corrected you. Your post would have been removed from Facebook or Twitter for containing misinformation. Well, maybe not. Because they only remove what they want, misinformation or not.

And sorry, do u not understand why it’s important for your employer to not have your health info?

Sorry, they have a right to know. They employ you and insure you. While they don't have a right to everything, they have a right to some of your health info.

Would you like to get fired right before retirement age because you come down with a health ailment?

Illegal. And I thought you were all about following the law and not doing what is not law, only an executive order.

It’s nobodies business, period!

If you're a driver, or wanting to be a driver, look at the DOT medical Form that you must fill out, and that the Doctor fills out. Guess what? UPS has this information.

Vaccines are different because they are injected directly into your blood stream vs being swallowed and processed by the necessary checks and balances of your more then adequate immune system.

You said that you want control over what goes into your body. I agreed. You are not being forced to take the vaccine. And, by the way, there are medicines to cure a disease, or save your life, that can be only injected, not given by pill. Another individual that does not believe in doctors or science and medicine. Not really a shocker at all.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Hope this helps.

Spell check doesn't always get it right, and I sometimes do not proof the entire post. I believe people got the point of what I was trying to say.

Just like their, there, they''s pretty obvious the meaning of the post. Not everybody is perfect, and certainly not I. (Get it?)

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Strike, why?

You do not have to get the shot, you know that right?

Once they realize that they had no idea what they were talking about, that they just jumped on the band wagon ill informed, that they were not being forced to get the shot, they then start bitching about civil rights and health care privacy by having to get tested.

If it only involved a temperature check walking into the building, they would bitch and want to strike over that.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Once they realize that they had no idea what they were talking about, that they just jumped on the band wagon ill informed, that they were not being forced to get the shot, they then start bitching about civil rights and health care privacy by having to get tested.

If it only involved a temperature check walking into the building, they would bitch and want to strike over that.
And then expect the rest of the Union members to follow them like lemmings over a cliff. The Union will never authorize a strike over vaccine refusal.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
And then expect the rest of the Union members to follow them like lemmings over a cliff. The Union will never authorize a strike over vaccine refusal.

Nope. Worst case scenario is that the Union threaten to strike if UPS refuses to pay for the testing for those who refuse to get vaccinated. But, the Union knows that it would lead to its demise by striking UPS. And UPS would call their bluff.

I do see UPS paying for the tests of those refusing the vaccine though.

Netsua 3:16

So this is regarding one specific site in TEXAS? 😂
We’re all shocked, Z 😂


I'm a star
Once they realize that they had no idea what they were talking about, that they just jumped on the band wagon ill informed, that they were not being forced to get the shot, they then start bitching about civil rights and health care privacy by having to get tested.

If it only involved a temperature check walking into the building, they would bitch and want to strike over that.

Yes, civil rights are only important when you say they are. Lol. See you on the picket line Union brother. I'll bring the bread and peanut butter so you don't starve.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You said you were being forced to get vaccinated. I disagreed because you are totally wrong. Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated.

I don't have a problem. You posted misinformation. I corrected you. Your post would have been removed from Facebook or Twitter for containing misinformation. Well, maybe not. Because they only remove what they want, misinformation or not.

Sorry, they have a right to know. They employ you and insure you. While they don't have a right to everything, they have a right to some of your health info.

Illegal. And I thought you were all about following the law and not doing what is not law, only an executive order.

If you're a driver, or wanting to be a driver, look at the DOT medical Form that you must fill out, and that the Doctor fills out. Guess what? UPS has this information.

You said that you want control over what goes into your body. I agreed. You are not being forced to take the vaccine. And, by the way, there are medicines to cure a disease, or save your life, that can be only injected, not given by pill. Another individual that does not believe in doctors or science and medicine. Not really a shocker at all.
Wow, just close your eyes and ignore everything going on around you. Everybody will take care of you. Everything will be just fine! Your government, doctors and employer have nothing but your best interests in mind, they only care about what’s best for your financial, and personal well being of you and your family. In fact that is their only purpose in life. Oh and they would never ever break the law, no, they only ask me to haul a trailer when there’s no brakes or lights or overweight like 2 or 3 times a week, but that doesn’t mean they’re law breakers. And no my dot card does tell my employer anything beside the fact that I am fit to drive. COVID-19 does not affect my driving abilities. Why don’t they start screening employees for aids if that’s the case. Every time I walk in the bathroom at our hub there’s blood on the floor and sinks from people getting cuts from the boxes. They don’t care about that. Your delusional.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
they only ask me to haul a trailer when there’s no brakes or lights or overweight like 2 or 3 times a week,

Now we’re getting somewhere. You’re a feeder driver.

Remember that Medical Certification exam you take every 2 years, or yearly, depending on how fat you are?

UPS has all that information, basically your entire health history. I don’t hear you crying civil rights violation over that. I thought you said nobody is entitled to your health information except you. It’s also up to a Doctor to allow you to keep working. But I thought you said Doctors don’t have your best interests in mind?

How many times you been drug tested? You bitching about that too.

So, you are allowing UPS to know your medical history by continuing to work for them. And you also allow yourself to be subject to random drug tests by remaining a feeder driver.

But that’s OK. You’re making a lot of money and you can put your principles aside and be bought.

Now you refuse to stick a cotton swab in your nose to make sure you aren’t spreading a deadly disease to your coworkers saying it violates your civil rights? You can put your principles aside for money, but not for the safety of your coworkers?

The word hypocrite is on my mind for some reason.