Vaccine mandate

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Gotta love those effective vaccines

Yep. Gotta love them. They keep 95% of people from even getting the thing in the first place. And they keep the unlucky 5% that do get it out of the hospital and morgue. Couldn't ask for much more, except 100%

But 100% is almost unheard of. I'll take the 95% and the very mild to asymptomatic cases that do occur any day.


I'm a star
Guess again.

Teamsters Local 743 just lost that case. The IBT is not going to back you knowing it is a lost cause.

Lol. Arbitration.

See you on the picket line. If you're a real good boy and don't scab for three straight days, I'll give you a juice box with your pb sammich.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Better try again. Yes, the death rates were coming down, only because of science and technology that kept people alive until the virus ran its course, something else you don't seem to believe in.

It was the vaccine that eradicated the virus.

I see. We don't need vaccines. Only a certain percentage of kids die from measles without the vaccine. We can afford to lose some just to keep vaccines from eradicating a disease just because you don't believe in vaccines. You're unbelievable.

So, a "lower" kill rate is OK with you? It's not OK with me. I need a no kill rate, and certain vaccines accomplish that. But you're OK with people dying from a preventable disease. You're unbelievable.

Doesn't mean it's not low everywhere.

One is too many. But you're OK with "low" deaths. And, how many "in your land of milk and honey" actually got COVID? If one death out of 20 infected is OK with you, well, you're unbelievable.

Yep. A man made virus needs a man made cure.

Yep. You are just looking for an excuse to "remind" them, and you found one. You are going to strike, or want to strike, over sticking a cotton swab in your nose.

Not scared, never was. I am not willing to strike over your refusal to put a cotton swab in your nose. And neither is the rest of the workforce, except for those with the same mentality as you, just looking for an excuse to strike. The issue doesn't matter, as long as you can strike.

You remind me of most of the BLM protesters. They actually don't know what they're protesting. they just want to be woke and protest.

You don't know what your striking over, you just want to strike.
Lolllll!!!!, oh my, you are hillarious!!!! Lolllll🤣😂🤣😂 could you pick a more institutionalized organization? You don’t seem to understand fake news that is bought out by big money pharma. If you want an independent source, not bought by big pharma, then watch dr. Suzanne humphries. She will cite all of her sources on how indoor plumbing did indeed end the polio epidemic. And hey, I’m not saying vaccines don’t work, I’m saying I don’t believe they are needed because they harm people, and the actual cases of polio in today’s world would be slim to none. How many cases of autism are you ok with? I mean 1 in 50 kids get autism. We basically just traded polio for autism. I could care less about a strike. When ups asks if we’ve been vaccinated, I just want everyone to say: it’s none of your :censored2:ing business! And go to work. No need to strike. Don’t worry, us feeder drivers will bring the company to a screeching halt, just like the pilots did to southwest. Save your money, Jan. 4th will come fast.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Save your money, Jan. 4th will come fast.

@zubenelgenubi will bring you a PB sammich while you’re walking that picket line. You’re going to need it when you are terminated for a wildcat strike.

There ain’t no way the International will authorize a strike because you either refuse to tell the Company that you were vaccinated or that you refuse to stick a cotton swab up your nose. Especially when there is only a few of you.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
dr. Suzanne humphries.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries scores 5/5 on our Quack Scale. She represents a high risk to the general public and we encourage members of the public to seek alternate medical or health advice. Do not follow recommendations from this individual relating to your personal health or the health of others and be wary of any products sold or recommended by this quack.



I'm a star
@zubenelgenubi will bring you a PB sammich while you’re walking that picket line. You’re going to need it when you are terminated for a wildcat strike.

There ain’t no way the International will authorize a strike because you either refuse to tell the Company that you were vaccinated or that you refuse to stick a cotton swab up your nose. Especially when there is only a few of you.

What is "Things a management simp who is too afraid to strike would say?"

That is correct.

But, no, I have to save the pb sammiches for all the grasshoppers out there who refused to prepare because they wanted to be union members but didn't want to do the hard part of being in a union. See you on the picket line.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lolllll!!!!, oh my, you are hillarious!!!! Lolllll🤣😂🤣😂 could you pick a more institutionalized organization? You don’t seem to understand fake news that is bought out by big money pharma. If you want an independent source, not bought by big pharma, then watch dr. Suzanne humphries. She will cite all of her sources on how indoor plumbing did indeed end the polio epidemic. And hey, I’m not saying vaccines don’t work, I’m saying I don’t believe they are needed because they harm people, and the actual cases of polio in today’s world would be slim to none. How many cases of autism are you ok with? I mean 1 in 50 kids get autism. We basically just traded polio for autism. I could care less about a strike. When ups asks if we’ve been vaccinated, I just want everyone to say: it’s none of your :censored2:ing business! And go to work. No need to strike. Don’t worry, us feeder drivers will bring the company to a screeching halt, just like the pilots did to southwest. Save your money, Jan. 4th will come fast.
It’s all he has

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Dr. Suzanne Humphries scores 5/5 on our Quack Scale. She represents a high risk to the general public and we encourage members of the public to seek alternate medical or health advice. Do not follow recommendations from this individual relating to your personal health or the health of others and be wary of any products sold or recommended by this quack.

Lol, I love to see a dumb lob squirm🤣😂

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Dr. Suzanne Humphries scores 5/5 on our Quack Scale. She represents a high risk to the general public and we encourage members of the public to seek alternate medical or health advice. Do not follow recommendations from this individual relating to your personal health or the health of others and be wary of any products sold or recommended by this quack.

She’s the quack yet our very own government, cdc, nih and a whole slew of doctors nurses and scientists knowingly injected black farmers (the Tuskegee syphilis experiment), with syphilis, to see the effects it had on the human body, after telling them it was for their own good health. These are the very people who established the organizations we have today. :censored2:ing chew on that for a minute and process it. Our government, thousands of nurses, doctors, scientists, president, politicians used American people as :censored2:ing guinea pigs so they could better understand the virus. No, no there is no way they would ever do that with COVID-19, polio, smallpox, they have nothing but our good fortune in mind. Kiss my ass!!

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
She’s the quack yet our very own government, cdc, nih and a whole slew of doctors nurses and scientists knowingly injected black farmers (the Tuskegee syphilis experiment), with syphilis, to see the effects it had on the human body, after telling them it was for their own good health. These are the very people who established the organizations we have today. :censored2:ing chew on that for a minute and process it. Our government, thousands of nurses, doctors, scientists, president, politicians used American people as :censored2:ing guinea pigs so they could better understand the virus. No, no there is no way they would ever do that with COVID-19, polio, smallpox, they have nothing but our good fortune in mind. Kiss my ass!!

Never said I trust the government. I trust my doctor and science.

And if you don’t trust your doctor, you have bigger issues than a wildcat strike.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
She’s the quack yet our very own government, cdc, nih and a whole slew of doctors nurses and scientists knowingly injected black farmers (the Tuskegee syphilis experiment), with syphilis, to see the effects it had on the human body, after telling them it was for their own good health. These are the very people who established the organizations we have today. :censored2:ing chew on that for a minute and process it. Our government, thousands of nurses, doctors, scientists, president, politicians used American people as :censored2:ing guinea pigs so they could better understand the virus. No, no there is no way they would ever do that with COVID-19, polio, smallpox, they have nothing but our good fortune in mind. Kiss my ass!!
Also, tell me why they haven’t figured out what causes autism yet. Brilliant minds can create a 95%” safe and effective” vaccine for a novel virus in one year, yet cannot for the life of them figure out what even causes autism. Which is a pandemic of epic proportions at 1in 50, maybe more. You know why? Because they know what causes it, and it’s just too damn profitable to keep trying to treat it then tell the world what causes it and how to cure it! Grow up and look around you at how much bull:censored2: you are fed that just doesn’t make a bit of sense, it’s astounding!

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Because they know what causes it,



My Senior Picture
I agree with your statement, but why not test everybody since the vaccinated are still getting and spreading it?
That is a helluva question that I never really thought about. Supposedly, the vaccinated can still catch and transmit it, but not at nearly the same rate as the unvaccinated.

But, if they still can? I see your point.
Money, it's always the motivating factor.

The vaccine is not a cure, but it is highly effective at boosting immunity (worldwide) and mitigates the severity of infection and transmission levels.

It's the "Law of Diminishing Returns" in search for the best bang for the buck, in a race against the clock to herd immunity.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member

Man, you are a well trained sheep aren’t you? Did you read what you sent me? I love how they make autism sound acceptable because they don’t want to tell you that the prevalence of autism rises with the rising amount of vaccines kids get (up to 72 now I think) vs 12 when I was a kid. That article backs up everything I said to you. They claim they have no idea what causes it, yet they no with absolute certainty it’s not vaccines. Ask nick caribe if it was vaccines that killed his little boy. Don’t take my word, there’s tons of people out there who have first hand evidence of the vaccine causing harm. Where there is risk, there must be choice. One other thing, why doesn’t autism occur in unvaccinated Amish communities, it is very rare. It probably isn’t the only cause, but most certainly a huge part of it.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Money, it's always the motivating factor.

The vaccine is not a cure, but it is highly effective at boosting immunity (worldwide) and mitigates the severity of infection and transmission levels.

It's the "Law of Diminishing Returns" in search for the best bang for the buck, in a race against the clock to herd immunity.
No, it isn’t highly effective at anything but a false sense of security which is why highly vaccinated areas are absolutely exploding with virus right now.


Baseball, dart board

Don't quote :censored2: from Philly Children's hospital. Look up Paul Offit..
Owns patents on many Vaccines, so of course his hospital would be an "authority".

Same BS, different sheep.