Vaccine mandate

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
🤣🤣 that’s you’re answer? You’re making my point. What’s the sense of taking a shot that doesn’t do what they said it would? 95/96% effective remember? Listen don’t answer because I don’t care! If you’re fine with having an experimental potion injected into you and your family that’s you’re choice. My choice is not to take. Period. Have a good night.

Because there is 1 death of a vaccinated person compared to 10,000 deaths of unvaccinated people. TTKU.


Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
Good thing about covid is that we eradicated the flu right. No flu deaths last year woohoo. Wait the flu is still a thing.
Wasn't there less the 100 cases nation wide last year?
Because there is 1 death of a vaccinated person compared to 10,000 deaths of unvaccinated people. TTKU.
According to CNN.The same CNN that quoted the fake Steele dossier as gospel 😂


I'm a star
How to tell the difference between a good union bro and a management simp/shill when talking about striking:

Good Union Bro: strike? He'll yeah! Let's teach those freakers who's boss!

Management Simp/Shill:

-Pfftt... The union isn't going to strike.

-This isn't worth striking over.

-UPS wants the union to strike so they can lock us out.

-I can't strike! I have boat payments!

-Stop talking about striking, it makes me scared.

- We aren't going to strike just because over 80% of members don't like what's happening.

The moral of the story is: be a Good Union Bro, don't be a management simp/shill. And, absolutely don't be a scab just because you're jabbed.


Well-Known Member
Without vaccines, millions of parents like your wife's former coworker would have lost children who were fine until they contracted smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, etc.

Do you need proof of that, or do you think the human immune system eradicated these diseases?
Of course vaccines are good for society but this jab hasn't had long term studies. Il take my chances. Im glad most people are ok after the jab. Jand j the same company gave caner to people in baby powder. Now begging the Supreme court to vacate judgment. These pharmaceutical companies probably were losing billions because 🇺🇸 woke up and most ✋ abusing pills. All the junkies on herion and they dont make enough on narcan.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
🤣🤣 that’s you’re answer? You’re making my point. What’s the sense of taking a shot that doesn’t do what they said it would? 95/96% effective remember? Listen don’t answer because I don’t care! If you’re fine with having an experimental potion injected into you and your family that’s you’re choice. My choice is not to take. Period. Have a good night.
At least you’re not trying to convince him not to take it
I don’t care who takes it, just don’t try and force anyone to take anything that involves risk. It’s not right

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
This isn’t the flu. This is a man made virus created in a lab. It’s 10 times more deadly than the flu to certain groups of people.

This could end up being worse than the 1918 Spanish flu were it not for the vaccines.
Not even close! Did u ever read about the Spanish flu? It did not discriminate by age. It killed children just as much as adults. Covid19 is nothing compared to the Spanish flu. The vaccines have stopped NOTHING! They have not made a lick of difference, at all. In fact by looking at the evidence of states who were more lenient on their restrictions and used the monoclonal antibodies, we would have been better off. Stop spreading misinformation, you’re as bad as cnn.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Just a little over 7 weeks til I get fired.
Just a little over 7 weeks til I get fired.
You never know, I saw the 5th district put a temporary halt to the mandate to sort it out. I suggest everyone who doesn’t want it to call the union, local, and national to complain. Let them know you’re not taking the vaccine or the test, since the test enters your body as well. I call and email both 3-4 times a week and let them know how I feel as well as signatures from other employees who feel the same way.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
Good Union Bro: strike? He'll yeah! Let's teach those freakers who's boss!

That’s your problem. You want to strike. You are looking for anything to strike over. The cause doesn’t matter to you. You just want to show those frickers whose boss.

This isn't worth striking over.

It’s not worth striking over you refusing to stick a cotton swab up your nose. You’re not worth it.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is because they isolate themselves (social distancing)?

Again I am not claiming to know anything, just asking people to trust someone other than a self proclaimed "dumb truck driver" for their medical advice.
No, it’s actually because at the very beginning of this whole charade, “the community that I heard about anyway” had a member come down with covid symptoms and they all got together at church, took communion by passing around the same cup, and spread it to everyone as soon as possible. By doing so, they say they seem to have developed immunity and have not had a problem with it since.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is because they isolate themselves (social distancing)?

Again I am not claiming to know anything, just asking people to trust someone other than a self proclaimed "dumb truck driver" for their medical advice.
And I am not asking anyone to trust me. Just research everything yourself beyond google and the fake news institutions and listen to people who actually have had issues with vaccines and draw your own conclusions. It’s your body, that’s the whole point of this, do as you see fit. Just don’t take anyone’s, including your doctors word blindly.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
It was reduced significantly....until a mutation (variant "delta") manifested itself???

As I understand it (and I don't completely) everything that has and is being done to date is to reduce infection rates, not eradicate this virus yet.

Again, I prefer to defer to the professionals rather than subscribe to "dumb truckers" masked as anonymous internet epidemiologists.
Yeah well, I listen to epidemiologists online, just not the ones who go on cnn, or msnbc, or nbc and they all have a different take. Obviously nothing has worked for this virus. Nothing has slowed it down or stopped it. Or maybe we have slowed it down and that’s why variants keep popping up. Multiple doctors have different views, their not my views. I just regurgitate what I hear. All I know is that the states who are doing the best right now as far as cases and hospitalizations are the southern states with the less restrictions. I’m just making observations, instead of watching don leman to see what he says.