Then Don’t have the conversation. You got tired of the arguments so you got vaxxed? Wtf? Lol. Thats exactly why these people argue. Because weak minded people can’t handle the pressure and inject

in their bodies they have absolutely no idea about. Good job

Btw, the vaccine hasn’t ended this “pandemic” yet and it’s not going to. IT DOESNT WORKKKKKK!!!!!! It doesn’t stop transmission, why is this so hard to understand??? You will always need a vaccine booster, forever, if what they are saying is true. IT DOES NOT KEEP YOU FROM GETTING IT! My 70 yr old stepdad just got covid, my mom, just got covid. He’s vaxxed, she’s not. He got it first. Gave it to her. Both have same symptoms. Know why? Cuz the vaccine doesn’t work! never has! never going to! In fact, according to science, my family is a pretty good theory that the vaccine causes covid. Pardon the rant, I’m a little frustrated tonight.