Vaccine mandate


My Senior Picture
No, I don’t. That’s exactly what happened. What’s your point? I was on fmla because I was taking 10weeks off for paternity leave. The union only gives you a week or two.
If you were truly on approved FMLA, the Company (whatever company you work) has no choice (by law) but to pay for your H&W contributions for up to 12 weeks.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Ok, you shouldn't have had your benefits dropped, but since there was no loss, there's no reason to beat the dead horse.

We are all Teamsters here, politics aside, let's focus on helping each other out when the situation arises.
Yep, all I did was warn another teamster about taking too much time off so the same thing didn’t happen to him, whether it should have happened or not.


My Senior Picture
Ok, you shouldn't have had your benefits dropped, but since there was no loss, there's no reason to beat the dead horse.

We are all Teamsters here, politics aside, let's focus on helping each other out when the situation arises.
If we are going to help him (and others), he needs to understand that he was shafted by the Company (whatever company that might be), so it's no "dead horse".. well as the fact that the Company (whatever company that is) also just shortchanged the H&W plan of 10 weeks worth of contributions that go towards providing benefits to everyone in the plan, not just this @Non liberal character.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Dumbing it down? 🤣 just because you can’t keep up is no reason to start making up lies. Just go read a book, maybe talk to some people on their past experiences and you too can become enlightened. When have I ever said I am an expert on anything? I’m simply regurgitating things I have read and am asking questions and observing and learning from the people around me. I don’t just simply trust someone because they hold a degree. You are too gullible sir, ma’am whichever you are.
Non binary

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
If you were truly on approved FMLA, the Company (whatever company you work) has no choice (by law) but to pay for your H&W contributions for up to 12 weeks.
While you are on fmla, yes. I was told however because I hadn’t worked the required hours, whether annual or monthly I don’t remember, that I had to come back to work for 30 days to restart my health insurance.


My Senior Picture

Dumbing it down? 🤣 just because you can’t keep up is no reason to start making up lies. Just go read a book, maybe talk to some people on their past experiences and you too can become enlightened. When have I ever said I am an expert on anything? I’m simply regurgitating things I have read and am asking questions and observing and learning from the people around me. I don’t just simply trust someone because they hold a degree. You are too gullible sir, ma’am whichever you are.
You got cheated out of 10 weeks of benefits, not me???



Just wanted to say vaccine shedding is real. My pregnant wife is having symptoms after coming in contact with a person who just got boosted. Please, keep your wives away from those recently vaxxed. Only mild symptoms, not the really bad ones, so we’re okay.
Send the wives my way I’ll give’em a big shot of peniscillin
They’ll be ok


My Senior Picture
While you are on fmla, yes. I was told however because I hadn’t worked the required hours, whether annual or monthly I don’t remember, that I had to come back to work for 30 days to restart my health insurance.
So again, you weren't on approved FMLA then.

"I was told"....and you just run with that?

Do you even hear yourself?


I'm a star
If we are going to help him (and others), he needs to understand that he was shafted by the Company (whatever company that might be), so it's no "dead horse".. well as the fact that the Company (whatever company that is) also just shortchanged the H&W plan of 10 weeks worth of contributions that go towards providing benefits to everyone in the plan, not just this @Non liberal character.

The issue may not be a dead horse, but his case may be. But to be sure:

@Non liberal have a chat with your local about your fmla situation, they will be able to help you in future situations to prevent that from happening to you again, and if they need to go after the money for the benefits plan, they can handle that.


My Senior Picture
I didn’t get cheated out of anything. They paid for everything, and luckily I didn’t need my insurance for the last month or so of my leave. Thanks for your concern though.
Then why did you have to work 30 days to get benefits reinstated?


If you were truly on FMLA nothing you described could or would have happened.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Then why did you have to work 30 days to get benefits reinstated?


If you were truly on FMLA nothing you described could or would have happened.
I don’t know dude, I did everything my fearless union instructed me to do. It’s over and done with now. the only thing that was suspended for 30days was my health insurance, and that was a few years ago so I’m not really concerned. Too much time has gone by to do anything about it anyway.


I'm a star
Laugh is all he does. Sad that so many have been fooled. MSM is a powerful weapon, especially on the weak minded.

The laughter is to mask the rage they feel, at not being capable of grasping reality, of not being able to formulate coherent thoughts, at not being able to defend their absurd positions, and at not being accepted as the truly special geniuses they believe themselves to be.


My Senior Picture
Laugh is all he does. Sad that so many have been fooled. MSM is a powerful weapon, especially on the weak minded.
In all fairness I don't always assign him the laugh emoji (😃), sometimes I give him a creative (🖌️) or a disagree (👎).

I know it's kind of immature, but I never had a little brother before and really haven't had much else to do while I am in quarantine. 😉


I'm a star
In all fairness I don't always assign him the laugh emoji (😃), sometimes I give him a creative (🖌️) or a disagree (👎).

I know it's kind of immature, but I never had a little brother before and really haven't had much else to do while I am in quarantine. 😉

I didn't think he was referring to you.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
In all fairness I don't always assign him the laugh emoji (😃), sometimes I give him a creative (🖌️) or a disagree (👎).

I know it's kind of immature, but I never had a little brother before and really haven't had much else to do while I am in quarantine. 😉
Lol, quarantine for what? Just go dude, everyone’s getting this thing anyway. Oh I forgot, you liberals are smarter then a virus😂