Active Member
Sam, I applaud your honesty. Thank you and good luck. May God bless you and help steer your way...

DAHONE said:That is funny. BrownDeath or whatever had many chances to take a job this year in TSG in and around Orlando but he decided against it. Another winning decision like many of his. As a fellow TSG tech I feel these folks could get jobs today if they want to. They are used to working in offices and staying clean. He can take one today that is 30 miles away from his home as he said but he would not becuase that is too long to drive. Cry Baby.
DAHONE said:Yes. We did and they told us it is not a story. They said it is a Joke and at the end of the day Maybe 120 people Nationwide would get a SAP, so that is not newsworthy. By the way, we feel sorry for you becuase you will find out that UPS is one of the best companies. Every company does this almost yearly. Good Luck but you will find out after your UPS life.
coldworld said:this company net profit in 05 was 3.87 bil. In 06 this company will net profit over 4 bil dollars. These technical jobs being cut are a drop in the profit bucket for ups, this should tell everyone what kind of company you all work for.....a greedy one. This company bullies its employees around(union and management alike), along with its customers, which is the sad part. The down fall of this company wont be the union, high healthcare, or the will be greed that puts an end to a company that started with the best of intentions, toward its employees and customers.
beentheredonethat said:I don't quite understand, if the company makes 4 billion dollars does that mean we shouldn't bother trying to save money wherever possible? Should the company settle for profits of 3.5 billion? What about 3 billion? How about 1 billion?
CurrentUPSer said:Can you imagine working for DHL? FedEX? Nah, I didn't think so...
Rainman1 said:I do not believe a company should give millions in bonuses to management while laying people off. If the company wants to save money, why not come up with a better system for keeping track of ODS messages than printing each one that comes in. Maybe we could also stop printing thousands of pages of reports each day for conference calls and read the information from the monitor.
That about sums it up. Investors are more important than our people and their families. Bottom line.moreluck said:It's smart business, it helps with future profits (theoretically) and investors give it the thumbs up.
TSCer said:This board has contracted a virus. Its called the brown blood virus and it is evil. dAhone and currentupser are obviously in mgt and are trying to, as ups mgt does, scare you, misinform you and yes of course threaten you. What being in a union does is give you a contract. A contract that states amongst other things, a set of rules to go by. That way the company cant jack up your insurance rates every year, you know what you are getting for a raise, and when mgt is HARASSING you, you have someone to go to. It will also give a fair way to be promoted. Just because you know the region manager wont be a good enough reason to get you promoted after less than two years of service. Just because you gave the supervisor a BL** JOB wont be enough to get to the region office either. And when the company wants to lay people off, they will have to prove that the work is not there. Prove it with real numbers, not the made up numbers of the BSC and PMT. Face it, ups is full of liars, cheaters and downright evil people. All of the mgt I have EVER had are completly useless. ******* doesn't even begin to describe the ineptitude of these people. They are the bottom of the barrel, and if UPS was commited to a strong workforce, all of these people would be FIRED. Talk about a cost savings! If you are staying do yourself a favor and help unionize our workforce. Technicians and Administrators should not be the whipping boy of ups. We deserve to be treated like human beings. And not the kind that live in Saudi Arabia either. This is America.You have rights UNDER THE LAW. Exercise them, protect yourself, standup for yourself and for gods sake DAHONE and CURRENTUPSER if you aren't in mgt, WAKE the **** UP! It is not a privelige to work for this place. It is a job just like any other and probably worse. It is not the only place to work and it is certainly not the best. Did you know that it someplaces, the company actually appreciates a tech that know what he/she is doing? When its time for a raise you actually get one that covers the cost of living? When their is training that is needed you actually get it? Oh yes, ups sucks big time. The mgt is horrid from the top down. They make money despite themselves. I hope there are lots of customers/investors reading this board and that ups takes a big nose dive soon. I hope all you sorry *** mgrs lose your *** in that worthless stock too. But what I mostly hope is that I never have to work with backstabbing pricks like dahone and currentupser. I really hope you are not in my new district. You are the **** beneath my ****. You two are part of the problem here, not the solution. If you could take the time to pry your lips off of your mgrs *** you might be able to see that I am right. I am a upser, and ashamed to say it. And it will be a cold day in **** when "personal acheivement" gets you anywhere in this **** hole. Keep sucking currentupser and dahone and you too will be a worthless clone one day.
They probably have some magic number of SAPs they are allowed to give out and are trying to get people fired or have them quit to get down to that number. Get out, get a better job, and don't look back.ncrtscisme said:WHOCARES...If you were in the situation that me and my coworkers are in, and if you were being treated by YOUR management like we are being treated by ours, I'd bet your feelings would change on this...mine have. Before this began, I never would have even dreamed that management would treat their employees like we are being treated...not only are many of us being "kicked out" of our jobs, but management has decided to crack down on every little thing they can find wrong with us. And I'm talking EVERYTHING. They show no pity whatsoever, but instead they are taking the opposite approach and kicking us while we are down. It's hard to see it when you're not experiencing it, I know, but it's happening.
Judging by the way you wrote that sentance, if you call it a sentance, I'd say you are the one that got an friend+ (in English class).WHOCARES said:YOU NEED HELP. MENTAL HELP. DID YOU GET YOUR A+ YET OR YOU STILL HAVE AND friend+?
BrownTech99 said:and you get an friend- in spelling