here comes your quick lesson.
Back in 1997 Fedex had annual revenues of 10.3 billion dollars and employeed 127,000 people.
Fedex will hit close to 33 billion dollars in annual revenue this physical year. and employes over 270,000 people. (Fedex closed the gap from 16 billion dollars to 5 billion in just over 8 years between UPS and Fedex)
You talk about Fedex losing customers, and being incompetent. I dont understand because every operating company under Fedex Corp. has been putting up record numbers for there respective operating division.
I also noticed that "Fortune" ranked Fedex for the 9th straight year in the "100 Best Companies to Work For." Now that is no surprise, but you might want to read the article in the January issue because in goes on to say Fedex is ranked #1 in " JOB GROWTH BASED ON NUMBER OF NEW JOBS".
There are 14 new permanent routes in my station aloan from 1 year ago.
Tie, all facts for you that are a click of a button away.
Like I said, you have no back bone and no credibility,