UPS laying off Technical hourly employees


New Member
Figures! We heard something was coming down the pike but "it wouldnt affect us" (Worldport). They are working hard to combine the help desk here and before long, some of us TSG new comers will be looking for another job, or maybe throwing packages!!! Still havent received any "OFFICIAL" announcement about all this crap thats going on.


TSG_Lackie said:
Yeah, I kind of figured there'd be a few legal mumbo jumbo statements that would warrant getting a lawyer to put into laymens terms for us.

UPS isn't going to make it easy, nor will there be many if any loop holes.

I should get my letter by Wednesday, hmmmmm I wonder what it'll say.......:ohmy:


What gives with the info? You guys havenot shared info about your letters. It's wednesday already. you all should have had and decided bynow. Give the goods.


montecarlo12 said:
your right...there are people trying to share info on here with concerns.
My bad, Tie is such an easy target. Im done

Danny you're right . Monte was such an easy victim that I just couldn't resist. No wonder they are losing so much business too us with ostrichs like him.


New Member
reydluap said:
Now for my comment/question. I'm being sincere in this comment and am not trying to be argumentative. I just truely don't know the answer. Does upper management think that since computers are getting newer and "more reliable" that it won't take as many technical people to keep them going? For example, 5 years or so ago, our DIADs would "go down" out on area every few weeks. Now I have only had one failure in years. I realize that we now have boo-koo more computers than we did even 5 years ago, but are they made better and need fewer people for maintenance? Don't bite my head off, I'm just a delivery driver asking for your reply.

Here is the problem. Yes we are getting newer technology that might not need as much helpdesk support as before... But, people take for granted the 90% of calls we get about procedural things. Anything from I don't know how to send an attachment with my email too, can you run the BOD for me in GSS.

Also, Tieguy you keep saying that UPSers are going to fill the Vegas desk... I have no idea where you get your information from but that is just not true at all. The Vegas desk is going to be filled with Light Brown employees which are not UPSERS. It is going to be the same people that support the external customers.

One last thing, I am really sick of all the bickering in this thread. I know that Tieguy is really annoying but just ignore him and lets actually talk Tech to Tech and try to help each other out.


New Member
What defines a light brown employee??? I don't know what infromation everyone has about the employees in Vegas not being upsers. Whoever is saying this is flat out wrong. The Help Desk in Las Vegas is run by the same organization that runs the Customer Service centers. I guess that makes call center employees in Tuscon, San Antionio, Salt Lake City and Santa Maria light brown as well.

They get paychecks from Dallas just like everyone else. They get UPS benifits just like everyone else. UPS Vacation...etc etc etc.

Another question...What information has anyone recieved saying that the jobs are moving the Las Vegas?


New Member
I have been hearing from affected employee's that this downsizing is due to someone deciding that each tech should support 100 pc's. This apparently does not include external pc's, only internal. So, if an employee is domiciled at an extended center, such as myself, and I do not have 100 pc's to support, the support for my area will fall to the closest tech who does have 100 internal pc's to support.

Has anyone else heard of this 100 pc rule?


Crystal said:
Also, Tieguy you keep saying that UPSers are going to fill the Vegas desk... I have no idea where you get your information from but that is just not true at all. The Vegas desk is going to be filled with Light Brown employees which are not UPSERS. It is going to be the same people that support the external customers.

I'm really not trying to be annoying. As I have stated before I know this is a stressfull time for anyone affected by this situation. At the same time as the many posts here show a lot of people know about the possible layoffs but there are many that have not had the formal presentation yet. In such an environment the rumors will fly. I have a lot friends at a lot of different levels and functions of the technical side of UPS. One thing I have heard from some of them is the Las Vegas is UPS employees. Thus I asked the question for which I got blasted for as if Its a crime to now ask questions.
halo said:
I have been hearing from affected employee's that this downsizing is due to someone deciding that each tech should support 100 pc's. This apparently does not include external pc's, only internal. So, if an employee is domiciled at an extended center, such as myself, and I do not have 100 pc's to support, the support for my area will fall to the closest tech who does have 100 internal pc's to support.

Has anyone else heard of this 100 pc rule?

I guess UPS is starting to catch up to the enterprise network. 4 techs can support 2000 users. Remote control software for aiding users and shipping replacement hardware for hardware related issues. Oh, is that why fedex is doing well? overnight shipping replacement computers?

halo said:
I have been hearing from affected employee's that this downsizing is due to someone deciding that each tech should support 100 pc's. This apparently does not include external pc's, only internal. So, if an employee is domiciled at an extended center, such as myself, and I do not have 100 pc's to support, the support for my area will fall to the closest tech who does have 100 internal pc's to support.

Has anyone else heard of this 100 pc rule?

Yes, the 100 pc's per tech is true. And it's about to be increased to 140 something, I believe. It's part of the Balanced Score Card. They are counting externals, at least in my district, but only those owned by Ups. Of course, we are being dispatched all the friggin' time for Software Only customers now, but they are not counted in the numbers these decisions are based on.
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I'm loving the fact that according to CTSG the new UDC is a "no TSG involvement upgrade". Today we were told to do the upgrade. Makes me feel good that corp is basing our manning on one thing and we're actually doing something else.


TSG PAPA said:
OK, It's time for me to join in now too. Tie Guy, you must live in a special part of the UPS world, because mine is much darker than yours. Your earlier posts made me sick. I appreciate the more professional approach now, but dang man, you remind me of some of the ineffective management in our company. The attitude behind your posts reflects much of the problem I see in our *leaders*.

Fellow TSG'ers, I hate to see what has become of this company, and now to our team. For those of you that have techs that really *have* time to jack around, I hope these people are getting the axe. If there was one single thing that PMT SHOULD have exposed, it would be this. But we all know too well what this has exposed. Chaotic tracking, no real meat behind the numbers. How accurate could it possibly be with so many changes in 2005, so many new rules, new ways to measure progress. What a waste of time. I always wanted my Franklin planner back. Looks like I will get it back in a few weeks!

PMT - for those that don't know, this is similar to the BD tracking tool called TEAMS. In the TSG case, it was brewed up from corp and slowly dropped in our laps. Now, in the case of my district with TEAMS & BD, we saw the BEST salesforce stand up and walk out of the company due to the massive micromanagement involved with TEAMS during its deployment. I recall clearly the day I said goodbye to one of them. I knew that we lost someone important. And mgt. people unrelated to BD still talk about that mass-exodus in our district. The all-stars walked away with jobs from their UPS customers. None of them took a loss in salary that I know of.

Moving to PMT in TSG. I remember when we were first reported on our planning. And I saw a little writing on the wall. I was getting the verbal slap for not planning my next day out, knowing that the previous day I was in a car traveling around putting out customer fires. Overtime for external logs was no excuse. Planning became the SEV1! I began to see clearly where this was going. Either PMT would be killed off corporately (not likely) or it would spell the end for someone. I started then (about a year ago) to get the word out to our external customers and trusted TSG family that I was on the market. This way I could have a safety net to catch me when UPS kicked me out, or I feel off the brown machine from disgust and disappointment.

On that Tuesday when the entire nation's TSG / TSC workforce received the news, I started to smile immediately as I seen a clear way to fly out of the brown machine, and into a new life. My smile was quicly wiped away as I heard the sniffles and crying of the approx. 20% of the group that would be killed off. No, this wasn't like other districts that either didn't lose anyone, or had the option to find them jobs. We had no option to move into another position. We were / will be canned. This "Tie" is the bitter truth. I should know, I was there. The people that would be leaving where my friends, my family. We are a very tight group in our district. And it brought us all to tears. We where all there, face to face, when the letter was read aloud to us.

In our district, 2 of the people leaving took the severence package because they don't want to work for UPS anymore. It sickens them. The work load left will be unbearable. Those 2 are senior techs, I am one of them. Combined, we have 15 years in the company. Both of us picked up jobs already. And neither of us will lose a dime in pay. So a happy career transition for both of us - how blessed. And the respect we have received from our peers and other departments has been awesome. I can speak for both of us when I say, "We Got to Go!". Neither of us will walk out and wonder .."what if?" Here's why...

In 1997, the strike shocked and rocked us. THe IPO made the elders filthy rich, and the younger ones a little curious as to how this would effect the future of this rock solid company. After all, we never had a strike, until '97. From my position, I saw drastic changes in BD, in mgt., the way they move people around, how quickly they would can someone. All the while, TSG was left alone to install, train, repair, deploy. I felt immune. But it sickened me to see my non-TSG friends getting verbally beaten to death for anything and everything. It got worse year after year. Absurd sales goals, changing plans to make them more unattainable. I have had too many people use my shoulder as a place to cry. Families have been effected, marriages, children. I'm talking about rural heartland USA, where a trip from one end of the district to the other takes an 8 hour drive.

Here's my fear, and the fear of many of my operations friends. We already struggle to support the centers, most of them PAS now. More and more upgrades are center deployed (they don't have the staff to do them). Our external customers have lost "One to One" service, increasing every time they "emerge" their sales team. TSG has been the X-Factor, the fill in. At least in our district, we helped the sales team, stood in for the operations, we dumped the "gotta have a log" mentality and just did what was right - fixed the FRIGGIN problem. We were team players. Many of us delivered packages up until the late nights of Christmas Eve. Last year, almost our entire department dropped TSG work to take on the worst job of peak - Driver Helper Coordinator! The center teams appreciate us. And they're seeing us pushed out. As one very senior ops mgr said "I fear that we've gone way too far." His seriousness put fear into me.

I do apologize for this long diary post. I promise to not post anything this long again. But I do think some people want to read a sort of memoir from a senior TSG that's taking this package as a volunteer. I've learned that UPS isn't the only game in town. The grass really is greener on the other side of parts of the fence. And the #1 thing that I love about the company is the one thing I get to take with me. The relationships with wonderful people. I just don't want to see them go down with the ship - ya know?


I have to say this post is COMPLETELY how many of us feel out here!!!! UPS really shot them in the foot with this move. We are going to loose such good people ot of all of this. It really saddens me that UPS was gone to this level. Just wait till our customers feel it.....


Well-Known Member
region 02 began picking jobs today. they called people in 1 at a time to pick from available shifts. it was supposed to start at 11am but they started early, like around 8am. about 7 or 8 people were called in, each meeting lasted no more than 10 minutes or so. more will pick tomorrow, but there are only maybe 2 full time day shifts left. 2 people took severance packages.

anything new happening elsewhere? let's share our's good to share.


Well-Known Member
2nd day of picking jobs at region02...nothing left now but 2nd and 3rd shifts.

I have been trying not to knock UPS in any of my posts and just stick to facts, but I have to say that it's getting harder and harder to do. In the past few days, I have witnessed some really smart and talented people reluctantly taking the severance package. These people have extensive knowledge of our systems and were great assets to this company...seeing them leave is such a shame and a waste. To think they could have really helped out just by being able to move to other departments, but were not allowed to, makes me sick to my stomach. This company needs to keep its eye on what's really happening instead of staring at numbers and figures all day long and thinking about what they can do next to feed our greedy shareholders' bottomless appetite for more and more money. They will suffer in the long run, and I hope they do tremendously.

Sev 7

ncrtscisme said:
2nd day of picking jobs at region02...nothing left now but 2nd and 3rd shifts.

I have been trying not to knock UPS in any of my posts and just stick to facts, but I have to say that it's getting harder and harder to do. In the past few days, I have witnessed some really smart and talented people reluctantly taking the severance package. These people have extensive knowledge of our systems and were great assets to this company...seeing them leave is such a shame and a waste. To think they could have really helped out just by being able to move to other departments, but were not allowed to, makes me sick to my stomach. This company needs to keep its eye on what's really happening instead of staring at numbers and figures all day long and thinking about what they can do next to feed our greedy shareholders' bottomless appetite for more and more money. They will suffer in the long run, and I hope they do tremendously.

Are you saying that the available jobs are only those in TSG, by bumping out other techs? Either way, please explain further.


Love to share info but still in the dark. We received packages yesterday showing how much if we leave. No mention of jobs we could transfer to. When we ask questions we don't seem to get answers. Next week we go one on one. After your meeting how long did you have to make a decision?

I'm afraid we'll lose some damn good techs that UPS will wish that still had in 5 months


tieguy said:
UPS_Techie said:
Thats quite allright . I know when I stopped by your doublewide your folks were inside praying to a bonehead. But the fact is I'm really not interested in all this flattery.

Is there anyone out there that has the answer and is not hell bent on spreading misinformation as these two ********* have been?

Haha! Top Management material. I see your ATN people skills have flourished.

Are you the reason they're bringing in a new HR Manager?

I don't have a Double-Wide, I own a home (not that it matters).

You're ticked off and have nothing credible to add to this topic. Now you resort to the same condesending remarks that you :censored2: on this board.

Every post you put on here solidifies the fact that you are uninformed and an insensitive jerk. You can bash all of your (or UPS') employees because they don't have a House or make as much $$$ as you do. The fact still remains and you prove it - You're a bad person and not fit to Manage anyone. It's people like you that should be trimmed from the payroll. It's people like you that cause Tech/Admins to want a union.

All of my information has come to fruition, you're still tossing around BS.