UPS laying off Technical hourly employees


Animal Lover
ImpactedTSG said:
They are one of the most admired because they only have positive press and stuff like the TSC closings after a record profit year don't make the news.
Yeah there was nothing in the news about layoffs. this is because they do not want to lose customers. Their customers hear layoff and they think "strike"! And then the customers go to FedEx or DHL. they don't want that.
cinamingrl said:
Yeah there was nothing in the news about layoffs. this is because they do not want to lose customers. Their customers hear layoff and they think "strike"! And then the customers go to FedEx or DHL. they don't want that.

Once again, no info from cinamingrl.. Just wasting our space!

Try this,

Our district is also counting external systems that we own now starting this week??? What's up with that, is it true about so many systems per tech?


New Member
ImpactedTSG said:
The Vegas desk is not UPS employees. This info is from a guy on the team that is in charge of the new desk.

Tiegoof, if you have a better source, please speak up.

Then this is not the same helpdesk that supports or External Systems like WorldShip.


lightbrown = ups subsidiary company e.g. Fritz, Menlo, Overnight, RMX, whatever the heck helpdesk is being used in Vegas, etc.

ups subsidiary company = the way ups screws over its "real" employees.


Animal Lover
bigcomputergeek said:
Once again, no info from cinamingrl.. Just wasting our space!
Guess maybe you are too ignorant to read all of my posts. I have more information than you, little punk boy.

Try this,

Our district is also counting external systems that we own now starting this week??? What's up with that, is it true about so many systems per tech?[/QUOTE]
Does your mommy wipe your ass for you too? LLOoooser.
cinamingrl said:
Guess maybe you are too ignorant to read all of my posts. I have more information than you, little punk boy.

Try this,

Our district is also counting external systems that we own now starting this week??? What's up with that, is it true about so many systems per tech?
Does your mommy wipe your ass for you too? LLOoooser.[/quote]


I'll make to to kick my dog and everytime you talk.... Animal lover!


Animal Lover
Saffron said:
Does your mommy wipe your ass for you too? LLOoooser.


I'll make to to kick my dog and everytime you talk.... Animal lover!
You cannot even write coherently, try again little boy.

Oh BTW, I reported your naughty little posts, so go bugger off! Your mommy is looking for you. Did you forget to tie your shoes now?


bigcomputergeek said:
Any more word on another layoff coming and when or about the new BSC which could involve 100 PCs per tech? I'm curious if it is worth starying around or not. You guys always seem like you're a step ahead of our district! Thanks!!!

Looks like I'm not the only one thinking along these lines.

Thanks very much TSCer and Cinamingrl for your thoughts.

P.S. Off topic: I live in a doublewide, an upscale one. We have sheetrock walls and the cabinets are actually a higher grade of manufactured cabinets than the site built houses we looked at (for triple the $). Only one builder made their own cabinets. Better than paying rent to someone and cheaper than the site built houses. Just have to put up with folks using "your" home to disparage others. Since I may soon be unemployeed, I'm glad my note is cheaper.

Barely Holding On

I hope that management realizes what they're doing to the attitudes of the techs that remain. Almost a month since the annoucement and we're still in the guessing stage. lf I leave I'm glad to get some extra checks. If I stay I will be taking lunch and breaks not just putting them on the time card.
Bet I don't hear the phone in the middle of the night. It's now clear "It's only a job".
I wonder if in June we'll get another almost cost of living raise.


dablues said:
I was just wondering how many other areas are going to have more buildings then techs?
06/71 had more buildings than techs before the 'initiative'. We have 31 buildings (not including SCS sites) with 25 technicians. We will have 30 buildings with 17 technicians.


Well-Known Member
Rainman1 said:
06/71 had more buildings than techs before the 'initiative'. We have 31 buildings (not including SCS sites) with 25 technicians. We will have 30 buildings with 17 technicians.
My prediction:

SLA will start to suffer, and there will be late air deliveries due to PAS sites being down with no support. This will go on for a while then CTSG will realize that there are not enough techs and they will bring in people with less years of service for $15.30 an hour (compared to the $20+ per hour of those leaving). Hopefully I will be out of UPS soon SAP or not.

UPS is a trucking company and not a technology company. Always was always will be.
bigcomputergeek said:
Correct, I'm in TSG and will l no longer be posting on this page because of her. One less voice, thanks Cin...

Agreed, Here we are looking for info on OUR situation, sweating about loosing our only source of income and how crappy this whole thing has gone down.

we don't need all the hostilities and name calling, Cin you are no longer a UPSER, if your happy that your gone, great:) But if you don't have anything positive or in the way of good information that we can use, please just post in another forum.

For that matter if you want just open another thread and blast UPS all you want there!!


Animal Lover
TSG_Lackie said:
Agreed, Here we are looking for info on OUR situation, sweating about loosing our only source of income and how crappy this whole thing has gone down.

we don't need all the hostilities and name calling, Cin you are no longer a UPSER, if your happy that your gone, great:) But if you don't have anything positive or in the way of good information that we can use, please just post in another forum.

For that matter if you want just open another thread and blast UPS all you want there!!
...What crap.
cinamingrl said:
...What crap.

Whatever, sour grapes.....:closedeye

Now on to the information side. I had my meeting today and I am one of the "Impacted" employee's. However, I was informed once all of the employee's in 09/35 have been interviewed and if I have seniority of a tech that's not affected in another area of the state, I can bump that employee for thier job.

So, i guess it's true that in some area's they're letting people bump others with lesser seniority. I have to wait until the end of the month to find out.:mad:


TSG_Lackie said:
Whatever, sour grapes.....:closedeye

Now on to the information side. I had my meeting today and I am one of the "Impacted" employee's. However, I was informed once all of the employee's in 09/35 have been interviewed and if I have seniority of a tech that's not affected in another area of the state, I can bump that employee for thier job.

So, i guess it's true that in some area's they're letting people bump others with lesser seniority. I have to wait until the end of the month to find out.:mad:

BUMP! I bet at your expense. Right?


Well-Known Member
I don't like the bickering either, but it is interesting to hear Cinamingrl's stories about when she went through a UPS downsizing. It's like Deja Vu!

Region02 (districts 46, 47, CACH and the TSC) have been going through the job picking process for 4 days now. Before today, management would send us an email each day with the updated list of jobs and who will be picking the next day. Today they did not give us any word or lists or updates, even though there are still many people left to pick. I think this is because the jobs are about gone and everyone left on the list has nothing to pick from. All of the full time jobs were gone by Friday after only 1/2 the people were done picking that day.

Other districts in region02 are doing it slightly different...02/49 (indiana) supposedly lost no techs at all...02/51 (michigan) will be shrinking from 23 techs to 17 techs...i think 02/61 (wisconsin) only lost 3 or so techs. Not sure about the other districts.

The rumor spreading now is that our last day open at the 02 TSC will be April technically, May 1st will be the first day we are closed (they did tell us we won't close until "sometime in May" and I'm sure they won't be wasting any time with that). That part is just a rumor, though...
ncrtscisme said:
I don't like the bickering either, but it is interesting to hear Cinamingrl's stories about when she went through a UPS downsizing. It's like Deja Vu!

Region02 (districts 46, 47, CACH and the TSC) have been going through the job picking process for 4 days now. Before today, management would send us an email each day with the updated list of jobs and who will be picking the next day. Today they did not give us any word or lists or updates, even though there are still many people left to pick. I think this is because the jobs are about gone and everyone left on the list has nothing to pick from. All of the full time jobs were gone by Friday after only 1/2 the people were done picking that day.

Other districts in region02 are doing it slightly different...02/49 (indiana) supposedly lost no techs at all...02/51 (michigan) will be shrinking from 23 techs to 17 techs...i think 02/61 (wisconsin) only lost 3 or so techs. Not sure about the other districts.

The rumor spreading now is that our last day open at the 02 TSC will be April technically, May 1st will be the first day we are closed (they did tell us we won't close until "sometime in May" and I'm sure they won't be wasting any time with that). That part is just a rumor, though...

ncrtscisme - What kind of full time positons are they offering you guys?


From the promised LAND

First off, In the Naples area, and I am sure in many other areas of the country, A nice double wide on a small but nice lot will start out a $250,000. And that is the used price, new ones almost 100,000 more.

As for what to do about the job....Hard to say. It would seem, just thinking out loud, that when you have a large number of people with the same training and skills that become unemployed at the same time, the job market turns in the favor of the employer. While your case and situation might be different, It would seem if you are the major bread winner for your family, you might want to stay put, and look for a job at your leisure.

It is much better to upgrade a job than to settle for one just to pay the bills. And who is to say if the new job you must take is any better than the one you are looking at now.

So no easy answers to your situation. The best person to answer your question is you, as only you know your personal situation.

But for you and all those hitting the street, best of luck! I hope what ever you find will be better than what you left. Both in job enjoyment and financially!
