First off, In the Naples area, and I am sure in many other areas of the country, A nice double wide on a small but nice lot will start out a $250,000. And that is the used price, new ones almost 100,000 more.
As for what to do about the job....Hard to say. It would seem, just thinking out loud, that when you have a large number of people with the same training and skills that become unemployed at the same time, the job market turns in the favor of the employer. While your case and situation might be different, It would seem if you are the major bread winner for your family, you might want to stay put, and look for a job at your leisure.
It is much better to upgrade a job than to settle for one just to pay the bills. And who is to say if the new job you must take is any better than the one you are looking at now.
So no easy answers to your situation. The best person to answer your question is you, as only you know your personal situation.
But for you and all those hitting the street, best of luck! I hope what ever you find will be better than what you left. Both in job enjoyment and financially!