UPS laying off Technical hourly employees


tieguy said:
Latest on the TSG layoffs in my district. 6 people transferred into other postions. 1 person that looks like he is leaning towards taking the buyout. No layoffs yet.

I wonder who decides what in each district. In our district we had 30 techs and layed off 10. We were told by HR and TSG Mgr no moves to other positions.


pdx1tjl said:
agreed... the truth is, and the fact is that UPS is run by a bunch of truck drivers. UPS has made money despite itself over the past 20 years. Now a company like FedX is moving in and dominating.. yes they really are. They are a traditional modern company run by people who know how to run companies. UPS is dying now. Remove the truck drivers. The worst thing is that I still have my 401K at UPS and I’m trying to move it now, half of its in stock and I want to drop that stock like a brick. Especially since its done nothing in 5+ years.

Truckdrivers don't run the company any more. Truckdrivers cared about service and took care of its people. Recently I heard a sup tell someone it wasn't cost effective to deliver a NDA that we misloaded in our center. Today beancounters run the show


Jannette said:

As for getting together, I'll let you know! I was bummed that I missed out on Alan's wedding because I thought that would be awesome to get to meet everyone under such happy circumstances.

Hope I am not letting the cat out of the bag, but Alan is having a baby in about 7.5 months. A little Alan running around, now that is a scary thought.

dablues said:
I wonder who decides what in each district. In our district we had 30 techs and layed off 10. We were told by HR and TSG Mgr no moves to other positions.

Tie forgot to tell you there were no layoffs (yet) in his district.



I’m not a union front man... and yes... TSG should have unionized.

But then again, I was a teamster for 5 years before my 10 years in TSG…

But its to late now…

dablues said:
I wonder who decides what in each district. In our district we had 30 techs and layed off 10. We were told by HR and TSG Mgr no moves to other positions.

I have wondered that, as well. Our particular district had technicians transfer to driving. The purging for our district is over and the morale is extremely low. Here are my immediate observations:

1) Call wait time to the TSC has GREATLY increased.
2) End users are confused by the TSC phone menu. (told countless times)
3) Technicians are not readily available as a resource because they are busy addressing their own problems.
4) Technician workload has increased to make up for the missing technicians who were either "downsized" or moved.
5) HDFS rollout was ABYSMAL - It's slow as hell, saves didn't always take, and technicians do not get pages for nonsevere logs (6, 8, or 9), even though they are responsible for contacting the customer within ~1 hour of the log coming in.

Did you know that no HDFS technicial documentation was communicated to technicians in our district until nearly a week after the rollout? Once again, we had to "wing it".

Honestly, I regret earning a technology based degree. Had I known, I'd already be a supervisor in IE or PE with a logistics degree. IE or PE is the way to go to move up the ladder. As it stands, TSG technicians do not have time to perform the job the way it should be performed. I pride myself on completing a task to the best of my abilities and sometimes, following up with a user. Now, I'm left literally putting out fires as fast as I can because I now have to make up for the technicians that were fired or moved. My workload is too tough. Management's response was, "when you get enough PC's in your area, we'll look at getting another technician." (that is no lie!) :mad: Talk about heart felt empathy-this is pathetic!

I'm sick of it. Management doesn't want to listen to our pleas and they will be SEVERLY punished when the ERI comes out. I'm holding back nothing and the other technicians in my district feel the same way--I've spoken to every single one of them.

Bottom line: I'm looking to get out of TSG and transfer to another department.
CurrentUPSer said:
Why do you want these folks to unionize? Again, What Region\District do you work in or are you a union front man trying to prey on these folks...
First of all I am NOT going to post my RRDD on here, as I prefer to speak openly and not worry about who might be reading it. Why aren't you posting your RRDD?

Secondly, I'm no "union front man". I'm not a normally a pro union person, but I think in the current environment union makes a lot of sense. UPS basically treats us with the same contempt they hold towards the unionized folks, but we have NONE of the union protections. How many times have you heard stories about drivers getting fired, and then returning to work after a couple of weeks? Now, how many technicians have you heard of that happening to? I didn't think so.

I don't believe UPS owes anyone anything, and I firmly believe that everyone should pull his or her own weight. I, for one, am tired of the double standard. When it's convenient, we are treated like professionals, partners even. Then when they want to drive home some ridiculous point, we are treated like kindergartners, hourlies that can not form a thought for ourselves or left alone for a minute to just get our jobs done. In a twisted way, the company would benefit as much as the technicians if we just sign the ink to the way we are already viewed.

TSG_Brown_06 said:
I have wondered that, as well. Our particular district had technicians transfer to driving. The purging for our district is over and the morale is extremely low. Here are my immediate observations:

1) Call wait time to the TSC has GREATLY increased.
2) End users are confused by the TSC phone menu. (told countless times)
3) Technicians are not readily available as a resource because they are busy addressing their own problems.
4) Technician workload has increased to make up for the missing technicians who were either "downsized" or moved.
5) HDFS rollout was ABYSMAL - It's slow as hell, saves didn't always take, and technicians do not get pages for nonsevere logs (6, 8, or 9), even though they are responsible for contacting the customer within ~1 hour of the log coming in.

Did you know that no HDFS technicial documentation was communicated to technicians in our district until nearly a week after the rollout? Once again, we had to "wing it".

Honestly, I regret earning a technology based degree. Had I known, I'd already be a supervisor in IE or PE with a logistics degree. IE or PE is the way to go to move up the ladder. As it stands, TSG technicians do not have time to perform the job the way it should be performed. I pride myself on completing a task to the best of my abilities and sometimes, following up with a user. Now, I'm left literally putting out fires as fast as I can because I now have to make up for the technicians that were fired or moved. My workload is too tough. Management's response was, "when you get enough PC's in your area, we'll look at getting another technician." (that is no lie!) :mad: Talk about heart felt empathy-this is pathetic!

I'm sick of it. Management doesn't want to listen to our pleas and they will be SEVERLY punished when the ERI comes out. I'm holding back nothing and the other technicians in my district feel the same way--I've spoken to every single one of them.

Bottom line: I'm looking to get out of TSG and transfer to another department.

I think you might be surprised at how little management cares about the ERI.

Our TSG manager told me while we were eating lunch together one day that he could care less how low the ERI was. He went on to say that he had been TSG manager for ever how many years and no one has ever said a word to him about an ERI because no one really cares. He said he looks over the comments cause he gets a good laugh out of them whenever his name is mentioned.

So don't get to fired up about getting revenge through the ERI cause its simply form over substance and management doesn't care.

Its sad to think we do an ERI just so they can laugh at what we have to say and about how unhappy we are with our jobs. Thats pretty messed up.

Anonymous Brownshirt

Quit. I did. There is life after UPS. The bastards have no power over you unless you give it to them.


CurrentUPSer said:
Why do you want these folks to unionize? Again, What Region\District do you work in or are you a union front man trying to prey on these folks...

May I ask why you don't want to see TSG unionize?
dablues said:
May I ask why you don't want to see TSG unionize?

It's a nice thought. I don't see it happening. Techs who have survived the cut either want to finish out their career or are too afraid of the pencil headed bean counters at the top.


Active Member
CurrentUPSer said:
UNIONIZATION IS NOT THE ANSWER! Suggesting that organizing a union will stem job losses is ludicrous!.

UPS is one of the greatest organizations in the world. I am very proud to say I work for UPS. Opportunities are numerous for those that desire to achieve greater heights through higher education and hard work. All unionization would do is remove "personal achievement" from the equation and make everyone equal, in the eyes of the union. The only thing that would count is seniority. That I cannot endorse and never will. That is what a union will do for you, not save your jobs.

Please do not be led into filling out any type of union materials, especially anything that requires your signature. You cannot take it back...

Again, please do not be led into filling out any type of union materials...


New Member
"Opportunities are numerous for those that desire to achieve greater heights through higher education and hard work."

Opportunities are for the 'chosen' ones. ups management knows who they want and where they want them. go ahead and apply for that job-op, but it will be no good, because they already picked who they want, and have already told that person, but ssshhhhh..the job-op is only there so management can say they put it there. Doesn't matter how hard you work or how deep your desire to achieve is. the mentality that ups management currently uses to fill positions is demeaning and pathetic. yea, like we don't know what they're up to. the ups hierarchy, wow, what an achievement. it's a total old-boys network, and unless you fit the steretype, don't even try. oh but some of you will, and it will give those sadists in management a twisted thrill. i feel sorry for the women in tsg. they've had to work twice as hard as the men, and for what? management will pay you less. isn't that worth it ladies of ups?!! your beloved company has been underpaying you for decades, and it still continues, and will never stop. thanks to that military thinking. go ahead and look at those emails that come to you and say 'people moves'. most of them are men. i've got a degree and my own supervisor doesn't! please tell me how my degree will get me ahead in this company? phooey on yooey


New Member
TSG_Lets_Unionize said:
I'm no "union front man". I'm not a normally a pro union person, but I think in the current environment union makes a lot of sense. UPS basically treats us with the same contempt they hold towards the unionized folks, but we have NONE of the union protections
I agree with you 100 percent. TSG techs are treated like union people with none of the protection. Do you think HDFS and PMT would have been shoved at us (TSG) the way it was if we were union? Not at all. I did not enter TSG pro-union but after PMT was released I wished I was. I feel sorry for anyone left in TSG and hope the department wakes up and becomes union.

My last days I walked through the hub and said my goodbyes to union people I worked with as a supervisor. I told them to be happy when they pay their union dues because I wish I had been paying some in TSG. Of course now I don't care because I've got a better job and the thought of still being in TSG brings back bad memories. I could have made it in the management arena if I kissed more ass (and got a 4 year degree), but all in all I'm happier where I'm at and where I can go.

Every day is better than the day before without that brown cloud over my head. I feel like I've added 10 years to my life already... I haven't moved my 401k yet either. With the admin layoffs starting up again in other departments maybe the stock will move to $90, just in time for me to sell.


Well-Known Member
It has been interesting following the posts and comments by our TSG people, nice to see how some professionals use the internet chat forums. As a long time union employee, I could never imagine being without one. It is all about check and balances and leverage, look around and see the employees or employee groups that the company gives a wide berth. Not talking about bad employees, the ones that show up everyday and do a fair days worth of work. I believe it has to do with consequences that could occur if they misuse that authority, in other words making them pay for their mistakes. Sometimes you can get the wrong people in power positions that are not capable of doing the job and resort to intimidation or abuse to get their quotas, afraid alot of them have found this behavior easier to get ahead. This system also applies to lower management dealings with the higher ups, can imagine what we see as the union workforce is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of the loudest protests about unionizing is proceeding out of the mouths of abused supervisors or managers who secretly desire to be in an union.

Always cracks me up when I hear somebody from the management level scream about "personal achievement", like it is totally reserved for non-union workers. Most of you TSG workers had dealings with the union workforce (teamsters), who would you say is somebody who you would like to hang around with. In other words, if you were in a war who would you like to be looking out for your back from the foxhole, fellow management or union, trust is always a big issue. Guessing there is alot more "numbero uno" types in management than the union ranks.

You TSG guys and girls are always a joy to work with, the ones I have know stayed in a locked office and always thought of the old "Pinky and the Brain" cartoon when I walked past. You know the mouse that was always trying to take over the world, also had the feeling that management never did trust you guys as company and you could make most of them appear quite stupid. Could be one of the reasons that they are messing with you.

As far as unionizing, consider the professional work groups that are union (law enforcement, professional pilots, nurses, teachers and many others).
Grant you the unions have their problems, but it does provide protection from ladder climbing management decisions, and any collective barginning in today's age of reducing benefits and looking good on the market is worth considering.



Below the Line
CurrentUPSer said:
UNIONIZATION IS NOT THE ANSWER! Suggesting that organizing a union will stem job losses is ludicrous!....

UPS is one of the greatest organizations in the world. I am very proud to say I work for UPS.
I was, too. I'm still proud to say to say that I worked for UPS. UPS has a good public image.

CurrentUPSer said:
Opportunities are numerous for those that desire to achieve greater heights through higher education and hard work.
In 05/83's TSG Workforce Reduction, zero was the number of opportunities for those of us hired after October 1997.

CurrentUPSer said:
All unionization would do is remove "personal achievement" from the equation and make everyone equal, in the eyes of the union.
Thank you for letting us know you are against equality. I'm not clear about the quotes around "personal achievement" - in this context, it appears to be a euphemism for some sort of favoritism.

CurrentUPSer said:
The only thing that would count is seniority. That I cannot endorse and never will.
The only thing that counted in the TSG Workforce Reduction was seniority. Thank you for making it clear that you do not endorse the TSG Workforce Reduction, and never will.

CurrentUPSer said:
That is what a union will do for you, not save your jobs.
The not-save-your-jobs part is true. The only time I was a union employee (at a summer job, and not a Teamster), my net pay after union dues was equivalent to minumum wage, and I got to pay dues for the remainder of the month when I was laid off. Unions become big institutions, too.

If I were still a TSG employee, I wouldn't put any effort into unionizing. I'd put my efforts into making myself more marketable. I found a lot of demand for technical knowledge and experience in the current job market....