All you techs should grab your balls and quit that dump. It is a mindless do nothing, know nothing, dead end job. If you have any self respect start looking now. Competition out there is fierce so the sooner you start putting your resume out the sooner you will get something better. Just lie your ass off about what you did because if you tell the truth you'll never get hired.
I don't advocate lying, but TSCer has a point. I left UPS (Because of downsizing) in late February. I applied for over 50 jobs and only got a call on a few. I saw a headhunter and was told that I had good skills, but nothing of use to the market. He said what I did was too generic, and while it showed I had strong basic skills, it offered nothing to a prospective employer -- nothing that a guy from Geek Squad or a 2-year technical school couldn't offer for much, much less than I was willing to accept.
I got a job 5 months after leaving. It pays the same, the benefits are the same. I do have many more opportunities for advancement and learning than I had at UPS.
The bottom line is that you gotta decide to either accept everything and stop complaining or do something about it. It is my observation that all the complaints we had at UPS were accurate -- no training, meaningless IT work, reduction of skills -- no AD administration, ghost workstations and servers, etc. PAS deskilled the union hourly -- canned builds, OPIE, and other automated processes are leaving you guys with nothing but hardware skills.
If you stay, and there is another round of layoffs -- take the buyout and move on before you find yourself going from $20-30 an hour to only 12 - $15 an hour.
I'll go so far to say that if you really like techology, and have no plan for management or driving, but plan to retire as a UPS technician, you are foolish -- for the vast majority of remaining technicians, I don't think this will happen. Many years ago they took clerks downsized from the call centers and DI, and made them OMS. If you don't think they cannot take more downsized clerks and make them technology OMS people to do your very job, you are deluded.
I'm not saying UPS is bad, I'm just saying that you are in a job with no future and giving you no skills at the present.
I just found out that one of the best technicians I have ever met, who worked at UPS until being downsized, is working at Geek Squad -- not by choice. He is working there because even the best that UPS had to offer cannot convince a good paying company that he has half the skills he does.
I know that you don't want to hear this type of crap, but it is true. TSCer, at least, knows I am right.
Good luck to you all.