UPS laying off Technical hourly employees


Ok, because our "tech" skills suck so much, here is a nice little feedback letter received yesterday. Seems to me like some people do have good experiences.

To whom it may concern,

Recently, I have had many complication with the ARES Overgoods system. I am an operations supervisor at the Baltimore, Maryland Supervisor facility. Although the problem was persistent (over a week or 2), I was kept up to date, which allowed me to keep my staff and my superiors informed as to how to handle our internal situation in our facility (during one of our busiest times of year). I would like to thank you and your staff for such excellent service, especially (tech name omitted), TSC II, who provided me with much of my information.

Thank you,
Lawrence Acree

Ok so here is a little background on the case.

1.TSG walks in and attempts sets up the new overgoods system (ARES).
2.TSG goes home at end of his shift, never completes installation
3.TSG never tells anyone install never completed
4.Customer calls TSC
5.TSC sends TSG to reinstall ARES
6.TSG calls TSC to complain that he did the install
7.TSC gets ICS involved
8.ICS netops in reinstalls ARES and amazingly it works
9.ICS calls tech an idiot on the phone (I was listening in) and tells them make sure they actually DO their job and not call the TSC to do it for them
10.TSC reports TSG to their supervisor

I am currently waiting for a callback on this from the TSG Sup. I am sure he wont be happy.

The issue here is LAZY TSG's. None of you want to work. You all just
call the help desk and expect them to do your job.

The best part of this is there ARE more layoffs coming and they aren’t in the TSC. The corporate memo I have received states the TSG's are being downsized and replaced with younger people who are there only to be the hands of the TSC. TSC will be taking care of all issues with these new people who are basically just puppets on strings.

Corporate knows where the company is lacking, hence the reason there is now only 1 TSC building full of brown employees and supervisors (90% of the sup's are former TSG's). So i say this,

If we are supposedly "light brown" why are all our supervisors brown ? (former TSG none the less who admit the TSG techs they supervised were idiots, You should hear the **** Gus, David, Tim, and Jason tell us.)

If we are supposedly "light brown" why do we have UPS'ers access and UPS health care packages.

If we are supposedly "light brown" why do I have shares of UPS stock, purchased through the UPS Employee Stock Purchase Program.

If you are all so knowing as to what goes on at the Las Vegas TSC, then why are "WE" being trained to take over the TSG's jobs?

Hmmmm, for people who claim to know a lot about UPS, Id say you all look pretty fuking stupid from where I’m standing.

Ill be the one still at UPS after the TSG's are gone, that’s why I am laughing ha ha ha ha :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

As for the recent changes in the TSC and why there were so many lay-offs. TSC was not following procedure. The old TSC tech's just did anything the customer asked even if it violated "corporate" policy. Corporate is coming down hard now with the TSG's and TSC. They want things done by the book. We received word today that any TSG's that call the TSC have to be reported to corporate immediately, unless they are asking to be escalated to ICS. So keep in mind every call you make to the TSC may count against you when it comes to your next quality review.

As for having the customer create their own S/O through the self service website. That’s fine with us, we have enough call volume coming in too keep our jobs. But keep in mind if there is a SEV 2 or 5 issue they are having and they go to the self service website. They can only make it a 6 or an 8.

If TSG wants to deal with the repercussions of SEV 2 issues not being dealt with right away, hey that’s on you.

Ill have my job in the morning. Question is will you?

So basically you did nothing to resolve this issue. I can see why you would be proud of these hard fought words of praise for your superior babysitting skills!

LV guy, first of all you may be brown. If you are I feel sorry for you because that company is not worth working for. They do not value you now and they never will. Know that.

If you think you are being trained to " take over " TSG jobs and that sounds good to you? I feel sorry for you.

If you have this " corporate memo" you speak of, produce it.

If you think that the old TSC's were all closed because we didnt "follow procedures", I feel sorry for you.

If you believe one word that your MGT team tells you, I feel sorry for you.

And just so you know, all the TSG guys that are still there and you think that you have the best job you can get, I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous Former UPSer

Ok, because our "tech" skills suck so much, here is a nice little feedback letter received yesterday. Seems to me like some people do have good experiences.

To whom it may concern,

Recently, I have had many complication with the ARES Overgoods system. I am an operations supervisor at the Baltimore, Maryland Supervisor facility. Although the problem was persistent (over a week or 2), I was kept up to date, which allowed me to keep my staff and my superiors informed as to how to handle our internal situation in our facility (during one of our busiest times of year). I would like to thank you and your staff for such excellent service, especially (tech name omitted), TSC II, who provided me with much of my information.

Thank you,
Lawrence Acree
<remainder snipped>

Would someone who is still at UPS see if "Lawrence Acree" is in the GAL and send him an email to see if he wrote this? I ask because there are indications that this is a complete fabrication:
- It's addressed "To whom it may concern", yet it somehow was received at LV's call center. As an exercise, have a Sup you know try to send that call center a letter without having a name of someone to send to.
- Where did UPS find a Sup who sends a letter of commendation for taking a week or two to fix a problem? (This must have been a pretty minor problem if he can't remember when it started to have an effect on his operation.)
- How did he know the job title of the name-withheld phone clerk? Did they spend a lot of time on the phone during the week-or-two, just blabbing about their lives? Maybe they already knew each other?

Come to think of it, packageguylv is probably a troll. TSG & TSC were told - in no uncertain terms - that all the TSCs would close and the new operation would not be UPS employees, and that all new employees would staff the new operation - TSC employees could not transfer, etc. They must be calling newbies "TSC II".

If the letter is real, it is a single example. If one happy customer proves the tech skill of TSC, find two people who are happy with something TSG did. TSG will then be proven superior in tech skills, right?

Or I may have misunderstood the words "...because our "tech" skills suck so much, here is a nice little feedback letter received yesterday." Maybe packageguylv is admitting that their tech skills suck, but is pointing out the superior brownnosing ability that causes a Sup to thank them for fixing a problem in under two weeks.


New Member
The TSC's did close and the LV TSC is staffed with new employees from what I have seen when I call into the TSC. They are however UPS employees now. So what we were told when the cuts were announced was false. One more thing that UPS told us that was not true. Go figure!

East Bay TSG

Well ... lets put an end to the TSC / TSG thing right now ....

TSG gets dispatched on "fixable via netop" problems cause corporate doesnt want us fixing it ....

I dispatch to TSG as little as possible ESPECIALLY during software upgrades cause of major friend'ups in the past by TSG, for example ....

"I just rebuilt the DCS workstation and now the DIADS wont upload. I re-uploaded the operating syatem to them and now they are all in a ready state, but they have data in them"

"What software version are the DIADS ?"

"What do you mean ?"

Me:(Frustration building)
"OK, let me ask you this, did you download the information from the DIADS before uploading the Operating system to them ?"

"Was I Supposed to ?"


Package dude, You are the typical keyboard tuff guy. Why don't you go up to TSG in the Las Vegas hubs or your supervisors and tell them to their face how you feel? I'll tell you why - You are probably a bald and lonely 125 pound little guy that is angry at everyone and everything. Stop typing your nonsense here and go to a forum outside of ups.


Its all good!
I just talked with my friend in the next district over, It seems the Region is putting on another A+ class for them to ensure that all remaining technicians who are not A+ certified at this time become certified by the end of the year, That does not sound like something UPS would do if the intended on laying TSG off soon.

One more thing, this is for PACKAGEGAYLV, you state "The corporate memo I have received states the TSG's are being downsized and replaced with younger people who are there only to be the hands of the TSC."

Are we expected to believe you have a memo that states this? Do you really think anybody in Corp. would actually put something like this in writing? Younger people? Boy, that would be one heck of a lawsuit. Do you think if anything even close to this was written in Corp. it would trickle down to your PEON hands?


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Brown Blood Bled Out


At what point will the Gods decide that the company has too many managerial people?

Done... Talking Points will follow.

I don't know where they're going, but they're on their way. (Sort of stole that from Alfalfa of the Little Rascals.)

Always thought I would be a UPS Retiree, but it's a different UPS now.

Anonymous Voice Of Reason

I say give the TSG, TSC, and ICS folks a break. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to go to work every day and get call after call of people demanding that you do exactly what they want when you want it?

It sounds like many of you are complaining about your support staff the same way that you complain about your supervisors/managers. Can't we all just get along?


I just talked with my friend in the next district over, It seems the Region is putting on another A+ class for them to ensure that all remaining technicians who are not A+ certified at this time become certified by the end of the year, That does not sound like something UPS would do if the intended on laying TSG off soon.

One more thing, this is for PACKAGEGAYLV, you state "The corporate memo I have received states the TSG's are being downsized and replaced with younger people who are there only to be the hands of the TSC."

Are we expected to believe you have a memo that states this? Do you really think anybody in Corp. would actually put something like this in writing? Younger people? Boy, that would be one heck of a lawsuit. Do you think if anything even close to this was written in Corp. it would trickle down to your PEON hands?



Try to reverse logic;

UPS never cared to have anyone certified until the year leading up to layoffs. UPS is now doing another round of A+ certs for those who missed it the first time around. Sounds like next year is another round of layoffs.

Companies want people to have a basic level of training so that when they let them go, they 1) can say in the media that they gave the employees something, 2) they don't want you without options and coming back to go postal.

There was a downsizing in the mid 1990's at UPS. I was part if as a management person. We conducted first-ever wide sweeping training for people. Then, we got rid of their jobs. We looked at each other proudly and said what a wonderful thing we did giving them skills to move on.

Just a different opinion, you could be right, though.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree with the "train them and then get rid of them" theory. I worked at the Region 02 TSC...first, they had us all get A+, then it was Network+, and then before maybe half of us got our Network+ they announced the layoffs.

Funny, because when the A+ thing first started we were told that UPS wanted all of their technicians to have certifications because they were planning on having us service outside companies...of course, my first thought was "this is a GOOD thing! It means more work for us, more job stability and more experience by working with other companies' networks!". Well, of course I was wrong as you all know. It's now 8 months later, and I'm still looking for a decent fulltime job.


New Member
It's now 8 months later, and I'm still looking for a decent fulltime job.

LinkedIn: The MySpace for adults - December 1, 2006

LinkedIn: Relationships Matter

"LinkedIn is a very efficient tool when you're trying to target passive candidates, people who aren't actively searching for a job,"

"LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking site, mainly used for professional networking"

I don't know if any of you have checked out this site. It sounds interesting.


Its all good!
Try to reverse logic;

UPS never cared to have anyone certified until the year leading up to layoffs. UPS is now doing another round of A+ certs for those who missed it the first time around. Sounds like next year is another round of layoffs.

Companies want people to have a basic level of training so that when they let them go, they 1) can say in the media that they gave the employees something, 2) they don't want you without options and coming back to go postal.

There was a downsizing in the mid 1990's at UPS. I was part if as a management person. We conducted first-ever wide sweeping training for people. Then, we got rid of their jobs. We looked at each other proudly and said what a wonderful thing we did giving them skills to move on.

Just a different opinion, you could be right, though.

Yes, I thought about that many times and you are probably right, when they cut back on management in January it will make it easier for the new area manager to layoff employees. I think we will get rid of some of the techs and stretch the ones who survive.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree with the "train them and then get rid of them" theory. I worked at the Region 02 TSC...first, they had us all get A+, then it was Network+, and then before maybe half of us got our Network+ they announced the layoffs.

Funny, because when the A+ thing first started we were told that UPS wanted all of their technicians to have certifications because they were planning on having us service outside companies...of course, my first thought was "this is a GOOD thing! It means more work for us, more job stability and more experience by working with other companies' networks!". Well, of course I was wrong as you all know. It's now 8 months later, and I'm still looking for a decent fulltime job.

They're having us service outside companies by laying off their technical people so they can go service outside companies. :)

We all thought the same thing. They're giving us all these free certs so we have a better chance of finding jobs after they lay us off, or they feel like they gave us a little something before throwing us out.


^^ If it makes any TSG in this thread happy (from a guy whos been out of it for 2 years), users are just as retarded at UPS as they are outside the company, maybe even worse. So I hope that makes you feel better.


Its all good!
I hear that the TSC is taking too long to send cases up to the next level so corporate wants the TSG to handle time sensitive cases ASAP so they will incorporate SEV 5's into the self generating service order website.


Well-Known Member
I hear that the TSC is taking too long to send cases up to the next level so corporate wants the TSG to handle time sensitive cases ASAP so they will incorporate SEV 5's into the self generating service order website.

Man, that would be so nice ... I'd start telling all my people to just call me directly and forget about the TSC. I'm so tired of people complaining about it taking 20-45 minutes to get a log turned in for something that needs to be fixed NOW.

Thanks for the info BT


I can't wait for the constant flurry of Sev 5 logs for mapping the L: drive or a printer and the user leaves for the day without any workstation info. Great idea.
Yes, I agree with the "train them and then get rid of them" theory. I worked at the Region 02 TSC...first, they had us all get A+, then it was Network+, and then before maybe half of us got our Network+ they announced the layoffs.

Funny, because when the A+ thing first started we were told that UPS wanted all of their technicians to have certifications because they were planning on having us service outside companies...of course, my first thought was "this is a GOOD thing! It means more work for us, more job stability and more experience by working with other companies' networks!". Well, of course I was wrong as you all know. It's now 8 months later, and I'm still looking for a decent fulltime job.

A+ and Network+ will not get you decent paying IT jobs. That will qualify a person to fix computers at Best Buys.
